CDZ Rules for obtaining success in America


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

Why are these rules so hard to follow, and why is it the government's responsibility if one doesn't follow them?

1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

Why are these rules so hard to follow, and why is it the government's responsibility if one doesn't follow them?

I agree! But when your democrat lawmakers restrict the liberties this country gave berth to, and higher the standards of living so high the only option for poor And ordinary is to be walked in to slavery, then many will commit crimes. Many will fall ill to drugs.. end the Soviet Union like laws democrats have placed in our cities
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Many young married couples are choosing not to have families, instead focusing on careers. Its difficult to find the energy for both. A most courageous and we'll thought out choice.
Don't let society define success for the Individual- money and status and material possessions are fluid, fleeting and can be taken, or lost- no one has the right, nor the authority, to tell one when he has achieved success, nor the path (rules) he has to take to get there. The Individual has the right to determine, for himself, what success is, which path he wants to choose and whether or not he has achieved it, or choose yet another path along the way to continue his journey.

A path, predetermined by others, (rules), is the others desire for something, for someone else to call himself being successful- Being happy (which can only be achieved from with in) with who you are and what you have will change your outlook on life making the journey more enjoyable by removing the stress of getting stuff to look successful to others-

Life is a journey not a destination- therefore any achievement is just a step, maybe many, or one of many, on a journey. The longest journey begins with the first step. In life one crawls before walking then learns to run. Not easy, but doable and no rules will change that.
Nothing worth having is easy. Rules, made by others, make it easy to say, well, I followed the rules what happened? When you choose your own path, which presumably you did in agreeing to follow someone else's rules, who/what is at fault?

Rules will be broken. They cannot determine success as one size doesn't fit all.
Many young married couples are choosing not to have families, instead focusing on careers. Its difficult to find the energy for both. A most courageous and we'll thought out choice.

I dont know if I'd call it courageous.
With the Wife and I it was a simple decision. When we hit that age where it had to happen now or never we decided we really didnt want children.
It had nothing to do with money.
Why do you or any one else get to decide what is the proper way of running your own life? if you make mistakes you will either learn from them or pay the price for them. personal liberty use it for your own life not mine.
It's amazingly courageous to the point you should get a tax break for not having kids.
If your "success" involves the state forcing others to provide to you the means of your sustenance, it isn't success.
You don't have the right, nor the authority to back that- if the person relies on the state and the state chooses to use force, it isn't his fault- it's the state's. If the person relying on the state is happy with it then it is a success to him.

The state is causing the problem, always has, always will. Had the person involved not been lied to by the state he would have learned it was his responsibility and if he wasn't capable then private charities are there for a reason. Forced charity is what the state does- not the individual. Remove the state force from the equation and see how quickly attitudes, and success are revisited.
A chronologically legal adult has to assume responsibility for himself. When the state determines it has the authority to absolve responsibility it is acting immorally. It does as I said- makes someone else happy, usually, the writer of the law. That says a lot about law writers who also mandate education standards and likely as not the person, or persons, you're talking about received what little knowledge they have from a state mandated institution of learning, as probably did his/their parents and a good possibility of several generations back. The common denominator is the state. The common problem is the state.
Many young married couples are choosing not to have families, instead focusing on careers. Its difficult to find the energy for both. A most courageous and we'll thought out choice.
That is very sad. But if they aren't committed to giving kids the time and attention they need, then that is the responsible thing to do.
1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

Why are these rules so hard to follow, and why is it the government's responsibility if one doesn't follow them?


If you do these things along with take responsibility for yourself, and have above average intelligence, the odds are overwhelming you will vote Republican.

1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.
This country is full of children that the parents are unable or refuse to provide for, that is why the state steps in.

Raising children is a life changing experience much more so than marriage for those who want to do it well.

Less and less of the self-supporting population want's to take on the role of supporting children financially and emotionally.
Why do you or any one else get to decide what is the proper way of running your own life? if you make mistakes you will either learn from them or pay the price for them. personal liberty use it for your own life not mine.

With which of these rules do you disagree? And are you really willing to let people "pay the price" for not following them?
And are you really willing to let people "pay the price" for not following them?
That's their right to choose in action. Do you purport to have the right, or do you feel entitled, to make choices for others?
1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

Why are these rules so hard to follow, and why is it the government's responsibility if one doesn't follow them?


The first question is which of those rules are actually true.

Not sure why you have #1 contain two completely different 'rules'- don't commit crimes- no disagreement with that in general- but I have been known to go over the speed limit.
As far as not taking drugs- most Americans take drugs every day- mostly alcohol- and succeed just fine. I agree that becoming addicted to drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes can derail success- but I would say that most 'successful' people indulge in a drink or a doobie at least occasionally.
2. Complete your education- what is 'complete'? High school? College?
3. Get a about getting a job and keeping it? I have seen too many who get hired but can't figure out how to show up each day on time.
4. How about not having children unless you are in a stable relationship- or are already financially successful? Frankly being married or not had nothing to do with my success being a father or being gainfully employed- having a partner to share parenthood with did.
1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

Why are these rules so hard to follow, and why is it the government's responsibility if one doesn't follow them?


If you do these things along with take responsibility for yourself, and have above average intelligence, the odds are overwhelming you will vote Republican.

1. Don't commit crimes or take drugs.
2. Complete your education.
3. Get a job.
4. Don't have children if you aren't married.

I don't care if you are married or not.

4. Don't have children until and/or if you can afford them.

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