Rs still trying to control vaginas

Yes indeed. They're being told that they aren't capable of controlling their bodies, and their children aren't worth living.

And that's every abortion victim. There are millions more who are actually forced into abortions they don't want.

Then of course there's the other aspect of it, the health aspect...when you lie to women to tell them that abortion is "safe" in order to desensitize them to the idea of killing their babies, it's just another form of degradation and devaluation.

You are possibly the most insane lifer I have encountered so far.
That's what you liars always say when confronted with evidence.

It's all about marginalization and propaganda.

It's becoming less and less effective among your targeted population, at least in this country...and as people slowly become aware that you are liars motivated by the desire to kill off poor minority populations.

Did you know that Planned Parenthood in third world countries is butchering women like hotcakes? They've had to scramble pretty quickly to exlain why so many women are dying after botched abortions, if abortion is supposed to represent freedom and health for poor women.
That's what you liars always say when confronted with evidence.

It's all about marginalization and propaganda.

It's becoming less and less effective among your targeted population, at least in this country...and as people slowly become aware that you are liars motivated by the desire to kill off poor minority populations.

Did you know that Planned Parenthood in third world countries is butchering women like hotcakes? They've had to scramble pretty quickly to exlain why so many women are dying after botched abortions, if abortion is supposed to represent freedom and health for poor women.

You are not worth responding to. You ignore every argument you don't like. Like Cecile does.
Nope. We've taken back control of what regressives wanted to use to silence and control us.

Oh really? By referring to women as vaginas?


This is the kind of shit I hate. Women who sell out women's advances for a fucking partisan point - a petty one at that.

Sell-outs are lame.

NOW is the perfect example.

I'm a hell of a lot more than my vagina.


Think...there are a hell of a lot of other issues that take much higher priority with ME than fucking party partisanship.

I'm a hell of a lot more than my vagina.

Then a reasonable person would think you'd be offended at all the recent legislation pushed and passed to control you, through it.

But that would fly in the face of your own "fucking party partisanship."
Why? The recent legislation does nothing to control me. If I want an abortion, I can have one.

In fact, in some states, if I want an abortion - a medical procedure - I am now insured that the abortion will be in a facility that has the same standards as other facilities where medical procedures are performed instead of the filthy shitholes they used to have (in Michigan, for example).
Any woman who gets pregnant against their will, and that's what having an unwanted pregnancy is, has already given up control of their bodies.
Oh really? By referring to women as vaginas?


This is the kind of shit I hate. Women who sell out women's advances for a fucking partisan point - a petty one at that.

Sell-outs are lame.

NOW is the perfect example.

I'm a hell of a lot more than my vagina.


Think...there are a hell of a lot of other issues that take much higher priority with ME than fucking party partisanship.

I'm a hell of a lot more than my vagina.
Then a reasonable person would think you'd be offended at all the recent legislation pushed and passed to control you, through it.

But that would fly in the face of your own "fucking party partisanship."
Why? The recent legislation does nothing to control me. If I want an abortion, I can have one.

In fact, in some states, if I want an abortion - a medical procedure - I am now insured that the abortion will be in a facility that has the same standards as other facilities where medical procedures are performed instead of the filthy shitholes they used to have (in Michigan, for example).

See, this is the sort of lies that people believe that makes them support abortion.

No, abortion clinics aren't held to the same standards as any other clinics.

"Rules and regulations for abortion clinics do not provide guidelines for surgical standards or facilities. By
contrast, ambulatory surgery centers are given extensive guidelines that include an overview of types of
surgeries performed by an ASC, and guidelines for infection control, adequate staffing, security, and
many other specifications to ensure patient safety."

More women die today as a result of abortion procedures as ever died prior to RvW. The myth that they don't is yet another pro-abortion lie.
They don't even have to meet the most basic standards:

The Right to Life Office moved to 2126 Inwood a year ago, and Humbarger said that she has seen "women leaving (the clinic) in apparent discomfort. Moreover, these women were unable to walk unassisted - apparently as the result of having undergone an abortion. These women had to walk down steps and across a parking lot to their vehicles. On each occasion, these women were being physically held up by a (clinic) employee and/or an unidentified person.
"It was obvious their physical condition required being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them because there is no wheelchair ramp."

Humbarger said the complaint is not intended to be petty but to protect women and to ensure that the clinic is held to the same legal standard as churches, businesses and even "gentlemen's clubs." As The News-Sentinel reported in 2006, the opening of the multi-level Shangri-La East on Coliseum Boulevard was delayed after inspectors ordered the installation of an elevator in order to comply with the ADA.
"We care about these women, and the lack of proper care after the procedure is alarming to me," Humbarger said."

Pro-life leader files disability complaint against abortion clinic -
They don't even have to meet the most basic standards:

The Right to Life Office moved to 2126 Inwood a year ago, and Humbarger said that she has seen "women leaving (the clinic) in apparent discomfort. Moreover, these women were unable to walk unassisted - apparently as the result of having undergone an abortion. These women had to walk down steps and across a parking lot to their vehicles. On each occasion, these women were being physically held up by a (clinic) employee and/or an unidentified person.
"It was obvious their physical condition required being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them because there is no wheelchair ramp."

Humbarger said the complaint is not intended to be petty but to protect women and to ensure that the clinic is held to the same legal standard as churches, businesses and even "gentlemen's clubs." As The News-Sentinel reported in 2006, the opening of the multi-level Shangri-La East on Coliseum Boulevard was delayed after inspectors ordered the installation of an elevator in order to comply with the ADA.
"We care about these women, and the lack of proper care after the procedure is alarming to me," Humbarger said."

Pro-life leader files disability complaint against abortion clinic -
I am pro Choice, so we vehemently disagree on that.

However, it is just plain partisan blather and, frankly, partisan sellout of women, to be against having clean standards in abortion facilities.

I was at Purdue for undergrad. My last academic year there I had a roommate who got pregnant. She made the choice to get an abortion and it was through PP that she got it. The closest facility was in Indy. I offered to drive her there. I stayed with her before and after the procedure in the "recovery" room, which was just a lobby-like area with reclining chairs - cloth at that.

I was dumbfounded at the filth in the facility. Cloth chairs after a procedure???? And, no, they put no covers on them. The women who checked on her afterwards were not RNs. They didn't even take her temp or her bp. They just instructed me that we could leave after 30 min and she was just supposed to sit there. They gave her juice.

She was in pain but no one else was. I didn't know if she just had a lower threshold for pain, was being dramatic, or was really in more pain than she needed to be. I informed the person who was "checking" on her and she said a bit of discomfort is normal. I said it was more than discomfort.

Anyway, long story short, we left. On the hour drive back to Purdue, she told me it was disgustingly dirty where they did the procedure. When we got back, her pain increased. The next day it was worse and by the afternoon, her fever was too high for an adult - 102 - so I took her to the ER. She had peritonitis and had to spend several days in the hospital getting IV antibiotics.

A few years later, I lived in Michigan. Again, a friend from grad school had arranged for an abortion for herself and asked me if I would drive her to and from it. She had no complications, thankfully; but again, I was horrified by how disgusting the facility was. Anywhere one goes for a medical procedure, there are standards - cleanliness, medical personnel with certifications and licenses, equipment available in the event of an emergency, etc..

Abortions are medical procedures, and as a person who is pro Choice and will defend a woman's right to make such a choice, I find anyone who is against this to be a sellout to women who DO choose, and selling out for an asinine and nonsensical partisan "point".

It's just retarded. Period.

And, on most things related to this topic, I disagree very vehemently with you. On this? No way.
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Writing in the Journal of Medical Ethics, Alberto Giubilini from the University of Milan and Francesca Minerva from Melbourne University argue that foetuses and newborns “do not have the same moral status as actual persons".
The authors say that killing a newborn baby should be “permissible in all cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled". They add that “the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant".

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists
They don't even have to meet the most basic standards:

The Right to Life Office moved to 2126 Inwood a year ago, and Humbarger said that she has seen "women leaving (the clinic) in apparent discomfort. Moreover, these women were unable to walk unassisted - apparently as the result of having undergone an abortion. These women had to walk down steps and across a parking lot to their vehicles. On each occasion, these women were being physically held up by a (clinic) employee and/or an unidentified person.
"It was obvious their physical condition required being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them because there is no wheelchair ramp."

Humbarger said the complaint is not intended to be petty but to protect women and to ensure that the clinic is held to the same legal standard as churches, businesses and even "gentlemen's clubs." As The News-Sentinel reported in 2006, the opening of the multi-level Shangri-La East on Coliseum Boulevard was delayed after inspectors ordered the installation of an elevator in order to comply with the ADA.
"We care about these women, and the lack of proper care after the procedure is alarming to me," Humbarger said."

Pro-life leader files disability complaint against abortion clinic -
I am pro Choice, so we vehemently disagree on that.

However, it is just plain partisan blather and, frankly, partisan sellout of women, to be against having clean standards in abortion facilities.

I was at Purdue for undergrad. My last academic year there I had a roommate who got pregnant. She made the choice to get an abortion and it was through PP that she got it. The closest facility was in Indy. I offered to drive her there. I stayed with her before and after the procedure in the "recovery" room, which was just a lobby-like area with reclining chairs - cloth at that.

I was dumbfounded at the filth in the facility. Cloth chairs after a procedure???? And, no, they put no covers on them. The women who checked on her afterwards were not RNs. They didn't even take her temp or her bp. They just instructed me that we could leave after 30 min and she was just supposed to sit there. They gave her juice.

She was in pain but no one else was. I didn't know if she just had a lower threshold for pain, was being dramatic, or was really in more pain than she needed to be. I informed the person who was "checking" on her and she said a bit of discomfort is normal. I said it was more than discomfort.

Anyway, long story short, we left. On the hour drive back to Purdue, she told me it was disgustingly dirty where they did the procedure. When we got back, her pain increased. The next day it was worse and by the afternoon, her fever was too high for an adult - 102 - so I took her to the ER. She had peritonitis and had to spend several days in the hospital getting IV antibiotics.

A few years later, I lived in Michigan. Again, a friend from grad school had arranged for an abortion for herself and asked me if I would drive her to and from it. She had no complications, thankfully; but again, I was horrified by how disgusting the facility was. Anywhere one goes for a medical procedure, there are standards - cleanliness, medical personnel with certifications and licenses, equipment available in the event of an emergency, etc..

Abortions are medical procedures, and as a person who is pro Choice and will defend a woman's right to make such a choice, I find anyone who is against this to be a sellout to women who DO choose, and selling out for an asinine and nonsensical partisan "point".

It's just retarded. Period.

And, on most things related to this topic, I disagree very vehemently with you. On this? No way.

I've been in them too.

It's appalling.

And anyone who has been in an abortion clinic's waiting room knows a good portion (perhaps half or more) of those getting abortions are waaaaaayyyyy past the 20 week stage. I've seen women who appeared ready to give birth. More than once. Not waiting for a friend.
B-b-but...they CHOOSE to die!


No, wait, wait, back up....


Oh, no, that won't work....


darnit, give me a sec...I'll come up with something....

Oh yeah...


Any woman who gets pregnant against their will, and that's what having an unwanted pregnancy is, has already given up control of their bodies.

She retains that control during her pregnancy. If she didn't have any control over her body, then she wouldn't have the choice as to whether she gives birth naturally or has a C section, would she?

They don't even have to meet the most basic standards:

The Right to Life Office moved to 2126 Inwood a year ago, and Humbarger said that she has seen "women leaving (the clinic) in apparent discomfort. Moreover, these women were unable to walk unassisted - apparently as the result of having undergone an abortion. These women had to walk down steps and across a parking lot to their vehicles. On each occasion, these women were being physically held up by a (clinic) employee and/or an unidentified person.
"It was obvious their physical condition required being transported in a wheelchair, but that is not available to them because there is no wheelchair ramp."

Humbarger said the complaint is not intended to be petty but to protect women and to ensure that the clinic is held to the same legal standard as churches, businesses and even "gentlemen's clubs." As The News-Sentinel reported in 2006, the opening of the multi-level Shangri-La East on Coliseum Boulevard was delayed after inspectors ordered the installation of an elevator in order to comply with the ADA.
"We care about these women, and the lack of proper care after the procedure is alarming to me," Humbarger said."

Pro-life leader files disability complaint against abortion clinic -

LOL. And you believe everything these insane lifers say? You are deluded!

Writing in the Journal of Medical Ethics, Alberto Giubilini from the University of Milan and Francesca Minerva from Melbourne University argue that foetuses and newborns “do not have the same moral status as actual persons".
The authors say that killing a newborn baby should be “permissible in all cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled". They add that “the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant".

Killing Newborn Babies No Different To Abortion, Say Medical Ethicists

They never meant that. They believe it should be acceptable to kill a newborn baby if it is born severely ill or with a defect - and I agree.
Oh, please tell me they didn't mean what they said again.

I like it when you loons claim that people you admire aren't really saying what they're saying.
What they said is that there is no difference between abortion and killing an infant. It has nothing to do with the reasons for abortion. It has to do with the ethics of both. They say if you can excuse abortion, you must therefore be able to excuse infanticide, and they go on to explain exactly why.

Including why it's okay to kill an infant instead of putting it up for adoption.
What they said is that there is no difference between abortion and killing an infant. It has nothing to do with the reasons for abortion. It has to do with the ethics of both. They say if you can excuse abortion, you must therefore be able to excuse infanticide, and they go on to explain exactly why.

Including why it's okay to kill an infant instead of putting it up for adoption.

And I do not agree with that, but I am not morally outraged like you are.
Oh, please tell me they didn't mean what they said again.

I like it when you loons claim that people you admire aren't really saying what they're saying.

Even if they did mean that, what effect does it have on you?

None on me. I just like to see pro-death professionals admitting that there's no difference between a fetus and a baby, because all the illiterate pro-death boobs HERE maintain there's a huge difference, which is why it's okay to kill a baby before it's born.

I've always said there's no difference. And here we have pro-abortion ethicists agreeing with me.

Oh, that and the fact that it supports my theory that all baby killers are fine with killing ANYONE who they deem not worthy of life, or not sufficiently grateful to be alive, or sufficiently well fed, or sufficiently high functioning.

I like it when baby killers agree with me. Because that is when they admit to being monsters.
Oh, please tell me they didn't mean what they said again.

I like it when you loons claim that people you admire aren't really saying what they're saying.

Even if they did mean that, what effect does it have on you?

None on me. I just like to see pro-death professionals admitting that there's no difference between a fetus and a baby, because all the illiterate pro-death boobs HERE maintain there's a huge difference, which is why it's okay to kill a baby before it's born.

I've always said there's no difference. And here we have pro-abortion ethicists agreeing with me.

Oh, that and the fact that it supports my theory that all baby killers are fine with killing ANYONE who they deem not worthy of life, or not sufficiently grateful to be alive, or sufficiently well fed, or sufficiently high functioning.

I like it when baby killers agree with me. Because that is when they admit to being monsters.

There is a difference between a fetus and a newborn baby and I will not deny that. But the lifers will because they thing that a six week old embryo is identical to a toddler. Now THAT is freaking hilarious.

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