Rules regarding accusations of paedophilia

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all groomers are not pedophiles. What do you call those that are not pedophiles but they support the practice of grooming for pedophiles and others....such as grooming young girls for the sex market. Is pimp? maybe John the proper term.

see here the left media charging the right with the tactic of smearing pedos as well as their supporters with the term 'groomer'. When posters here accuse rightwingers who want no truck with war with Russia, they use the term putin lovers, or similar. THAT is accusing the anti war person as a traitor to this country. The right doesn't generally have a cow over a leftist name calling...but you can count on the leftists delicate sensibilities to be chafed.

now that i think of it....any leftist poster who takes offense at being called groomer, is quite aware of the seriousness of the practice itself and that it is wrong. Wrong. WRONG. Only thing left for them to do is to deny that young kids are being groomed by teachers, school systems, entertainment, gov't, business, and democrats. That's why they must shut down any evidence and any one who says that it is occurring.
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all groomers are not pedophiles. What do you call those that are not pedophiles but they support the practice of grooming for pedophiles and others....such as grooming young girls for the sex market. Is pimp? maybe John the proper term.
We call them radical, leftist, 'woke' teachers.
Hell...there shouldn't be a rule against calling anyone anything.

Because of this very get a wanker like Tommy Taint crying crocodile tears because someone might possibly called him a bad word that he doesn't like... solely to use the power structure to silence the detractors of and agenda he supports...mostly because the detractors tactic is working.

If you can call someone a wanker or a nazi or a fuckchop or a cracker or a should equally be able to call someone a groomer, a pedo or a ****.
That is the way the rules read and they precede me. Are saying you can't possibly refute someone's argument with out resorting to namecalling?
Funny to see folks hit "disagree" when asked to show proof of their allegations. This is we need a pedo rule.
What's funny is how you run around and get all frazzled over people discussions when you don't like the words used.

And I'm not talking about the 'list'.
I thought it was obvious that there is a difference between pointing out quite correctly what a person is supporting and accusing them of actually doing what they support.

Pointing out that somebody is using the phrases much favored by pedophiles is not the same as accusing them of pedophilia. Pointing out that somebody is supporting the sexualization of children is not the same as calling them a pedophile. Pointing out that somebody is employing sophistry to defend pedophilia is not the same thing as calling them a pedophile.
When you do it in such a way as to imply a member is pedo, then yes it is the same thing.

You know this, you've done it before, so stop whining about it. Use that clever educated brain of yours to debate the points rather than trying to find ways to circumvent the pedo rule.

Unfortunately, based on past experience, I anticipate we will be getting encores and variations on this theme for ten years or more.
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Disneys is also code word for pedophile also.

Depends on context. That's what code words do. Depends on whether it's used as proper name -- as in "OK Disney". Probably wouldn't be an issue if used like "Maybe you should go join the professional groomers at Disney".

Just the fact that Disney IS an acknowledged code word now --- shows you how flammable and serious the issue has become.

Not EVEN ruling out that a member might deserve the title as Disney does now. But members dont decide that BY THEMSELVES. If ya got a case with REPEATED SPECIFIC content posted on USMB, the Mod Staff will begrudgingly "judge it". We hate being in that position. but we've done the pedophile identification BEFORE on USMB when the content and assertions left no alternative.

AGAIN -- the beasty, pedo, family prohibitions are there to make members THINK about leaping to the "nuclear option words" reflexively - BEFORE ESTABLISHING any rational case for LEAPING THERE. We'd LOVE to trust that everyone is here to UNDERSTAND "the other side" and what they ACTUALLY SAY -- but that's not the case. Everything in the Mod Room is judged by what they say and ACTUALLY ACTIVELY advocate on the board,


All groomers are not pedos.

Sometimes, quite often obviously, they're just morons supporting the latest narrative. Defending actions that would be undertaken by groomers etc.

We understand why the left hates this so much, although after years of being called Nazis in the same derogatory vein, of which the OP is extremely guilty, I find it laughable that suddenly he is concerned about the use of this sort of loaded pejorative language.

Whiny little bitch.

THere IS a technical diff between groomer and pedo. You might groom Marine recruits to be warriors. Groom is multi-use. The other diff is that CHILD groomers diddle with their BRAINS. While Pedos sexually misuse their bodies. But the SIMILARITY is -- they both STRIP nascent innocence and developing nascent identity and destroy their souls and psyches in the long run.
What's funny is how you run around and get all frazzled over people discussions when you don't like the words used.

And I'm not talking about the 'list'.

We ARE talking about the list. THat's all we're going on. When it comes to elementary school kids -- both pedos and child groomers DESTROY kids lives. And the context in which "groomer" is being used is SPECIFICALLY "CHILD groomers". I'm sure the public ed teachers/admins/"experts" will tell you that they are sex/gender INDOCTRINATING out of "love for young children".

It's not the WORD groomer. It's the CONTEXT. I should have a "macro button" to type that phrase lately.
You have applied yourself in absolutely obsessive ways to defending Pakistani men grooming and raping British children. You celebrate triumphantly when people opposing it are jailed. You call people names if they are outraged by it or point out the inherent nature of Pakistanis selecting British children almost exclusively. You do everything in your power to prop up a status quo of abuse such as exists in the U.K. where the very opposition to these practices is nigh on impossible.

Your stance on the subject of this grooming and sexual abuse is quite clear, and any intelligent and honest poster should be able to see the absolute zealous intensity with which you approach this subject and come to the same conclusion as I.

That does not mean you ARE a pedophile, but you certainly are a steadfast defender of this child predation.

NOT GONNA DO public Inquistions/stonings on USMB. You want to brawl and taunt a SPECIFIC member with "groomer" or pedo -- take the examples/content to MOD STAFF. In this case, since those "nuclear words" are SITE-WIDE prohibited, this should not even spill to the Taunting forums.
Why do pedos and their willing accomplices not face similar moderation for defending and supporting this shit?

If by willing accomplice, you mean "voting the wrong way" or being a super partisan that just likes to trigger and bait Conservatives --- It's because THAT'S NOT THE BAR FOR VIOLATING the rules on USMB. There are SO FEW RULES and only a handful of banned words. You SHOULD be able to find a way to not violate them -- or show mod staff the EVIDENCE for directing them at a member BEFORE you do it and get warned. We'd love to trust EVERYONE'S concept of accomplice. But we kinda let just anyone join here and spout off.
Yup. One of the reasons I quit being a Mod.

If we're gonna do this with a stadium of gawkers -- I know you and I talked about "Tip Line" options very early on.. I know I PULLED it -- Did you? I had the archives all bundled up for them. Wasn't like USMB moderation is prohibited from using those ACTUAL legal options.

We'd do the same thing for violent idiots making SPECIFIC REPEATED threats and posting "the motives and means" of carrying THAT out.
And certainly as bad as the rule that leaves every RUSSIA! hoax thread right where it is dumped, while any and every thread having so much as a whiff of questioning of the '20 election results promptly gets whisked off to the dungeon.

We're not fact -checkers". We go with any news that's "red meat". But when folks are "releasing the Kraken" with not much to back up reports of US special OPs attacking a German industrial park to look for "election hacking" -- sometimes we have to shuffle that off to Conspiracy forum.

It's ALL HERE FOR YOU to push back on -- by the rules of USMB discussion.

Would you prefer we HIRED the fact checkers fresh out of college indoctrination and blamed all our "shadow banning" on our algorithms ? :rolleyes:
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