Rs still trying to control vaginas

According to the medical ethicists and The Netherlands..those arbiters of human population control...there is no difference. Which is why they're okay with "post birth abortion". AKA...killing babies before, during, and after birth.
GOP Spending Bill Aims To Defund Planned Parenthood, Up Abstinence-Only Funds (UPDATE)

No time to fulfill their campaign promises to deliver JOBS cuz they're just too busy making sure women can't get basic health care.
Their bills are being tabled by Harry Reid. He is not allowing any House bills to go through because he can then send out talking points out to party faithful like you to call honorable men names more characteristic of himself than the political enemies he is making for himself with inflammatory speech and online backup like your fine example.
Planned Parenthood likes dead women.

Woman Dies After Abortion at Chicago Planned Parenthood Clinic

Planned Parenthood offered condolences to the family of a woman who hemorrhaged to death following an abortion at one of its Chicago clinics. Twenty-four-year-old Tonya Reaves died July 20 after undergoing what CBS News described as a “cervical dilation and evacuation” abortion procedure in the Planned Parenthood clinic at 18 S. Michigan Avenue.
Baby killers like to pretend that abortion is basic health care.

If you feel that pregnancy is a disease that can be cured by abortion, then abortion is basic health care.

You've never had to have an abortion to save your life, have you?

Never had to make the decision that meant losing the child you had worked and hoped for.

Never watched a loved one fight for her life, never held a cold hand in your own and hoped beyond anything you had ever before experienced that she would survive.

You're a jackass who, like other rw's, doesn't know a damn thing about abortion. Nor do you care. Its just one more button you push ONLY because you can.

Why don't you effing EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Oh, and btw, its STILL NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS so get your nose out of other people's business.
Baby killers like to pretend that abortion is basic health care.

If you feel that pregnancy is a disease that can be cured by abortion, then abortion is basic health care.

You've never had to have an abortion to save your life, have you? Irrelevant fear mongering.

Never had to make the decision that meant losing the child you had worked and hoped for. Irrelevant.

Never watched a loved one fight for her life, never held a cold hand in your own and hoped beyond anything you had ever before experienced that she would survive. What the hell? And irrelevant.

You're a jackass who, like other rw's, doesn't know a damn thing about abortion. Nor do you care. Its just one more button you push ONLY because you can. Ad hominem. And irrelevant.

Why don't you effing EDUCATE YOURSELF. Spastic and off topic.

Oh, and btw, its STILL NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS so get your nose out of other people's business. Incoherent jabber.

Baby killers like to pretend that abortion is basic health care.

If you feel that pregnancy is a disease that can be cured by abortion, then abortion is basic health care.

You've never had to have an abortion to save your life, have you?

Never had to make the decision that meant losing the child you had worked and hoped for.

Never watched a loved one fight for her life, never held a cold hand in your own and hoped beyond anything you had ever before experienced that she would survive.

You're a jackass who, like other rw's, doesn't know a damn thing about abortion. Nor do you care. Its just one more button you push ONLY because you can.

Why don't you effing EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Oh, and btw, its STILL NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS so get your nose out of other people's business.

In your "scholarly" opinion, please provide us with the percentage of medically necessary abourtions as opposed to the number of convenience abortions. Go ahead, we'll wait while you talk some more out of your ass.
Baby killers like to pretend that abortion is basic health care.

If you feel that pregnancy is a disease that can be cured by abortion, then abortion is basic health care.

You've never had to have an abortion to save your life, have you?

Never had to make the decision that meant losing the child you had worked and hoped for.

Never watched a loved one fight for her life, never held a cold hand in your own and hoped beyond anything you had ever before experienced that she would survive.

You're a jackass who, like other rw's, doesn't know a damn thing about abortion. Nor do you care. Its just one more button you push ONLY because you can.

Why don't you effing EDUCATE YOURSELF.

Oh, and btw, its STILL NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS so get your nose out of other people's business.

Okay let's agree. Abortion only when necessary to save the life of the mother. Never to be used for convenience or sex selection.
Noomi thinks abortion is basic health care.

Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.
Noomi thinks abortion is basic health care.

Noomi thinks abortion is basic health care.

Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

You can do that now that you don't have to worry about repeated negs for stupid posts in multiple threads as you follow your target around...

Noomi thinks abortion is basic health care.

Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

Yes, well, the natural consequence of pregnancy is birth.

And the natural consequence of out of wedlock pregnancy is a reduced ability to support one's family.

Those are what we call "consequences". Or, to put it another way..."personal responsibility".

4-letter words to progressive extremists, who think they can butcher their way to economic stability.
Abortion is far from basic health care. If someone truly believes in a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, treat it like any other elective surgery. It's like a nose job or a boob job. Women who have had cancer and need reconstructive breast surgery get those covered by insurance. Women who just want bigger tits have to pay for their own.

No one controls where I go just because the government won't buy me a car. No one controls someone else's reproductive rights just because they aren't getting paid contraception and abortion.

And if women can't afford their abortion you would expect them to give birth, which costs money in medical costs, and then someone has to take care of the kid, but conservatives are against welfare!

Yes, well, the natural consequence of pregnancy is birth.

And the natural consequence of out of wedlock pregnancy is a reduced ability to support one's family.

Those are what we call "consequences". Or, to put it another way..."personal responsibility".

4-letter words to progressive extremists, who think they can butcher their way to economic stability.

So, if someone cannot afford a baby, they just shouldn't have sex?
Well pregnancy is always a risk now, isn't it?

I propose if you aren't prepared for the event, you avoid the activity that has a really good chance of causing it.

I know that will hit you hard. Progressives don't think they should be subject to the laws of nature...and they don't believe women have the intelligence or the character to control their own sexual impulses.

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