Ron Paul: Trump's Disastrous Syria Attack...

Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.
US military dominance was never disputed.

Russia didn't enter Syria to confront the US, they did it to confront the US proxy force.

The only thing Trump proved is that he is just another in a long list of puppets to reside in the White House.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

We need to move on past 'Regime Change.' We just don't have the right to make such a demand. We have no business being in Syria. We own just about the entire Middle East. We have Puppets installed all over the region. So Russia and Iran have one country? That represents no threat to the US whatsoever. The US/West rules the Middle East. Syria represents US Empire greed at its worst. We never belonged there.
Last time, TRump wsrned the Russians & we attacked an abandoned air field.

I read where the latest attack hit abandoned buildings.

Who is fooled here?
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

When George W Bushh took out Sasdam, he did Iran the biggest favor of all. Instead of Iran spending money fighting Iraq, its enemy for over 30 years, it now could spend money elsewhere.

Not to mention how the Cheney led Halliburton was in Iran helping them produce oil.

So keep up with your lies about Obama you stupid shit.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

We need to move on past 'Regime Change.' We just don't have the right to make such a demand. We have no business being in Syria. We own just about the entire Middle East. We have Puppets installed all over the region. So Russia and Iran have one country? That represents no threat to the US whatsoever. The US/West rules the Middle East. Syria represents US Empire greed at its worst. We never belonged there.

As you suggest that my post had anything to do with 'regime change,' you have, in effect, retreated from the issue.

I take that as a white flag.

My post was specific and articulate, as always: the bombing was an effective statement of global foreign policy.

You seem unable to respond to same.

'There are many more questions about President Trump’s terrible decision to again make war on Syria. For example, where is Congress? It was disgraceful to see Speaker Paul Ryan telling the President he needs no Congressional authorization to attack Syria. All Members of Congress take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution and the Constitution says that only Congress can declare war. Does that oath mean nothing these days?'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

When George W Bushh took out Sasdam, he did Iran the biggest favor of all. Instead of Iran spending money fighting Iraq, its enemy for over 30 years, it now could spend money elsewhere.

Not to mention how the Cheney led Halliburton was in Iran helping them produce oil.

So keep up with your lies about Obama you stupid shit.

"When George W Bushh (sic) took out Sasdam (sic), blah blah blah...."

I believe these few words illustrate the deficit you have been battling your entire life.

If we could convert your collective IQs into electricity, you might be able to lightly toast a slice of bread. Maybe.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

When George W Bushh took out Sasdam, he did Iran the biggest favor of all. Instead of Iran spending money fighting Iraq, its enemy for over 30 years, it now could spend money elsewhere.

Not to mention how the Cheney led Halliburton was in Iran helping them produce oil.

So keep up with your lies about Obama you stupid shit.

"When George W Bushh (sic) took out Sasdam (sic), blah blah blah...."

I believe these few words illustrate the deficit you have been battling your entire life.

If we could convert your collective IQs into electricity, you might be able to lightly toast a slice of bread. Maybe.

Well to be fair, the poster did make a valid point. Taking Hussein out, opened the door for the Shiites to seize control of Iraq. And they're of course aligned with Shiite Iran. So in effect, Iran was the biggest winner in the Iraq War debacle. It defeated its age-old enemy, and seized power there.
'President Trump will come to regret the day he let the neocons take over his foreign policy. Their track record is abysmal. His attack on Syria was clearly illegal and should his party lose the House in November he may find his new fair-weather friends in the Democratic Party quickly turning foul.'

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack
'President Trump will come to regret the day he let the neocons take over his foreign policy. Their track record is abysmal. His attack on Syria was clearly illegal and should his party lose the House in November he may find his new fair-weather friends in the Democratic Party quickly turning foul.'

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

Again you have proven unable to address my point.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

When George W Bushh took out Sasdam, he did Iran the biggest favor of all. Instead of Iran spending money fighting Iraq, its enemy for over 30 years, it now could spend money elsewhere.

Not to mention how the Cheney led Halliburton was in Iran helping them produce oil.

So keep up with your lies about Obama you stupid shit.

"When George W Bushh (sic) took out Sasdam (sic), blah blah blah...."

I believe these few words illustrate the deficit you have been battling your entire life.

If we could convert your collective IQs into electricity, you might be able to lightly toast a slice of bread. Maybe.
I can't type. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG
I heard this morning Russia will not allow international inspectors in there.

OPCW is in Syria and gearing up to begin inspections on Wednesday. Some of the media are lying.
Yeah, that’s why they are having shots fired preventing them once again from getting in.

The environment is still volatile. It was the UN security team that was shot at. Jaish al Islam has undoubtedly planted more than one explosive device. They are AQ after all and didn't like losing to the Syrian army.

By the way, OPCW was invited by both Syria and Russia to investigate the alleged chemical weapon attack.
I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

When George W Bushh took out Sasdam, he did Iran the biggest favor of all. Instead of Iran spending money fighting Iraq, its enemy for over 30 years, it now could spend money elsewhere.

Not to mention how the Cheney led Halliburton was in Iran helping them produce oil.

So keep up with your lies about Obama you stupid shit.

"When George W Bushh (sic) took out Sasdam (sic), blah blah blah...."

I believe these few words illustrate the deficit you have been battling your entire life.

If we could convert your collective IQs into electricity, you might be able to lightly toast a slice of bread. Maybe.
I can't type. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG

So sorry, RealDumb.....the problem is that you can't think.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

I rarely disagree with you PC but on Syria I will. Obama left jack shit to the Russians. And this Syria strike was based on a false flag operation.

Timelines are everything. After Obama diddled and fiddled around pretending he was fighting ISIS Russia had no choice to become involved in this bloody mess called the Arab Spring which was nothing other than handing the keys of ME to the Muslim Brotherhood and creating multiple Salafist states. Obama's CIA was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to overthrow Assad from the very beginning.

Where do I start? First off there never was a civil war. You don't have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria and financed by the Gulf States and call them rebels. You call it an invasion.

Russia did stay out of the conflict for many a year only becoming involved in September of 2015.

Motive for Putin? Sunni jihadists from Chechnya were the key players in ISIS in Syria. Chechen terrorists also pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Then a second warning from the UN that ISIS was taking over mega territory in Afghanistan and putting ISIS in Putin's back yard so to speak, left Russia no choice but to jump in and fight ISIS in Syria rather than at home.

Bottom line. We in the west had no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad and subject the Syrians to Salafism and Sharia. It boggles the mind that our governments would EVER want to subject anyone to the MB and Sharia.

On the other hand, Russia had a very valid reason to kill off ISIS and al Nusra in Syria rather than on home turf.

These strikes were based on bullshit. The Syrian Army had won Douma back from the terror group Jaish al Islam. Negotiations for a cease fire were already underway.

Assad is no fool. Risk the worlds wrath after winning back the city? Pffffffffffft. He didn't do it.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa

Read more:
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Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

I rarely disagree with you PC but on Syria I will. Obama left jack shit to the Russians. And this Syria strike was based on a false flag operation.

Timelines are everything. After Obama diddled and fiddled around pretending he was fighting ISIS Russia had no choice to become involved in this bloody mess called the Arab Spring which was nothing other than handing the keys of ME to the Muslim Brotherhood and creating multiple Salafist states. Obama's CIA was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to overthrow Assad from the very beginning.

Where do I start? First off there never was a civil war. You don't have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria and financed by the Gulf States and call them rebels. You call it an invasion.

Russia did stay out of the conflict for many a year only becoming involved in September of 2015.

Motive for Putin? Sunni jihadists from Chechnya were the key players in ISIS in Syria. Chechen terrorists also pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Then a second warning from the UN that ISIS was taking over mega territory in Afghanistan and putting ISIS in Putin's back yard so to speak, left Russia no choice but to jump in and fight ISIS in Syria rather than at home.

Bottom line. We in the west had no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad and subject the Syrians to Salafism and Sharia. It boggles the mind that our governments would EVER want to subject anyone to the MB and Sharia.

On the other hand, Russia had a very valid reason to kill off ISIS and al Nusra in Syria rather than on home turf.

These strikes were based on bullshit. The Syrian Army had won Douma back from the terror group Jaish al Islam. Negotiations for a cease fire were already underway.

Assad is no fool. Risk the worlds wrath after winning back the city? Pffffffffffft. He didn't do it.

Good observation. Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by using chemical weapons. It didn't happen. If they were used, they were used by Assad's enemies. The area in question has been controlled by US/Western-backed Jihadis for years. They wouldn't have any problem using chemical weapons on civilians.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

I rarely disagree with you PC but on Syria I will. Obama left jack shit to the Russians. And this Syria strike was based on a false flag operation.

Timelines are everything. After Obama diddled and fiddled around pretending he was fighting ISIS Russia had no choice to become involved in this bloody mess called the Arab Spring which was nothing other than handing the keys of ME to the Muslim Brotherhood and creating multiple Salafist states. Obama's CIA was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to overthrow Assad from the very beginning.

Where do I start? First off there never was a civil war. You don't have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria and financed by the Gulf States and call them rebels. You call it an invasion.

Russia did stay out of the conflict for many a year only becoming involved in September of 2015.

Motive for Putin? Sunni jihadists from Chechnya were the key players in ISIS in Syria. Chechen terrorists also pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Then a second warning from the UN that ISIS was taking over mega territory in Afghanistan and putting ISIS in Putin's back yard so to speak, left Russia no choice but to jump in and fight ISIS in Syria rather than at home.

Bottom line. We in the west had no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad and subject the Syrians to Salafism and Sharia. It boggles the mind that our governments would EVER want to subject anyone to the MB and Sharia.

On the other hand, Russia had a very valid reason to kill off ISIS and al Nusra in Syria rather than on home turf.

These strikes were based on bullshit. The Syrian Army had won Douma back from the terror group Jaish al Islam. Negotiations for a cease fire were already underway.

Assad is no fool. Risk the worlds wrath after winning back the city? Pffffffffffft. He didn't do it.

Good observation. Assad had absolutely nothing to gain by using chemical weapons. It didn't happen. If they were used, they were used by Assad's enemies. The area in question has been controlled by US/Western-backed Jihadis for years. They wouldn't have any problem using chemical weapons on civilians.

Jaish al Islam has a track record of using chemical weapons on the Kurds. It's unreal that we back AQ and its offshoots in Syria.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

I rarely disagree with you PC but on Syria I will. Obama left jack shit to the Russians. And this Syria strike was based on a false flag operation.

Timelines are everything. After Obama diddled and fiddled around pretending he was fighting ISIS Russia had no choice to become involved in this bloody mess called the Arab Spring which was nothing other than handing the keys of ME to the Muslim Brotherhood and creating multiple Salafist states. Obama's CIA was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to overthrow Assad from the very beginning.

Where do I start? First off there never was a civil war. You don't have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria and financed by the Gulf States and call them rebels. You call it an invasion.

Russia did stay out of the conflict for many a year only becoming involved in September of 2015.

Motive for Putin? Sunni jihadists from Chechnya were the key players in ISIS in Syria. Chechen terrorists also pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Then a second warning from the UN that ISIS was taking over mega territory in Afghanistan and putting ISIS in Putin's back yard so to speak, left Russia no choice but to jump in and fight ISIS in Syria rather than at home.

Bottom line. We in the west had no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad and subject the Syrians to Salafism and Sharia. It boggles the mind that our governments would EVER want to subject anyone to the MB and Sharia.

On the other hand, Russia had a very valid reason to kill off ISIS and al Nusra in Syria rather than on home turf.

These strikes were based on bullshit. The Syrian Army had won Douma back from the terror group Jaish al Islam. Negotiations for a cease fire were already underway.

Assad is no fool. Risk the worlds wrath after winning back the city? Pffffffffffft. He didn't do it.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Actually, Obama did cede the field to the Russians.

"US and Russia Reach Agreement on Plan to Rid Syria of Chemical Weapons"
US and Russia Reach Deal on Syria Chemical Weapons

Russia didn't, and Obama didn't care.

His verification of the plan was as his verification of Iran's ending their nuclear program.

These are two errors that Trump needs to reverse, and the Syria attack was a warning to all parties concerned.
Preach on Good Doctor.

'If Syria really had sarin and other chemical weapons factories, does it make sense for the US to bomb the buildings and risk killing thousands by widely disbursing the poisons? Does it make sense to risk killing Syrian civilians with chemical weapons in retaliation for allegations that the Syrian government killed civilians with chemical weapons? No, it seems more like the phony “mobile WMD labs” we were told that Saddam Hussein had constructed'...

Trump’s Disastrous Syria Attack

I haven't seen this noted in the calculation as to whether this bombing of Syria was a net positive for Trump, but consider this from the Syrian side:

After all the promises by Putin and Russia, after all the defenses and troops sold and sent to the Middle East, which can be boiled down to "we'll protect you,"......

....Trump just proved to all of Russia's client-states, that they couldn't protect them from an angered United States.

Syria never attacked the US. It isn't a threat to the US at all. The Regime Change policy is illegal, and needs to be ended. We have no right dictating to all nations who their leaders will be. It represents awful Empire arrogance. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned against. They knew very well that all Empires fall. They themselves defeated one to create our nation.

It is a gross error on your part to restrict your view to Syria alone.

Hussein Obama made two abysmal errors
a. in leaving the field to Russia
b. in being the number one funder of the psychotics who run Iran

The slap at Syria is felt by both Russia and Iran.

It is a forceful and well designed foreign policy by an administration that needs to solve the errors of the previous administration.

I rarely disagree with you PC but on Syria I will. Obama left jack shit to the Russians. And this Syria strike was based on a false flag operation.

Timelines are everything. After Obama diddled and fiddled around pretending he was fighting ISIS Russia had no choice to become involved in this bloody mess called the Arab Spring which was nothing other than handing the keys of ME to the Muslim Brotherhood and creating multiple Salafist states. Obama's CIA was working with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to overthrow Assad from the very beginning.

Where do I start? First off there never was a civil war. You don't have Sunni jihadists from over 80 countries pouring into Syria and financed by the Gulf States and call them rebels. You call it an invasion.

Russia did stay out of the conflict for many a year only becoming involved in September of 2015.

Motive for Putin? Sunni jihadists from Chechnya were the key players in ISIS in Syria. Chechen terrorists also pledged their allegiance to ISIS. Then a second warning from the UN that ISIS was taking over mega territory in Afghanistan and putting ISIS in Putin's back yard so to speak, left Russia no choice but to jump in and fight ISIS in Syria rather than at home.

Bottom line. We in the west had no freaking business trying to overthrow Assad and subject the Syrians to Salafism and Sharia. It boggles the mind that our governments would EVER want to subject anyone to the MB and Sharia.

On the other hand, Russia had a very valid reason to kill off ISIS and al Nusra in Syria rather than on home turf.

These strikes were based on bullshit. The Syrian Army had won Douma back from the terror group Jaish al Islam. Negotiations for a cease fire were already underway.

Assad is no fool. Risk the worlds wrath after winning back the city? Pffffffffffft. He didn't do it.

ISIS opens a new front on Europe's doorstep: Chechan jihadi group with 'up to 15,000' fighters pledge allegiance to terror horde
  • Leader of terror group known as Caucuses Emirate declared loyalty to ISIS
  • 'We need to unite... so we can cut off the heads of the infidels,' he has said
  • Group operates in Russian republics of Chechnya, Daghestan, Ingushetia
  • It has killed hundreds in deadly terror attacks on Russian soil since 2007
  • Eight million already live in ISIS territory across MIddle East, north Africa

Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

Actually, Obama did cede the field to the Russians.

"US and Russia Reach Agreement on Plan to Rid Syria of Chemical Weapons"
US and Russia Reach Deal on Syria Chemical Weapons

Russia didn't, and Obama didn't care.

His verification of the plan was as his verification of Iran's ending their nuclear program.

These are two errors that Trump needs to reverse, and the Syria attack was a warning to all parties concerned.

Good grief! That's not ceding the field to the Russians. And the Syria attack was based on a false flag operation.
You are brainwashed fool experiencing false memories. Lay off the kool-aid, jackass.

Nah, it's a real memory. Go back and check it out yourself.
I remember that disinformation all over the media.

You not only drank the kool-aid, you are propagating crude, defamatory anti-USA disinformation.

Iraq never attacked the US. It was never a threat to the US. Bush did lie to get support for that horrific quagmire. It is what it is.
You Saddam Hussein apologists are always making these bizarre unsupported claims.

You idiots never provide evidence to support your blather.

Don't give a shite about Saddam Hussein. I'm not defending him. I'm concerned with my Government. And Bush did lie us into that bloodbath. Iraq was absolutely no threat to the US.
Hussein apologists are always saying that crap, yet they never back it up. Do you have any evidence to back up your bizarre claims?

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