Rosenstein DOJ exploring ways to more easily spy on journalists

I don't doubt it.....linky?
great. Trumpeteers hate the media!

let us spy on them

this is where i just have to look at people and go "god damn, you got more stupid than you should have".

what obama did to the media is notorious to anyone who's not got an axe to grind against trump for their own hate. cause if you really hate what trump is doing to the media cause it's a "free media" and all, then how can you excuse all the crap obama did OF WHICH his DOJ is now in court for breaking into and spying on sharyl attkissons computer.

why? cause she broke fast n furious, benghazi bullshit video stories and the like.

but hey - you live to get trump shots in so you don't really care about the rest of the world. THAT is why you got trump as a president.

I believe you need to live in a walled compound. One with armed guards and land mine fields surrounding it.

This way, we can keep society, safe from you
The Patriot Act is an offense to America itself. It needs to be abolished, and along with it Mass Data Collection, and all and any Clinton and Obama appointees need fired, forced to resign or forcibly retired.
Rosenstein seeks to make legal what Obama did illegally during his Presidency.

During his Presidency evidence shows Obama, Clapper, Brennan, and Comey illegally spied in Americans, reporters, the media, U.S. Senators, and even USSC Justices.

Under President Trump, Deputy Director Rosenstein himself knowingly signed FISA warrant paperwork in an act he himself called criminal.

During testimony under oath Rosenstein explains a FISA application is a warrant to spy on someone and must, according to the law, be based on confirmed evidence. Anyone who violates this, he explained, must pay the consequences.

Rosenstein signed the last FISA document knowing it was based on the unverified Russian-authored dossier purchased by Hillary Clinton from the Russians through a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI.

By his own admisdion and explanation of the law, Rosenstein broke the law by engaging in the Conspiracy against Donald Trump. By his own admission and explanation he must pay the consequences for his own crime.

Why does everyone always leave out Steele's Partner in the creation of The Dirty Dossier, Skirpal and his daughter who were attacked with a Chemical Agent in the UK?

Skirpal worked on The Dirty Dossier with Steele and was a Bonafide Russian Spy and Double Agent. He used his contacts in Russia to help develop The Dirty Dossier to be sold to Clinton and Obama to attempt to take down President Trump.

YET, Skirpal gets left out of The Narrative every single time.

He had an attempt on his life and his daughter's life, which in my opinion was done by British Intelligence, or by Steele himself which was an attempt at a cleanup operation and to tie up loose ends. This was then blamed on Russia, which had NO MOTIVE for such an attack.

In my opinion, the attempt to depose President Trump was not an American COUP, it was INTERNATIONAL COUP.

It's like The Media, even on The Right just sweeps The Russian Spy and his role under the rug, and only talk about Christopher Steele.
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The Patriot Act is an offense to America itself. It needs to be abolished, and along with it Mass Data Collection, and all and any Clinton and Obama appointees need fired, forced to resign or forcibly retired.
oh please, get ab grip on reality.

some of the patriot act is needed. some of it sucks.

but if it protects us all from people like you?
No matter how many times you provide DL with facts, evidence, and links, her self-imposed ignorance can not be shaken.

Like Pelosi, she rejects facts.
she did run away like brave sir robin, didn't she?
Here....You guys will like this one...

Thread by @drawandstrike: "Let me tell you what's happening. Mueller's wrapping up in the next couple of months. He's found no real Russian collusion. And with Horowit […]"
no REAL collusion?

Why does everyone always leave out Steele's Partner in the creation of The Dirty Dossier, Skirpal and his daughter who were attacked with a Chemical Agent in the UK?

...and the fact that Steele was communicating with / working with the DOJ's Ohr and with Mueller BEFORE an investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel....AND that Steele - a Trump-hating foreign Spy - was working for the FBI and paid, along with the Russians who provided the unverified Dossier, by Hillary?!
Meanwhile, outside of conspiracy-cult-retard-land, Republican AG nominee Barr just stated he'd jail journalists for reporting anything that "hurt the country". Which we know, by Republican definition, is anything that hurts DearLeaderTrump or TheRepublicanParty.

Analysis | 7 key moments from William Barr’s confirmation hearing
Klobuchar: Would … the Justice Department jail journalists for doing their jobs?

Barr: I can conceive of places where, as a last resort, and a news organization has run through a red flag or something like that … knows that they’re putting out something that could hurt the country. There could be a situation into whether someone could be held in contempt.

Needless to say, you never saw any Democrats proudly stating how they're willing to censor the media by jailing journalists. The two sides are total opposites in that regard. Democrats stand for liberty, Republicans stand for authoritarianism. The Republican policy is that if Stalin did it, they can do it better.

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