Rumsfeld Gets SLAMMED on Meet the Press

nakedemperor said:
This is the definition of "immediate". We're arguing about what he meant by "imminent". Are we not?

OOPS sorry, trying to do too many things at once. Here we go:



Full of danger; threatening; menacing; perilous.

Syn: Impending; threatening; near; at hand.
NE. Instead of wasting your energy on this nitpicky crap, why don't you consider that perhaps the socialism, moral relativism and appeasement mindset of your party are the reasons you lost?
rtwngAvngr said:
Think of it this way: the tallest of three midgets still is not tall in an absolute sense. See?


If you go to the trouble to say "Iraq is the most imminent threat in the world", it MEANS SOMETHING. You only tell us its the MOST imminent if its ACTUALLY imminent.

rtwngAvngr said:
NE. Instead of wasting your energy on this nitpicky crap, why don't you consider that perhaps the socialism, moral relativism and appeasement mindset of your party are the reasons you lost?

Maybe you consider the justifaction for going to war and how it was erronesouly sold to us is 'nitpicky', but us Dems believe in something called "accountability". It means if you fuck up, like if you take "full responsibility" for the Geneva convention being broken, SOMETHING HAPPENS. Instead of....NOTHING.
nakedemperor said:
You think calling the Secretary of Defense on a complete lie is merely being bitter about Kerry losing?

You're right, he lost, I promise never to question anything ever.

It wasn't a complete lie, you just choose to see it that way. I just find it funny that you are bringing up things that have been discussed here literally hundreds of times before. Why do you bring up something that was posted many months ago? Are you going to start dredging up the 'ol GWB awol stories next?
nakedemperor said:
Maybe you consider the justifaction for going to war and how it was erronesouly sold to us is 'nitpicky', but us Dems believe in something called "accountability". It means if you fuck up, like if you take "full responsibility" for the Geneva convention being broken, SOMETHING HAPPENS. Instead of....NOTHING.

Hey "head in sand" boy. Saddam DID have connections to alquaeda. He supported them. Just because you erroneously constrict the argument to only be meaningful if it was an "operational" relationship, doesn't mean that constriction is accurate or logical.

Also Saddam was in violation of 17 or so resolutions, and had kicked out inspectors, and was paying off our alleged allies to do nothing. Your party got it's ass kicked because it refuses to face reality, as do you. You will lose next time too unless you take off your partisan blindfold.
I still don't understand why all the lefties are so upset about the war in the first place. It was and is clear that:
- Saddam had violated 17 UN resolutions dealing with WMDs.
- Everyone in the world (to include Frnace) thought that Saddam had WMDs or WMD programs.
- Saddam was tied to terrorists and terrorism. (Note: never did the Bush administration claim that Saddam was tied to 9/11. But it's the War on Terrorism, not the War on the People Directly Responsible for 9/11, and thus Saddam, having ties with terrorism, was a legitimate target).
- Sanctions were not working the way they should have. Thousands of Iraqi children were dying because Saddam refused to use his Oil-for-Food money for food.
- Saddam was torturing and killing thousands of Iraqis.

Frankly, I think that Bush made the right decision in going to war in Iraq. He will be vindicated when Iraq is a fully-functioning democratic country.
nakedemperor said:

If you go to the trouble to say "Iraq is the most imminent threat in the world", it MEANS SOMETHING. You only tell us its the MOST imminent if its ACTUALLY imminent.


More like Kool-Aid.
nakedemperor said:
Maybe you consider the justifaction for going to war and how it was erronesouly sold to us is 'nitpicky', but us Dems believe in something called "accountability". It means if you fuck up, like if you take "full responsibility" for the Geneva convention being broken, SOMETHING HAPPENS. Instead of....NOTHING.

you keep using the phrase f*** up. I dont think it means what you think it means.

I dont see how one of the most impressive military operations in the history of the world could possibly be a f*** up.
nakedemperor said:
but us Dems believe in something called "accountability". It means if you fuck up, like if you take "full responsibility"

LMFAO!! And the "darling" of the Democratic Party set your standard for accountability. From what America saw, Democrats only believe in "accountability" when it applies to others.

I cannot even believe that after all that Clinton put this country through with HIS denials and shirking of accountability that you can come here and try to lecture Republicans on the virtues of it!

Get a grip, you are SERIOUSLY losing it!!
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nakedemperor said:
You think calling the Secretary of Defense on a complete lie is merely being bitter about Kerry losing?

You're right, he lost, I promise never to question anything ever.

Well I have a question... what is this "the other white meat" shit by your name naked? Is it a sexual connotation of the queer type, implying we should think about your cock?

I find it offending. I think you should change it. I don't like blatant, implied or hidden queer sexual inuendo.
Pale Rider said:
Well I have a question... what is this "the other white meat" shit by your name naked? Is it a sexual connotation of the queer type, implying we should think about your cock?

I find it offending. I think you should change it. I don't like blatant, implied or hidden queer sexual inuendo.

I'm engaged to be married to a woman, Pale. I know you're as sensitive as a daisy when it comes to things even remotely homosexual, but I still think you should try to get over it. It really seems to be all you think about. If you choose to read what I do and say as "gay", that's your choice. Its part of who I am, but its not all of who I am, driving every one of my decisions and choices.

I won't change my signature because its not a blatant, implied, or hidden queer sexual inuendo.


Another child left behind.
Pale Rider said:
I don't believe it son. But that's just me, and if it is true, then maybe there's hope for you after all.

Another queer boy that faced the realization that homosexuality is nothing more than a perverted choice, and has decided to make the "RIGHT" choice.

Don't flatter your repressive, intolerant agenda. I'm bisexual.
Seems John Kerry thought Iraq was a threat also.

So spin these quotes for me NE.

Oct 9, 2002: "I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force-- if necessary-- to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security." Senate Speech

Jan 23, 2003: "Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."

Oct 9, 1998: "We urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs." Letter to President Clinton, signed by Sens. Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others.

John Kerry quotes
Yeah yeah, Al Qaeda connections, democrats thought Iraq was a good idea, yadda yadda, this wasn't the point of my thread, so I can't and won't respond to a dozen varied "Oh yeah, well Kerry..." comments when we're talking about Donald Rumsfeld.

And I guess I don't want to talk about it anymore. It seems that when he said "I never said Iraq was an immediate threat" and then was read the statement "Iraq is the most immediate threat posed of all the terrorist states to American security", you people didn't find the two statements incompatible. Apparently "most immediate threat" to you people means "immediate in relative terms, but not actually immediate". Which, to any person with half a brain, is the most preposterous piece of crap. Ever. If this black and white, clear cut, unbelievably simple contradiction can be scewed by arguing the definition of "most immediate threat" to mean "not necessarily an immediate threat", then it is honestly not at all worthwhile to continue arguing with such pigheaded individuals who won't admit when they're wrong. Ever. And any circumstances. How very frustrating.
nakedemperor said:
How very frustrating.
What's frustrating is you're not reading the whole sentence.
"Iraq is the most immediate threat posed of all the terrorist states to American security"
Of all the terrorist states to American security, Iraq is the most immediate threat posed. Of ALL, Iraq is the most. How hard is that???
And what exactly surprises you about a politican backpedaling on his words?

I thought the big buzz was the word "imminent threat" not immediate threat?
nakedemperor said:
Don't flatter your repressive, intolerant agenda. I'm bisexual.

Thanks for quoting me naked. You carried my second comment on before the ***moderator*** could edit it. Now you've got board ***moderators*** protecting your "bi" agenda. You should be happy.

But truthfully, I could give a rats ass about you or what you do behind closed doors. It doesn't and will never make one bit of difference to me.

Now I wonder what... are we all now your captive audience for you to come here daily and piss and moan, whine and cry, and belly ache about every little piss ant thing you dig up about conservatives? Is crying and whining all you're good at? Don't you damn liberals ever get sick and tired of bitching?

I would LOVE to see ONE constructive thing come from a liberal. ONE!

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