Rudy is going to have sell his NY apartment

Well, when place your trust in a career criminal, this is what happens to you. You think Rudy is sorry he lied for trump yet?
Under the bus he goes. He's gonna have to sell a lot more than that before it's all done and over.
That's OK, he sold his soul. Money should be just a minor inconvenience for him. :)
He was down at Mar A Lago begging Trumpo for legal fees. How do you think that went?
Trump was probably in the bathroom, pouring over the one or two boxes of documents he managed to hide from investigators.
You know, a little light reading whilst taking a dump and ignoring Rudy's desperate pleas for help.
You see what happens to a trump cult member when he believes in the career criminal? Get smart and leave the cult before he ruins your life
Lol over 90% of daily violence and chaos and bad decisions all come from democrats lol and we are a cult? Yea of Americans

You terrorist lol

Well, when place your trust in a career criminal, this is what happens to you. You think Rudy is sorry he lied for trump yet?
This is pure Lenin. Not only is the target politically persecuted, so is every friend, unless they turn. Every acquaintance, unless they can be a false witness. The hell with Lenin, this goes all the way back to the French Revolution. He's a Papist, off with his head. Didn't Madame eventually get Robespierre? Yes indeed. Democrats the inheritors of the Jacobin crown.

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