Roombas have been busy mapping our homes, and now that data could be up for sale


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
They are selling this info to burglar gangs, as any fool can see.

Roombas have been busy mapping our homes, and now that data could be up for sale

july 24 2017 Over the past couple of years, Roombas haven’t just been picking up dust and chauffeuring cats around, they’ve also been mapping the layout of your home. Now, Colin Angle, the chief executive of Roomba maker iRobot, has said he wants to sell the data from these maps in order to improve the future of smart home technology.

In 2015, iRobot introduced the Roomba 980, its first Wi-Fi-connected model. This meant that while a Roomba was quietly whirring around your floors, it was also collecting spacial data using visual localization, sensors, and more. This data helps the Roomba figure out how your home is laid out and adjust cleaning patterns on-the-fly to deal with things like moved furniture. But Angle thinks it could be put to use by more devices.

"There's an entire ecosystem of things and services that the smart home can deliver once you have a rich map of the home that the user has allowed to be shared," Angle told Reuters. Angle says that this data won’t be sold without permission, but Reuters says he thinks “most would give their consent in order to access the smart home functions.”
Key phrase --- "as any fool can see". Exactamente.

There's also cameras in your toothbrush. They're not only mapping your mouth --- they're planting tiny little speakers in there so 'they' can control what you say.


Roombas now. Jesush H. CHRIST at a pickle stand.... :cuckoo:
It's spy equipment. Same goes for Smart meters. They started off saying it was optional, they would ask your permission to install a Smart Meter at your home and have moved to sneaking onto homeowner's property while homeowner is not home and installing Smart Meters without permission. The health risks to people who have Smart Meters is very serious and yet they power companies continue unabated. Why? Because it is cutting technology spy equipment and your paying for it every time you pay your electric bill.
Smart Meter Health Complaints – EMF Safety Network
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There's also cameras in your toothbrush. They're not only mapping your mouth --- they're planting tiny little speakers in there so 'they' can control what you say.


HAHAHA. Hey stupid. You just proved to the board you are a paid govt shill.
This thing going on with Roomba is scary AF. I am Roomba user but I guess this one problem ain't getting fixed anytime soon. :eusa_wall::eusa_wall:
Nobody cares about your filthy hovels, you Trump supporting slobs. You can't even afford a Roomba.

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