Rubio again says NO to deportation. Wants to "accommodate" illegals.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Another rino taking corporate bribes and ignoring the obvious fact that if we simply take away the jobs and freebies we give illegals, they will self deport.

Rubio Urges Against Mass Deportation as Fix to Immigration

Created: 01/29/2016 5:50 PM Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio said Friday that if he is elected president, he will not look to deport 12 million people in the U.S. illegally, and will instead propose solutions to accommodate those who have no criminal record.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Rubio, campaigning in Iowa ahead of the state's leadoff presidential caucuses, said that the realistic approach to America's problems with illegal immigration is to round up only criminals, while finding ways to accommodate the rest.
"We're not going to round up and deport 12 million people," Rubio said, speaking on his campaign bus from eastern Iowa. "Criminals can't stay. Felons, people who are dangerous - they are not staying."

"But we're going to deal with the people that are here," he added.
"We're not going to force it down their throat," he said in the interview, later remarking to journalists: "You have to learn English. You have to pay a huge fine. You have to start paying taxes. You get a work permit. And that's what you'll have for at least 10 years. That's my idea."
Don't you export those future Democrats!!
And that is the ONLY thing the GOP, that the Right mindlessly votes for, has against immigrants, they MIGHT vote for Democrats. Jobs, welfare, etc., mean nothing to the GOP, The Right know it yet they vote for the GOP anyway, the stupid fucks!
"Rubio again says NO to deportation. Wants to "accommodate" illegals."

It is logistically, literally, and legally impossible to 'deport' 12 million undocumented immigrants.

Someone who is undocumented is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering or staying in the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including those undocumented.

Immigration reform would meet the requirement for due process, the fines and penalties those undocumented would sustain can replace such punitive measures as 'deportation,' and successfully address the issue of families comprised of both US citizens and undocumented immigrants.

This unwarranted hostility toward undocumented immigrants is yet another example of the hate and bigotry common to many on the right, their inane fear of change, and their contempt for inclusion and diversity.
Someone who is undocumented is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering or staying in the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including those undocumented.

Sending one home is not always a matter of indicting them of a crime. Nice try, bro.
"Rubio again says NO to deportation. Wants to "accommodate" illegals."

It is logistically, literally, and legally impossible to 'deport' 12 million undocumented immigrants.

Someone who is undocumented is not 'illegal' until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering or staying in the country absent authorization, as all persons in the United States are entitled to due process, including those undocumented.

Immigration reform would meet the requirement for due process, the fines and penalties those undocumented would sustain can replace such punitive measures as 'deportation,' and successfully address the issue of families comprised of both US citizens and undocumented immigrants.

This unwarranted hostility toward undocumented immigrants is yet another example of the hate and bigotry common to many on the right, their inane fear of change, and their contempt for inclusion and diversity.
I don't think it is always a hate/bigotry thing. I know many immigrants and have seen first hand how hard some of them work to make a life, gain citizenship, and save to bring their family's over through the legal process... it isn't quick and it isn't easy. The ones that don't go through that process is a slap in the face to those who do and for those waiting to come in through the legal process.

To put it in simple terms... put yourself in line, now envision a constant flow of people who cut in line hindering your progress... Your frustration is going to build and the injustice of the situation will need to be dealt with. So what do you do with the line cutters?

I sympathize and have love for immigrants, especially the ones coming from poverty to make a better life. It is out of respect to the ones trying to do it in a legal way that I hope we can fix a very messed up system.

As for Rubio and the other front running candidates, they are so focused on winning an election and rallying a base by supporting the polling popular talking points, I think there is a ton of hot air been constantly pumped out of their blowholes. Nothing is real at this point of the process.

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