Rush Limbaugh Gives Young Men Advise Of "when No Means Yes"

Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:
Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Rightwing AM radio bloviator, Rush Limbaugh, is absolutely obsessed with being penetrated from behind. During a recent sit-down with FIXED News’ Sean Hannity, Limbaugh made at least three references “to bend over, grab the ankles.”

Limbaugh, who claims to be straight, was outed by a 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis named Elliot Sanders, who claimed while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders says he and Limbaugh had an affair for about 3 months.

No wonder the rightwing loves him because they are closed like Rush, self loathing

Yeah, we can trust a homosexual to tell the truth about Rush Limbaugh. We all know how much they love Rush.

You're just nothing but a despicable sleaze pedaller. Classic Stalinist-Alinski propaganda technique: if you can't attack the facts or the logic, then attack the person.
Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

That's pretty standard with personalities like Rush. Donald Trump had the same arrangement with his ex-wife. Who wants their ex-wife going around to all the tabloids and telling them the most salacious stuff they can come up with to get a huge check?

what could this woman possibly say that would embarrass Rush?

Oh, yeah, and Trump managed to father kids on some of his wives.
Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

That's pretty standard with personalities like Rush. Donald Trump had the same arrangement with his ex-wife. Who wants their ex-wife going around to all the tabloids and telling them the most salacious stuff they can come up with to get a huge check?

what could this woman possibly say that would embarrass Rush?

Oh, yeah, and Trump managed to father kids on some of his wives.

So Trump isn't a homosexual, but he still found it necessary to have Ivanah agree to a non-disclosure clause in their divorce. What could she possibly say that would embarrass Trump?
No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.
Last edited:
Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.

Rush just happened to forget he was addicted to Oxycoton? So he couldn't disclose this little bit of info eh? You really are fucking stupid.

One thing you can say for Rush. He understood just how fucking stupid many of you right wingers are and he has make a fucking fortune off of YOUR stupidity.

Rush would have been more than happy to be a Democrat for the amount of money he is making. He just couldn't find as many stupid Dem listeners to get the add revenue he wanted.
Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Rightwing AM radio bloviator, Rush Limbaugh, is absolutely obsessed with being penetrated from behind. During a recent sit-down with FIXED News’ Sean Hannity, Limbaugh made at least three references “to bend over, grab the ankles.”

Limbaugh, who claims to be straight, was outed by a 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis named Elliot Sanders, who claimed while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders says he and Limbaugh had an affair for about 3 months.

No wonder the rightwing loves him because they are closed like Rush, self loathing

aaand the Rush Derangement Syndrome is in full bloom with this one.
Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.

Rush just happened to forget he was addicted to Oxycoton? So he couldn't disclose this little bit of info eh? You really are fucking stupid.

One thing you can say for Rush. He understood just how fucking stupid many of you right wingers are and he has make a fucking fortune off of YOUR stupidity.

Rush would have been more than happy to be a Democrat for the amount of money he is making. He just couldn't find as many stupid Dem listeners to get the add revenue he wanted.

There are plenty of stupid dems out there. Its called your base.
Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.

Rush just happened to forget he was addicted to Oxycoton? So he couldn't disclose this little bit of info eh? You really are fucking stupid.

No, he didn't forget it. Why would he disclose it? Have you ever disclosed the fact that you're a chronic masturbator?

One thing you can say for Rush. He understood just how fucking stupid many of you right wingers are and he has make a fucking fortune off of YOUR stupidity.

The reason you hate him so intensely is the fact that he understands how stupid liberals are.

Rush would have been more than happy to be a Democrat for the amount of money he is making. He just couldn't find as many stupid Dem listeners to get the add revenue he wanted.

That has to be one of the dumbest statements ever posted in this forum.
Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.
Gee, "Rumors" were good enough for the Right to accuse Obama, Hillary and anyone else they hate of being homos! Suddenly "Rumors" are not credible enough to call your MessiahRushie a homo.

And then there is his admission of this with his Butt Buddy Bush:

July 25, 2008
RUSH: This happened to me last August. I had dinner up there in the White House. We had cigars in the Treaty Room up in the residence. I told you about this. He spent 45 minutes taking me around the world...
Gee, "Rumors" were good enough for the Right to accuse Obama, Hillary and anyone else they hate of being homos! Suddenly "Rumors" are not credible enough to call your MessiahRushie a homo.

And then there is his admission of this with his Butt Buddy Bush:

July 25, 2008
RUSH: This happened to me last August. I had dinner up there in the White House. We had cigars in the Treaty Room up in the residence. I told you about this. He spent 45 minutes taking me around the world...
You are one strange cookie. Your fixation on the man speaks volumes.
Notice they use being a homosexual in a derogatory way when they want to put someone down?

but that's ok. they are ENTITLED

No, nothing wrong with being gay.

Everything wrong with engaging in homophobia while being in a sham marriage.

Marta Maranda (Fake Wife #3) got a big old divorce settlement if she promised to never talk about their 10 year marriage.

Political commentator, radio host, college drop-out, alleged
closet homosexual, and, as recently revealed, synthetic heroin
drug addict, Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is probably the best
known neocon personality in American radio.

Born in Cape Girardeau, MO, in 1951, Limbaugh spent many of
his formative years pursuing a career in radio.

After using his pilonidal cyst - a congenital birth defect - to
avoid military service in the Vietnam War, Limbaugh briefly
worked for radio stations in Pittsburgh, PA and Kansas City,
MO. Fired from both jobs, he worked as a wiener salesman for
the KC Royals baseball franchise, eventually slithering back into
the radio business.

In 1971 Limbaugh attended Southeastern Missouri University,
where, according to reports, he had a brief but heated affair
with Elliot Sanders. So gay is Limbaugh, guarantees Sanders,
that, "none of his marriages was ever consummated."

Rightwing AM radio bloviator, Rush Limbaugh, is absolutely obsessed with being penetrated from behind. During a recent sit-down with FIXED News’ Sean Hannity, Limbaugh made at least three references “to bend over, grab the ankles.”

Limbaugh, who claims to be straight, was outed by a 46 year old music store owner from the St. Louis named Elliot Sanders, who claimed while a college student at Southeast Missouri University in 1971, he had an affair with Rush Limbaugh. Sanders says he and Limbaugh had an affair for about 3 months.

No wonder the rightwing loves him because they are closed like Rush, self loathing
"Bend over and grab the ankles" is one of his pet phrases, he says it habitually on his show, another is "Butt Boy." He is definitely a catcher!

July 27, 2011
RUSH: They can't make up their mind, Norquist or me, Norquist, Newt's butt-buddy. That's the lingo that passes for reasoned political analysis on PMSNBC.

February 26, 2009
RUSH: "Matt Lauer sounds like Robert Gibbs' 'butt boy,'" Robert Gibbs and Barack Obama's butt boy. Matt, you do. In the sound bite you sounded like a butt boy. You sounded like somebody carrying out orders. You sounded like somebody defending the realm against one of your own colleagues, against one of your own colleagues who's out there simply asking a question about, what the hell are we doing having to pay for people who aren't going to pay their mortgages? Matt, if there were any decency here you'd be siding with Santelli's original point. But you gotta go out and you gotta defend as a "butt boy" for Barack Obama and Robert Gibbs.

March 3, 2009
RUSH: This mindless twit butt boy criticism is not going to drive me outta here.

March 4, 2009
RUSH: Now, get this question. It's a butt boy question.

March 4, 2009
RUSH: Whatever he says the opposite is true. But whatever he says, the sycophants and the butt boys in the media simply repeat. Is that term starting to bother you, Dawn? Dawn is starting to shake her head in there. Well, it may be hysterical, but I can't think of a better way to describe what's going on in that White House pressroom. It's what I've always meant when I've said bend over, grab the ankles, people say, "I don't like that, would you stop saying that so much?" Kathryn said to me, "Gosh, I'm glad you didn't say that at CPAC." I said, "I didn't do it on purpose, half the audience would have got up and tried to do it, just to show what it looks like." Butt boy, that's what happens after you bend over and grab the ankles. How else would you describe what's going on up there?

March 5, 2009
RUSH: Could it be because the Drive-By Media, the butt boy media just swept aside any reference? You gotta let me use it once a day before you criticize me.
Gee, "Rumors" were good enough for the Right to accuse Obama, Hillary and anyone else they hate of being homos! Suddenly "Rumors" are not credible enough to call your MessiahRushie a homo.

And then there is his admission of this with his Butt Buddy Bush:

July 25, 2008
RUSH: This happened to me last August. I had dinner up there in the White House. We had cigars in the Treaty Room up in the residence. I told you about this. He spent 45 minutes taking me around the world...
You are one strange cookie. Your fixation on the man speaks volumes.
Earlier in this thread a DittoTard attacked posters for not listening to your MessiahRushie, and now you attack me for listening. But that is typical of the Right!
Yeah, right. We can trust the ravings of a homosexual about Rush. Homosexuals all love Rush so they would never lie about a thing like that, would they?

BTW, Heroin is synthetic, so the adjective "synthetic" in front of Heroin is redundant. Oxycoton is a morphine based pain killer, just like Codeine and dozens of other variations.

Well I am sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why he was caught illegally smuggling unprescribed viagra on an all male visit to the child prostitution capital of the Americas. :ack-1:

It wasn't illegally prescribed, and hundreds of thousands of people go to the DR to golf or lay on the beach at one of the hundreds of resorts they have there. Donald Trump is building a $billion golf resort there.

You've got nothing but innuendo.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.

Mr "Talent On Loan From God" didn't have enough talent to father a child or keep a wife, but he was caught red handed coming back from the Dominican Republic with a bottle of Viagra. The Dominican Republic is well known for it's child prostitues and Rush's second to last wife, Marta Limbaugh, signed an agreement not to discuss Rush's love for child porn. In fact not only did Rush and Marta not share the same bed, they didn't even share the same house. She lived a few blocks away while they were married, appearantly the marriage was just a sham. And he uses phrases such as "anal exam" or "bend over and grab your ankles" alot. Must be a fantasy.

While Rush was a DJ in Pittsburgh, he was caught cruising the street in town that was known as a happy pick-up area. The allegations go on and on. That doesn't mean they are true, but Rush has lied in the past about himself. He has lost his hearing which is consistent to the addicts of oxy contin.

To those of you who worship him, you're worshipping a pill-popping, Viagra Island Sexxed, woman un-pleasing, happy hypocrite and also a Vietnam War draft dodger (he had a cist on the crack in his butt cheeks, used that to get a medical deferrment).

Wow, what a hero!

This is all liberal manure. "Rumors" aren't worth jack shit to any intelligent person. What you have are accusations by left-wingers. THose are even more worthless.

Rush didn't "lie about himself." He simply didn't disclose he was using Oxycoton.

It couldn't be more obvious that your claims are purely the result of your hatred for the man. The left will do anything to destroy Rush. No one with any brains should believe any of this despicable swill.

Rush just happened to forget he was addicted to Oxycoton? So he couldn't disclose this little bit of info eh? You really are fucking stupid.

One thing you can say for Rush. He understood just how fucking stupid many of you right wingers are and he has make a fucking fortune off of YOUR stupidity.

Rush would have been more than happy to be a Democrat for the amount of money he is making. He just couldn't find as many stupid Dem listeners to get the add revenue he wanted.
Rush Limbaugh's small penis is probably the source of most of his remarks. Not only his sexual insecurity, it would also explain his intense hatred for black folks, he's intimidated by size.

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