Rush Limbaugh: “This One’s For You, Mary Jo”

There is only one more thing I want to say. People that think Rush Limbaugh is "all that" are just not very intuitive. And that can be dangerous.
If I recall the Obama was a doper in college..why in the world would you still be listening to him?:eusa_whistle:

Because there is a big difference between smoking the occasional doobie and being addicted to prescription opiates (the street name for the same pharmacological agent is heroin) to the extent of disregarding the law to get your pills.

In fact, disregard for authority in order to get your "fix" is a hallmark of addiction.

he also took cocaine....why do you still listen to him?

oh yeah, he has a D after his name
Mary Jo was, though.

And which of Tuesday's Senatorial candidates murdered her?

What is with you and straw men?

Keep to the fucking subject, or just make your fucking point.

Terribly sorry, but I simply am not at all interested in you sexually.

I get so tired of pathetic little dweebs who apparently find it physically impossible to just make a point, and instead resort to all sorts of silly tactics which they think make them look intelligent, but which are so trite and boring they just make them look..pathetic.

As to my are either too stupid to get it or want to pretend. Let us remember (those without short term memory loss) that the OP of this thread talks about Rush Limbaugh stating that "This one's for you, Mary Jo" in reference to Tuesday's election. Now....follow along, I'll try to use simple words. What does Tuesday's election have to do with Mary Jo? Is Brown somehow connected to Mary Jo? Is Coakley somehow connected to Mary Jo? Are either Brown or Coakley somehow responsible for what happened to Mary Jo? Why does your Lord and Savior bring up Mary Jo in connection with this election result?

I WILL re-iterate what I've already said at least two times. What appalls me isn't so much the fact that Kennedy got away with it.

Kennedy is dead. And, in case you need to be told this, he was not running for Senator on Tues.

It's that liberals, young liberals, and liberals who were around then, will go to ridiculous lengths to minimize the death of the girl, to say degrading and disgusting things about her if she's brought up (the whole "ghoul" analogy. Believe me, it doesn't make us look bad, it makes you look like the freaks you are.)

Kindly point out where anyone on this thread...or elsewhere...minimized the death of Mary Jo. Be've already been shown willing to LIE about my stance on her murder.

We want to know what bringing up Mary Jo's death has ANYTHING to do with Tuesday's election and how that election was "for Mary Jo". Kindly explain that on for us.

So...what were you saying?

See above, AlliBaabaa.
If I recall the Obama was a doper in college..why in the world would you still be listening to him?:eusa_whistle:

Because there is a big difference between smoking the occasional doobie and being addicted to prescription opiates (the street name for the same pharmacological agent is heroin) to the extent of disregarding the law to get your pills.

In fact, disregard for authority in order to get your "fix" is a hallmark of addiction.

he also took cocaine....why do you still listen to him?

oh yeah, he has a D after his name

I'm guessing that isn't anywhere NEAR as strong as what you are on.
Because there is a big difference between smoking the occasional doobie and being addicted to prescription opiates (the street name for the same pharmacological agent is heroin) to the extent of disregarding the law to get your pills.

In fact, disregard for authority in order to get your "fix" is a hallmark of addiction.

he also took cocaine....why do you still listen to him?

oh yeah, he has a D after his name

I'm guessing that isn't anywhere NEAR as strong as what you are on.

I don't think this was off the cuff, I think it was planned out. I hope Brown does not do an interview with this putz. Fuck him and his ratings grabs.

Rush doesn't do interviews. He doesn't need to. He talks to people privately, watches them publicly, and then shares his views and what he's learned.

He doesn't do ratings grabs, either. Likewise, he doesn't need to. He's top of the heap.

Perhaps you should educate yourself about exactly what it is that Rush does before you light up your ignorance about him for all to see?

Shit! Thanks for pointing that out! I must have been mistaken when I heard him interview Newt Gingrich years ago. Thanks for schoolin me bro. Maybe you should go suck his dick or something, you know you wanna.

"years ago." That's the giveaway.
It isn't a part of his usual MO. In fact, when he came out in the 80s and 90s, that was what set him apart. He had a talk show which does NOT focus on guests but instead is a running commentary during which he shares his knowledge of the political arena and players.
And which of Tuesday's Senatorial candidates murdered her?

What is with you and straw men?

Keep to the fucking subject, or just make your fucking point.

Terribly sorry, but I simply am not at all interested in you sexually.

As to my are either too stupid to get it or want to pretend. Let us remember (those without short term memory loss) that the OP of this thread talks about Rush Limbaugh stating that "This one's for you, Mary Jo" in reference to Tuesday's election. Now....follow along, I'll try to use simple words. What does Tuesday's election have to do with Mary Jo? Is Brown somehow connected to Mary Jo? Is Coakley somehow connected to Mary Jo? Are either Brown or Coakley somehow responsible for what happened to Mary Jo? Why does your Lord and Savior bring up Mary Jo in connection with this election result?

Kennedy is dead. And, in case you need to be told this, he was not running for Senator on Tues.

It's that liberals, young liberals, and liberals who were around then, will go to ridiculous lengths to minimize the death of the girl, to say degrading and disgusting things about her if she's brought up (the whole "ghoul" analogy. Believe me, it doesn't make us look bad, it makes you look like the freaks you are.)

Kindly point out where anyone on this thread...or elsewhere...minimized the death of Mary Jo. Be've already been shown willing to LIE about my stance on her murder.

We want to know what bringing up Mary Jo's death has ANYTHING to do with Tuesday's election and how that election was "for Mary Jo". Kindly explain that on for us.

So...what were you saying?

See above, AlliBaabaa.

Bumping for AllieBaabaa.....Kindly explain the reason for dragging Mary Jo's memory out for Tuesday's election.
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

Well, I've sure heard enough conservatives defend her husband getting 4000 Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

4000 killed. 1 killed. Let me see, that would make the former 4000 times as bad as the latter.

Negligent homicide in both cases.
Well, I've sure heard enough conservatives defend her husband getting 4000 Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

4000 killed. 1 killed. Let me see, that would make the former 4000 times as bad as the latter.

Negligent homicide in both cases.[/QUOTE]

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Hey Rush, this one's for you


Enjoy, you fat fuck!

Actually this was one of the most flattering photos of Rush that I have ever soon! Thanks
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

Well, I've sure heard enough conservatives defend her husband getting 4000 Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

4000 killed. 1 killed. Let me see, that would make the former 4000 times as bad as the latter.

Negligent homicide in both cases.

You are an idiot in the classic sense of the word.
What does Tuesday's election have to do with Mary Jo? Is Brown somehow connected to Mary Jo? Is Coakley somehow connected to Mary Jo? Are either Brown or Coakley somehow responsible for what happened to Mary Jo? Why does your Lord and Savior bring up Mary Jo in connection with this election result?

While I find Limbaugh's comment to be in poor taste...I find it equally pathetic to play dumb in order to draw out a stupid argument to increasingly ridiculous lengths.

Limbaugh mentioned Mary Jo Kopechne because a Republican had just won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. For the first time in decades. And mostly over the issue of healthcare, which was Ted Kennedy's baby. So, in essence, Limbaugh was, I imagine, making the point that the very issue that Ted Kennedy held so dear, and the Democratic party of late, were the very issues that lost his party the senate seat he had held for years and years and that no one really truly believed was in any danger of being lost to a Republican until it happened. Limbaugh was implying that Kopechne...who is probably no fan of Kennedy...would have liked that somehow.

Was it a good point? No. Was it offensive? Perhaps. Was it hard to understand? Not unless you're an idiot or being deliberately obtuse so that you can continue to piss and moan...which are you? Was it worth this much commentary? Absolutely not!
Did you see this? Perfect for this thread, it's by this woman,
"Babe in the Bunker"

I didn't say it first, but I agree wholeheartedly.

"This one's for you, Mary Jo."

Last week's election of Scott Brown to replace Edward Kennedy in the U.S. Senate really was justice delayed for Mary Jo Kopechne, who died at the incompetent hands of the last Kennedy brother on July 18, 1969.

Because of money, family and political connections, Teddy Kennedy left the scene of Mary Jo's drowning in the car he'd been driving and proceeded into a historic run as a fixture in Washington.

This man, who never held a real job in his whole life, found his calling as a U.S. senator, ironically by completing the term of his brother John, who'd been elected president.

When Teddy wanted re-election, he got it – again and again and again – ultimately serving eight full terms. His position in the Senate became "Kennedy's seat," as though it belonged to him. It did, but only because voters re-elected him, as though not to do it would insult the Kennedy name and family.

He spent 46 years in office, his votes and legislation changing the United States from a free country to one that's now careening toward Marxist socialism.

REST of the article: Way to go, Scott!

Did you see this? Perfect for this thread, it's by this woman,
"Babe in the Bunker"

I didn't say it first, but I agree wholeheartedly.

"This one's for you, Mary Jo."

Last week's election of Scott Brown to replace Edward Kennedy in the U.S. Senate really was justice delayed for Mary Jo Kopechne, who died at the incompetent hands of the last Kennedy brother on July 18, 1969.

Because of money, family and political connections, Teddy Kennedy left the scene of Mary Jo's drowning in the car he'd been driving and proceeded into a historic run as a fixture in Washington.

This man, who never held a real job in his whole life, found his calling as a U.S. senator, ironically by completing the term of his brother John, who'd been elected president.

When Teddy wanted re-election, he got it – again and again and again – ultimately serving eight full terms. His position in the Senate became "Kennedy's seat," as though it belonged to him. It did, but only because voters re-elected him, as though not to do it would insult the Kennedy name and family.

He spent 46 years in office, his votes and legislation changing the United States from a free country to one that's now careening toward Marxist socialism.

REST of the article: Way to go, Scott!


The tasteless ghouls support their own here, don't they?
Gotta love all the phoney outrage from people who don't even listen to Rush.

You'll all lambast Rush for making a joke, but had no problem at all turning a blind eye to the actual man who got Mary Jo killed.

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