Rush Limbaugh: “This One’s For You, Mary Jo”

Rush isn't even making sense. Does he realize that if Ted Kennedy had lived on he'd have been re-elected every time, he'd have been the next Strom Thurmond or Robert Byrd?

Why is Rush trying to embarass conservatism, of which he is undeniably a symbol? What is his motive? Or has he just lost it?

He never had it!!!!!
LOL, I've been waiting for someone to drag out Laura Bush's accident all the while they are sitting here preaching to us about how we shouldn't talk about Mary Jo and Kennedy in where he left this poor woman to drown ALONE.
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LOL, I've been waiting for someone to drag out Laura Bush's accident all the while they are sitting here preaching to us about how we shouldn't talk about Mary Jo and Kennedy in where he left this poor woman to drown ALONE.

Well, then. It's certainly Karma that Kennedy lost this Senate race on Tues., isn't it?
LOL, Rush sure knows how to push the lefties buttons..yet Olbermann can say what ever hateful thing he wants about a sitting President, a woman Governor, an incoming state Senator..and all we hear from the left is, So?:eusa_whistle:

Addicts lose significant cognitive function that affects their ability to participate in abstract reasoning.

And yet, you guys still listen to him.

Oh must you resort to such a cheap shot the very week when you should be thinking positive. I wonder what Rush's PC pick would be in the Saints and Vikings game.

Good luck big easy.

I am not worried about my boys. I am also not worried about what Rush's picks are. He knows jack and shit about football.

Another example of Limbaugh's expertise in a field where he has no real experience. He quit the high school football team his sophomore year.
Because there is a big difference between smoking the occasional doobie and being addicted to prescription opiates (the street name for the same pharmacological agent is heroin) to the extent of disregarding the law to get your pills.

In fact, disregard for authority in order to get your "fix" is a hallmark of addiction.

The Obama didn't do the "occasional doobie" he snorted cocaine (which if you recall is still against the law ) along with pot. it's amazing the excuses you can make some and not others, why is that?

Good God!!! Do you know what an addict is?? It is not somebody who did occasional drugs in college.

LOL. I'll assume that was tongue in cheek.
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

Which MA Senatorial candidate did these things, AllieBaaBaa?

Please, tell me it's because you Dumb and not because you are a Troll...


1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

Which MA Senatorial candidate did those things? Brown or Coakley?

Bumping for AllieBaaBaa's reply.
You see? There it is. It's not about caring for Mary Jo K. This has nothing to do with concern for her or her's about dragging her out to push buttons and score points with dittoheads. Thanks for the honesty.

yeah but, the left could use the dead body of Kennedy to try and win a Government seat or to pass a health care bill..that is just ducky your righteous sermons..Kennedy was involved with this woman dying, that ain't' ever going to be erased from his soul, because he never had a soul to begin with.
The only payback for Mary Jo is that Kennedy is finally going to hell where he belongs.

I think this is what is really going on. You guys are going thru early withdrawal symptoms of not being able to mention Kennedy/Mary Jo when talking about Massachusetts and all Democrat Senators. You can't bash Kennedy anymore because he's dead and is now dealing with the Ultimate Judgement over his crime. can't handle not having him to kick around you drag Mary Jo out like some prop....or at least you support a right wing fat ass who is doing the dragging.

BINGO!!!! I guarantee these bag heads couldn't care less about Mary Jo Kopechne.
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

You know, I like Laura Bush. I always have. She made a mistake, as did Ted Kennedy. As for what you said above, you have no idea if anything you said above is true except for the fact that she was a teenager.

And let me tell you something else. Do you think that the parents of that poor dead boy even care?? Would it bring them comfort if they thought that Laura was sober or didn't call the police right away??? Hell no!!!

You bagger people have to stop acting like judge, jury, and executioner. Are you all so perfect?? Let God do his job and shut up. He does not need your input.
1. Laura was a teen at the time
2. Nobody was drinking
3. She didn't leave the scene of the crash while the guy was still alive
4. She didn't hide out for hours before letting the police know
5. If she had, nobody would defend her actions.

You know, I like Laura Bush. I always have. She made a mistake, as did Ted Kennedy. As for what you said above, you have no idea if anything you said above is true except for the fact that she was a teenager.

And let me tell you something else. Do you think that the parents of that poor dead boy even care?? Would it bring them comfort if they thought that Laura was sober or didn't call the police right away??? Hell no!!!

You bagger people have to stop acting like judge, jury, and executioner. Are you all so perfect?? Let God do his job and shut up. He does not need your input.

If they really believed, they'd be comforted in knowing that Kennedy has finally met his Judge in this issue. But apparently saying and actually believing can be two different things...if dead people can be exploited for partisan politics.
Ted Kennedy was not the "little people"...:lol:

Mary Jo was, though.

And which of Tuesday's Senatorial candidates murdered her?

What is with you and straw men?

Keep to the fucking subject, or just make your fucking point. I get so tired of pathetic little dweebs who apparently find it physically impossible to just make a point, and instead resort to all sorts of silly tactics which they think make them look intelligent, but which are so trite and boring they just make them look..pathetic.

I WILL re-iterate what I've already said at least two times. What appalls me isn't so much the fact that Kennedy got away with it. It's that liberals, young liberals, and liberals who were around then, will go to ridiculous lengths to minimize the death of the girl, to say degrading and disgusting things about her if she's brought up (the whole "ghoul" analogy. Believe me, it doesn't make us look bad, it makes you look like the freaks you are.)

So...what were you saying?

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