
Look up Mandinka on google. I just read about them in Wiki. 99% of Mandinkas are muslim.
Now...add muslim to angry black folks and what do you get in the year 2016?

And in the first episode, it showed Kunta really REALLY wanting to pray to his god. On his mat. Facing east.
And let's all just bypass the slavery underground and all those awful whities risking their lives helping blacks escape.
Gracie brought this up in another thread and disappeared when I told her that Africa had higher education in the past.
I'm sure they did have smarts. But back then, most tribes damn sure were not talking about going to University and riding off in a huff from dad, on an arabian stallion. It's a crock of shit and most know it.

According to what? Your gut feeling?
What they did was make it seem as though africa was not a 3rd world country, and the people of tribes wanted to go to University...whereas most didn't even fucking know what a university is.

Why do you keep saying this? Are you saying Universities didn't exist (they did, its a fact) or that Africans who had University's didn't know what they were (they did) or Africans didn't want to go to them?

You're upset that didnt show Africans living like savages, having morals, education, loyalty etc. For the last 2 or 3 threads on this you've been mad going UNIVERSITIES!!!!

Usually people wait until they experience something before passing judgement. Not the bigot, they already know all they want or need to know to pass judgement.

It's the movie they'll say, but they never saw it so how could they be so angry at the story they missed? Easy...that's bigotry.
Gracie brought this up in another thread and disappeared when I told her that Africa had higher education in the past.
I'm sure they did have smarts. But back then, most tribes damn sure were not talking about going to University and riding off in a huff from dad, on an arabian stallion. It's a crock of shit and most know it.

According to what? Your gut feeling?
According to her ignorance. This is the level of bigotry you get when true information collides with what a racist believes is the truth. It causes cognitive dissonance. She was more content with the fables that taught her all Africans were buck naked savages eating missionaries.
I saw the first one which I thought was good...
I have no interest seeing the reboot or whatever it's called these days.
Gracie brought this up in another thread and disappeared when I told her that Africa had higher education in the past.
I'm sure they did have smarts. But back then, most tribes damn sure were not talking about going to University and riding off in a huff from dad, on an arabian stallion. It's a crock of shit and most know it.
When do you think tribesmen started going to university? 100 years ago? 50? 25? 10? Last year, or just yesterday?

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Amazing how people keep having opinions on something they didn't see.
A movie. Made in hollywood. Did you see first hand the slaves of that time of kunta kinte? Nope.
The movie was not made in Hollywood. Sounds like you're spewing matter out of your backside....again.

It was a labor of love by Will Packer and a few other producers like Levarr Burton.

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Given that TV is not a good source of accurate history, it is not a good idea to watch this show and think that anything you are watching reflects what really happened during the days of slavery.

In the 1930's, when Hollywood was pro-South, slavery was almost always portrayed as a benevolent institution, with happy-go-lucky darkies working for generous and kind-hearted white masters. Gone With The Wind portrayed slavery this way, and the North was portrayed as an evil aggressor for forcibly ending this "civilized" way of life.

The current Hollywood line that all blacks were miserable and beaten, and that all whites were cruel, heartless, abusive taskmasters who mercilessly whipped their slaves, is as much as a lie as the previous pro-slavery portrayal. I'm not saying that slavery is ever a good thing, but exaggerating and lying about slavery does not serve the greater truth, which is that slavery is always wrong even if the masters are trying their best to be good masters, and the slaves are happy in their enslaved condition.

And that's because slavery perpetuates the idea that a human being can ever be legally or morally treated as anything less than a human being, with full human rights, inalienable, endowed by our Creator, and guaranteed in the United States Constitution. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence, written by slave owner Thomas Jefferson, was the death knell of slavery. What it proves is that though the some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they knew it was wrong, and what's more important, they knew that slavery was a violation of everything the American Revolution stood for.

So what Roots is going to offer is "slavery porn." It will show black people getting beaten to an inch of their lives, and white people doing the whipping, and none of it will get us any closer to the answer we seek, which is that all human beings, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, or status as born or unborn, is entitled to full rights under the U.S. Constitution, since we are all fully human and children of God. When Hollywood starts tackling current injustices, like abortion, with the bravery it tackles injustices that have already been resolved, then I will be impressed.
Very well said!

I watched the first episode of what clearly is an opportunistic effort to generate box-office profits while rubbing salt on an old wound and I thought it was a poorly crafted, poorly performed, often absurd waste of time. But I'm sure it will be a hit with a lot of mainly young Blacks who already are indoctrinated with hatred for Whites and undoubtedly will provoke a substantial increase in what already is a serious rate of Black on White crime.

Having read a few very good historical accounts of the slavery era in America and having watched several extremely well-made movies and televised documentaries of that shamefully cruel practice I feel justified in dismissing this amateurish production as comic-book level trash.
What parts of the film did you identify as comic book material? I'm curious to know.

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I don't have any interest in seeing the new one. The first one was excellent, well acted and well written.
This one was also very well acted, and written. Not to mention that the production improved by leaps and bounds. Casting was stellar.

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It sucked. I like Levar Burton, so I was surprised he is one of the producers. It is not factually based and it was poorly done.
The first one was better. And it showed the same amount of violence but without CPG's to enhance the torn backs and shit.
That tribe did NOT prance around on stallions and they damn sure didn't say "university" any more than a zulu warrior wanted to go to Oxford or Shaka Zulu wanted to twerk. It's ludicrous. And NOT a good film. Period.
First one was very good. And closer to actual history. Second one is fantasy land.
I'll be watching the original again soon. Most likely before the month is over. Last time I saw it was early to mid eighties. I was 10 or less. It was an EXCELLENT idea to remake the movie for a new generation and a reminder to the older generations.

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And let's all just bypass the slavery underground and all those awful whities risking their lives helping blacks escape.
Were you watching the WGN show "Underground?" It's excellent. Have you been watching it?

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Did you guys watch it? Did you watch the first one? Which one you prefer? Thoughts?

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I'm glad to see you beat me to this. i initially was not going to watch it but my oldest daughter talked me into it. I thought it was excellent. I liked the first one but I think this most recent one is better. I loved the emphasis on the vibrant West African culture that was already in existence. My daughter remembers me holding up her younger sisters to the stars and was really appreciative of me teaching her what I knew about our African history.
Thanks brother, if I didn't, you would have.

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I watched it a couple of years ago, cuz I bought it on ebay. But then I sold all my vhs tapes and never got around to getting it on dvd. But I will.

The remake is fine and dandy, but they focused more on the evil on BOTH sides...one selling their own, the other buying what should have never been for sale....and not on the many MANY of all colors who helped slaves escaped. Instead, I read at twitter and other boards how evil ALL whites are and for every black person not to forget the white womans role in the evil and make note of it. It pissed me off because that is the message being sent. If they wanted the newer generation to know, then they should have given kudos to the people who died while trying to save the lives of slaves. They didn't. All they wanted to do was try to cause more chaos in this new film.

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