Rough Draft on How Asteroid Mining Can Be Made Economically Feasible


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
First, lets note that a single class S asteroid approximately 100 meters diameter has about $10 trillion in minerals in it, and here is a map showing how many asteroids there are inside Jupiter's orbit.


These are only the asteroids large enough to be seen from Earth, there a thousands times that that are smaller and more easily manipulated.

The rough concept is that we finally achieve low cost Earth to space transport of some means, either a cheap easily re-usable shuttle like the Dragon or a space elevator.

Initially, we would be learning how to do this industry by mining Near Earth Asteroids, of which there are counted more than 10,000 of 1oo meters diameter or more already.

We would have to set up permanent space stations at the Lagrange points 1 and 2 where as much manufacture as possible is done to reduce weight of Earth2Space lift.
These activites would be robot repair, resource refining, forging and smelting and fuel processing from Class C asteroids. Warehousing would be an increasingly important capability as well as communication relay.
At this point the emphasis really is on learning how to do things in space and working out the kinks for such processes.

Then we would build stations at L3, L4 and L5 and set up a counter orbit cargo shuttle route that would greatly speed up transport time as it would use the Earth orbital speed to quicken transport of goods. A great amount of fuel would be used in accelerating and decelerating from orbital speeds to reverse orbital speed, so the Class C asteroid refinement has to be fully capable by this point. The cargo shuttles would stay in continual motion, and would steer the cargo in reverse orbit till it comes to a cargo shuttle from the stations at Earth orbit L1 or L2. Then the E1/E2 cargo shuttle craft would have to speed up to catch the released cargo container, then decelerate it and bring it into the E1 or E2 stations.
For simplicity, I am going to refer to the Lagrange points by their planet orbit initial and then the Lagrange number, so instead of saying Earth orbit Lagrange pnt1, it will be simply E1.

The next expansion would be the Martian orbit stations at M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5, as well as a Martian counter-orbit cargo shuttle route also. It would be adapted from the methods and processes for the mining around NEA's.

The red lines show obsolete return routes from orbits further out to those closer to Earth, and the blue show the new proposed return routes using slow shallow curved vectors to redirect the vessel speed.


Of course, this is just the crudest spitballing, but I think it demonstrates that the enormous wealth and industrial potential for space colonization within the inner planets to the Asteroid Belt.
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First, lets note that a single class S asteroid approximately 100 meters radius has about $10 trillion in minerals in it, and here is a map showing how many asteroids there are inside Jupiter's orbit.

View attachment 413648

These are only the asteroids large enough to be seen from Earth, there a thousands times that that are smaller and more easily manipulated.

The rough concept is that we finally achieve low cost Earth to space transport of some means, either a cheap easily re-usable shuttle like the Dragon or a space elevator.

Initially, we would be learning how to do this industry by mining Near Earth Asteroids, of which there are counted more than 10,000 of 1oo meters diameter or more already.

We would have to set up permanent space stations at the Lagrange points 1 and 2 where as much manufacture as possible is done to reduce weight of Earth2Space lift.
These activites would be robot repair, resource refining, forging and smelting and fuel processing from Class C asteroids. Warehousing would be an increasingly important capability as well as communication relay.
At this point the emphasis really is on learning how to do things in space and working out the kinks for such processes.

Then we would build stations at L3,4 and % and set up a counter orbit cargo shuttle route that would greatly speed up transport time as it would use the Earth orbital speed to quicken transport of goods. A great amount of fuel would be used in accelerating and decelerating from orbital speeds to reverse orbital speed, so the Class C asteroid refinement has to be fully capable by this point. The cargo shuttles would stay in continual motion, and would steer the cargo in reverse orbit till it comes to a cargo shuttle from the stations at Earth orbit L1 or L2. the cargo shuttle craft would ahve to speed up to catch the released cargo container, then decelerate it and bring it in to the E1 or E2 stations.
For simplicity, I am going to refer to the Lagrange points by their planet orbit initial and then the Lagrange number, so instead of saying Earth orbit Lagrange pnt1, it will be simply E1.

The next expansion would be the Martian orbit stations at M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5, as well as a Martian counter-orbit cargo shuttle route also. It would be adapted from the methods and processes for the mining around NEA's.

The red lines show obsolete return routes from orbits further out to those closer to Earth, and the blue show the new proposed return routes using slow shallow curved vectors to redirect the vessel speed.

View attachment 413659

Of course, this is just the crudest spitballing, but I think it demonstrates that the enormous wealth and industrial potential for space colonization within the inner planets to the Asteroid Belt.

Great post: Substantive, thoughtful and for many thought provoking.
Great post ,Thankyou. Its a subject I and others have talked about for years. Its time will come and I hope I will be there to see it.
I once claimed mining rights to outer space once and made it public on the Net. Lawyer told me to establish a permanent structure out there then I would have a legal claim. Not sure it he was serious:)
10 trillion? Chump change compared to what this baby is worth. Saw deGrasse Tyson over the weekend talking about this one!

NASA’s Hubble Telescope Captures a Rare Metal Asteroid Worth 70,000 Times the Global Economy
The metallic rarity is valued at $10,000,000,000,000,000,000.

The primary two problems are the effects of weightlessness and radiation.

Weightlessness can be mitigated by using androids as much as possible and making long term dwelling rotate like O'Neal Cylinders or a giant wheel.

Radiation is mitigated by drugs and magnetic shielding which requires really low levels of power, you might be surprised.
First, lets note that a single class S asteroid approximately 100 meters diameter has about $10 trillion in minerals in it, and here is a map showing how many asteroids there are inside Jupiter's orbit.

View attachment 413648

These are only the asteroids large enough to be seen from Earth, there a thousands times that that are smaller and more easily manipulated.

The rough concept is that we finally achieve low cost Earth to space transport of some means, either a cheap easily re-usable shuttle like the Dragon or a space elevator.

Initially, we would be learning how to do this industry by mining Near Earth Asteroids, of which there are counted more than 10,000 of 1oo meters diameter or more already.

We would have to set up permanent space stations at the Lagrange points 1 and 2 where as much manufacture as possible is done to reduce weight of Earth2Space lift.
These activites would be robot repair, resource refining, forging and smelting and fuel processing from Class C asteroids. Warehousing would be an increasingly important capability as well as communication relay.
At this point the emphasis really is on learning how to do things in space and working out the kinks for such processes.

Then we would build stations at L3, L4 and L5 and set up a counter orbit cargo shuttle route that would greatly speed up transport time as it would use the Earth orbital speed to quicken transport of goods. A great amount of fuel would be used in accelerating and decelerating from orbital speeds to reverse orbital speed, so the Class C asteroid refinement has to be fully capable by this point. The cargo shuttles would stay in continual motion, and would steer the cargo in reverse orbit till it comes to a cargo shuttle from the stations at Earth orbit L1 or L2. Then the E1/E2 cargo shuttle craft would have to speed up to catch the released cargo container, then decelerate it and bring it into the E1 or E2 stations.
For simplicity, I am going to refer to the Lagrange points by their planet orbit initial and then the Lagrange number, so instead of saying Earth orbit Lagrange pnt1, it will be simply E1.

The next expansion would be the Martian orbit stations at M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5, as well as a Martian counter-orbit cargo shuttle route also. It would be adapted from the methods and processes for the mining around NEA's.

The red lines show obsolete return routes from orbits further out to those closer to Earth, and the blue show the new proposed return routes using slow shallow curved vectors to redirect the vessel speed.

View attachment 413659

Of course, this is just the crudest spitballing, but I think it demonstrates that the enormous wealth and industrial potential for space colonization within the inner planets to the Asteroid Belt.
Asteroid mining is impossible at present. The practicality of all mining rest on cost. So if you want nickels that cost a thousand or hundred thousand bucks to bring back to Earth

Ass ter oid mine on
Asteroid mining is impossible at present. The practicality of all mining rest on cost. So if you want nickels that cost a thousand or hundred thousand bucks to bring back to Earth
We have the tech right now to do this with Musk's Dragon capsule and launch facilities, but we just have not developed it.

It is like Thorium Molten Salt Reactors, a perfectly safe power unit that would run on literal dirt from India, lol, and we havent done anything with it yet "for reasons."

We have no facilities in space for long term habitation by humans, we dont know yet what we need to do to mine these asteroids yet, but none of that is a matter of physics or new technology, it is just a matter of engineering it, building it and putting it into space.
Asteroid mining is impossible at present. The practicality of all mining rest on cost. So if you want nickels that cost a thousand or hundred thousand bucks to bring back to Earth
We have the tech right now to do this with Musk's Dragon capsule and launch facilities, but we just have not developed it.

It is like Thorium Molten Salt Reactors, a perfectly safe power unit that would run on literal dirt from India, lol, and we havent done anything with it yet "for reasons."

We have no facilities in space for long term habitation by humans, we dont know yet what we need to do to mine these asteroids yet, but none of that is a matter of physics or new technology, it is just a matter of engineering it, building it and putting it into space.
There is no way to retrieve enough of anything from an asteroid to make the process worthwhile. Whether it can be done is irrelevant.

LOL you think asteroids just hang around where you are waiting to be mined?
There is no way to retrieve enough of anything from an asteroid to make the process worthwhile.
That is the initial state when any new territory is being surveyed and prospected, but that is no reason to not invest the effort.
There is no way to retrieve enough of anything from an asteroid to make the process worthwhile.
That is the initial state when any new territory is being surveyed and prospected, but that is no reason to not invest the effort.
What do you expect to mine from iron Nickle and rock asteroids that would be worth the 1000 dollars a pound to bring it back

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