Rush is on the side of murderers/torturers/child abducters


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Rush Limbaugh Endorses The Lord’s Resistance Army

I don’t have a really strong view on whether or not it’s advisable to dispatch a small number of US combat troops to help fight the Lord’s Resistance Army. My instinct is to be skeptical. I want to see less military intervention, not more. But Rush Limbaugh’s instinct is to embrace brutal murderers:
Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lord’s Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever heard of Lord’s Resistance Army, Dawn? How about you, Brian? Snerdley, have you? You never heard of Lord’s Resistance Army? Well, proves my contention, most Americans have never heard of it, and here we are at war with them. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. It means God. I was only kidding. Lord’s Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. That’s what the lingo means, “to help regional forces remove from the battlefield,” meaning capture or kill. [...]
Lord’s Resistance Army objectives. I have them here. “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people.” Now, again Lord’s Resistance Army is who Obama sent troops to help nations wipe out. The objectives of the Lord’s Resistance Army, what they’re trying to accomplish with their military action in these countries is the following: “To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive multiparty democracy in Uganda; to see an end to gross violation of human rights and dignity of Ugandans; to ensure the restoration of peace and security in Uganda, to ensure unity, sovereignty, and economic prosperity beneficial to all Ugandans, and to bring to an end the repressive policy of deliberate marginalization of groups of people who may not agree with the LRA ideology.” Those are the objectives of the group that we are fighting, or who are being fought and we are joining in the effort to remove them from the battlefield.
This post is illustrated with a photo of a man who survived a Lord’s Resistance Army machete attack and has the gashes on his head to prove it. You can read more about it courtesy of Human Rights Watch:
LRA forces attacked at least 10 villages, capturing, killing, and abducting hundreds of civilians, including women and children. The vast majority of those killed were adult men, whom LRA combatants first tied up and then hacked to death with machetes or crushed their skulls with axes and heavy wooden sticks. The dead include at least 13 women and 23 children, the youngest a 3-year-old girl who was burned to death. LRA combatants tied some of the victims to trees before crushing their skulls with axes.
The LRA also killed those they abducted who walked too slowly or tried to escape. Family members and local authorities later found bodies all along the LRA’s 105-kilometer journey through the Makombo area and the small town of Tapili. Witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that for days and weeks after the attack, this vast area was filled with the “stench of death.”
I think reasonable people can disagree as to whether or not chasing a relatively small band of depraved mass murderers around central africa is a reasonable thing for American military personel to be doing. But let’s make no mistake—these are depraved mass murderers. And yet Rush Limbaugh is pleased to welcome them as fellow Christian allies.
Rush Limbaugh on Lord's Resistance Army: "Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians"


Human Rights Watch's Ken Roth wrote of the group last fall:
Its cadre often descends on a remote village, slaughters every adult in sight, and then kidnaps the children, some shockingly young -- the boys to become soldiers slinging AK-47s, the girls to serve as "bush wives." Over more than two decades, many thousands have fallen victim to these roving mass murderers.
But Bachmann was too smart to fall into this trap, and instead it was Rush Limbaugh who jumped on the news to attack Obama. Behold:
Lord's Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. ... So that's a new war, a hundred troops to wipe out Christians in Sudan, Uganda, and -- (interruption) no, I'm not kidding. Jacob Tapper just reported it. ...
Lord's Resistance Army objectives. I have them here. "To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people." Now, again Lord's Resistance Army is who Obama sent troops to help nations wipe out. The objectives of the Lord's Resistance Army, what they're trying to accomplish with their military action in these countries is the following: "To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive multiparty democracy in Uganda; to see an end to gross violation of human rights and dignity of Ugandans; to ensure the restoration of peace and security in Uganda, to ensure unity, sovereignty, and economic prosperity beneficial to all Ugandans, and to bring to an end the repressive policy of deliberate marginalization of groups of people who may not agree with the LRA ideology." Those are the objectives of the group that we are fighting, or who are being fought and we are joining in the effort to remove them from the battlefield.
Then, after a break, he (sort of) realizes his mistake:
Is that right? The Lord's Resistance Army is being accused of really bad stuff? Child kidnapping, torture, murder, that kind of stuff? Well, we just found out about this today. We're gonna do, of course, our due diligence research on it. But nevertheless we got a hundred troops being sent over there to fight these guys -- and they claim to be Christians.
It takes your breath away, doesn't it?
I KNEW IT. When I first heard that obama was sending troops to Africa, first think I thought was "He's supporting muslims killing Christians"!

It just follows along with obama telling the Christians in Egypt to show restraint when they are being murdered too.

obama is a muslim through and through right down to killing Jews and Christians whereever they are.
Are we really going to tell the Christians "Defend yourselves but don't hurt anyone while you're doing it"?

Send this MUSLIM back to a country he can be proud of.
I KNEW IT. When I first heard that obama was sending troops to Africa, first think I thought was "He's supporting muslims killing Christians"!

It just follows along with obama telling the Christians in Egypt to show restraint when they are being murdered too.

obama is a muslim through and through right down to killing Jews and Christians whereever they are.
You didn't read either of the stories!!!


What a fucking idiot!
Rush doesn't have his facts straight on this one.
from Wikkilinks:
The Lord's Resistance Army (also Lord's Resistance Movement or Lakwena Part Two) is a sectarian religious and military group, which operates in northern Uganda and South Sudan.

The LRA was formed in 1987 and until about 2007 it was engaged in an armed rebellion against the Ugandan government. It is led by Joseph Kony, who proclaims himself the "spokesperson" of God and a spirit medium, primarily of the Holy Spirit, which the group believe can represent itself in many manifestations.

The group is based on a number of different beliefs including local religious rituals, mysticism, traditional religion, Acholi nationalism and Christianity[4][5][6][7][8][9][10] [11] [12][13] and claims to be establishing a theocratic state based on the Ten Commandments and local Acholi tradition.[14][15][16]

The LRA is accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, abduction, mutilation, sexual enslavement of women and children and forcing children to participate in hostilities.[17]

The group used to operate mainly in northern Uganda and also in parts of South Sudan, Central African Republic and DR Congo. The LRA is currently listed as a terrorist organization by the United States.[18][19]

On October 14, 2011 United States President Barack Obama ordered the deployment of 100 U.S. troops to help regional forces combat the Lord's Resistance Army, saying "I believe that deploying these U.S. Armed Forces furthers U.S. national security interests and foreign policy..." [20]

Wikki links used to have "islam" included in with the base religions of this group. This group works a lot lot any other "radical extremist group"; it targets society's unwanted: homeless, hungry, orphans, young angry people, and it trains them to do the "leader's" will.

I am confused on why this President is intent on starting "wars" in so many different nations while at the same time driving the economy into a giant hole. If he was trying to destroy this country, I cannot imagine him doing anything differently, than he has done and is doing?

Uganda's Child Soldiers (Joseph Kony's Lord's Resistance Army) also has an interesting story about this

The next big story out of Africa: Tanzania's Albino Society has accused the government of turning a blind eye to the killing of albinos, after four deaths in the past three months.
Rush Limbaugh Endorses The Lords Resistance Army

I dont have a really strong view on whether or not its advisable to dispatch a small number of US combat troops to help fight the Lords Resistance Army. My instinct is to be skeptical. I want to see less military intervention, not more. But Rush Limbaughs instinct is to embrace brutal murderers:
Now, up until today, most Americans have never heard of the combat Lords Resistance Army. And here we are at war with them. Have you ever heard of Lords Resistance Army, Dawn? How about you, Brian? Snerdley, have you? You never heard of Lords Resistance Army? Well, proves my contention, most Americans have never heard of it, and here we are at war with them. Lords Resistance Army are Christians. It means God. I was only kidding. Lords Resistance Army are Christians. They are fighting the Muslims in Sudan. And Obama has sent troops, United States troops to remove them from the battlefield, which means kill them. Thats what the lingo means, to help regional forces remove from the battlefield, meaning capture or kill. [...]
Lords Resistance Army objectives. I have them here. To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people. Now, again Lords Resistance Army is who Obama sent troops to help nations wipe out. The objectives of the Lords Resistance Army, what theyre trying to accomplish with their military action in these countries is the following: To remove dictatorship and stop the oppression of our people; to fight for the immediate restoration of the competitive multiparty democracy in Uganda; to see an end to gross violation of human rights and dignity of Ugandans; to ensure the restoration of peace and security in Uganda, to ensure unity, sovereignty, and economic prosperity beneficial to all Ugandans, and to bring to an end the repressive policy of deliberate marginalization of groups of people who may not agree with the LRA ideology. Those are the objectives of the group that we are fighting, or who are being fought and we are joining in the effort to remove them from the battlefield.
This post is illustrated with a photo of a man who survived a Lords Resistance Army machete attack and has the gashes on his head to prove it. You can read more about it courtesy of Human Rights Watch:
LRA forces attacked at least 10 villages, capturing, killing, and abducting hundreds of civilians, including women and children. The vast majority of those killed were adult men, whom LRA combatants first tied up and then hacked to death with machetes or crushed their skulls with axes and heavy wooden sticks. The dead include at least 13 women and 23 children, the youngest a 3-year-old girl who was burned to death. LRA combatants tied some of the victims to trees before crushing their skulls with axes.
The LRA also killed those they abducted who walked too slowly or tried to escape. Family members and local authorities later found bodies all along the LRAs 105-kilometer journey through the Makombo area and the small town of Tapili. Witnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch said that for days and weeks after the attack, this vast area was filled with the stench of death.
I think reasonable people can disagree as to whether or not chasing a relatively small band of depraved mass murderers around central africa is a reasonable thing for American military personel to be doing. But lets make no mistakethese are depraved mass murderers. And yet Rush Limbaugh is pleased to welcome them as fellow Christian allies.

I have been following the LRA for 20 years. They are monsters. They'll cut your feet off for riding a bicycle.

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