Rosenstein Is Dead Meat

He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Actually, Trump just sitting back and letting these people display who they really are is good for the country.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Actually, Trump just sitting back and letting these people display who they really are is good for the country.
Well, I think the story "really" is Rosentein either joked about wearing a wire (poor taste) or pretty much shot down any idea. But Trump and his campaign were properly being invesitated for either colluding or being unwitting stooges of Putin ... and Trump's defense is the latter.
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Actually, Trump just sitting back and letting these people display who they really are is good for the country.

good for the country and bad for his jailbird buddies - DOOOOOH !
He bamboozled Sessions into recusing himself from doing his job....getting to the bottom of Russian "collusion" and indicting Hillary and the rest of the Obama cabal of traitors, Barry and Mike included. Instead the President has had to put up with two years of garbage from these rodents. And whether anybody believes McCabe or not, Rod was already on thin ice. There's no way Rosenstein still has a job when Trump returns to the WH tomorrow. Kind of a pity he and the others can't be dealt with the way they all should be....swinging from nooses on the South Lawn.


Shocked he hasn't been fired is Trump waiting on?

Actually, Trump just sitting back and letting these people display who they really are is good for the country.
Well, I think the story "really" is Rosentein either joked about wearing a wire (poor taste) or pretty much shot down any idea. But Trump and his campaign were properly being invesitated for either colluding or being unwitting stooges of Putin ... and Trump's defense is the latter.

Think that, if it gives you comfort. In RealityLand, even Clinton pollster Mark Penn understands what happened:

Well, I think the story "really" is Rosentein either joked about wearing a wire (poor taste) or pretty much shot down any idea. But Trump and his campaign were properly being invesitated for either colluding or being unwitting stooges of Putin ... and Trump's defense is the latter.

If Rosenstein was "joking" how come he brought it up again at a meeting the next day? That's according to the FBI lawyer testimony, not McCabe's.
So since Rosenstein is the one who appointed Mueller, this whole Russia investigation is illegal and some aspects of it probably unconstitutional.

doesnt work like that - nice try tho
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

So your idea of "great American patriots" are crooks, seditionists, traitors, and liars?

Good thing this isn't 1776 and you weren't on our side during the American Revolution. We'd be having tea and crumpets about now.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

Turns out McCabe reported the investigation to the Gang of 8...

If that is true then McCabe is in the clear and so is Rod... Actually they were just doing there job... This is going to kill the Trumpsters. They have a real problem with people defending America.
They were freelancing and outside their jurisdiction....This is known as acting "under color of law", which is a felony, you fucking hack.
How the fuck is investigating possible threat to this country not their jurisdiction.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

So your idea of "great American patriots" are crooks, seditionists, traitors, and liars?

Good thing this isn't 1776 and you weren't on our side during the American Revolution. We'd be having tea and crumpets about now.
Your's is a liar, proven fraud, business cheat, adulterer, woman abuser who lied about his ties with Russia.

But hey, I am an American, what the fuck are you?
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.

So your idea of "great American patriots" are crooks, seditionists, traitors, and liars?

Good thing this isn't 1776 and you weren't on our side during the American Revolution. We'd be having tea and crumpets about now.
If it were the revolution, Trump would be colluding with the British and trashing George Washington.
Rosenstein sounds like a great American patriot to me! So does McCabe! It's their job to protect the country against Russian agents in the White House.
And which Russian agents are you talking about?
Hillary and Obama left years ago. There aren't any known Russian agents left in the WH. Most of them are in Congress now. There's at least 100 card carrying Communists in the Democrat Party now.
Keep up. The FBI opened an investigation on Trump to ascertain whether he was a Russian asset
Horseshit. The opened the investigation so they could stage a coup. They knew he wasn't "colluding" with Russia from the get-go.
bullshit bri your ah has gotten help from the russians Why do his people continue to lie about meeting with russians ?? Are you an American or a FN Russian Trump ass kisser

Bullshit. What "help" did they get? You snowflake numskulls keep saying shit like that, but you haven't produced one iota of proof for it.

What meetings have they lied about?

Accusing your critics of being Russian allies seems to be the latest TDS smear tactic
Trump: " No one from my campaign has had contact with the Russians"

"I have no business activity in Russia"
I guess you are saying he never said those things?

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