Ron Paul thinks victims of sexual harrassment are to blame.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Quote "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser can not be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?"
Freedom Under Siege 1987, Ron Paul

He says there should not be any federal laws to protect people from such behavior.You need a link.
He thinks they should have their vaginas removed and their faces mutilated so they are not attractive I guess.
Yeah, fuck... who needs that shit... there's plenty of opportunity out there... oh wait....

That's right, I keep forgetting... People have families to feed, keep roofs over their heads and a fucked up privatized health care system to deal with... yep, so easy to just "change jobs". Hmmmmm... wait a second.... maybe THAT'S why people can't seem to get ahead... two incomes needed to do practically anything...sometimes three, kids, rent/mortgage, utilities, transportation, food...ect... Fuck, no wonder people can't just "pick themselves up by the bootstraps" as easily as suggested on here...

Thanks Gramps... you just solidified the issues that Progressives are concerned most about.
Liberals cant take care of themselves so they need big brother to monitor, manage, and control everyone else.

The marketplace will take care of the sexual harassment. No firm is going to tolerate it, they are not going to 'welcome sexual harassment'. They are however going to be able to drop the insurance they have against being sued for that sort of thing.

Its called overhead, redtape. It protects big business and sends small to bankruptcy.
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According to the Washington Post Paul has accomplished the following:

Submitted 620 proposals

Of those only 4 made it to debate

And only one of those made it into law, HR 2121 in 2009
And that law was to sell a house to a historical society.

1 out of 620 and he wants us to believe he can lead? This proves that his presidency, were he to somehow win, would be a lame duck. The man is ineffective.
I actually have to hand this one to Paul. Don't like where you work? Quit.

What does liking your job have to do with sexual harassment?

On a side note this is just more proof that a successful Paul presidency would lead our country down a path of anarchy.
1987? Really?

You do remember that in the 1980s and 90s there were a rash of "harassment" suits litigated simply because most companies would rather pay cash to the "victim" rather than fight the accusation right?

Oh wait, many of you weren't even born before 1987.

Please, can we concentrate on what is relevant to today?
Quote "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser can not be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem?"
Freedom Under Siege 1987, Ron Paul

He says there should not be any federal laws to protect people from such behavior.

I've seen people fired for Sexual Harrassment for the most bullshit reasons, because companies are so afraid of lawsuits.

This is a really stupid area of law, and franly, we'd all be better off if it were gotten off the federal books.
1987? Really?

You do remember that in the 1980s and 90s there were a rash of "harassment" suits litigated simply because most companies would rather pay cash to the "victim" rather than fight the accusation right?

Oh wait, many of you weren't even born before 1987.

Please, can we concentrate on what is relevant to today?

I was born in the 60's son. And the issue is completely relevant as Paul was questioned about it today on the Sunday shows and he stands behind the position. To me it speaks volumes about his character. Women are clearly subservient to Paul.

Fuck Ron Paul.

In his 1987 manifesto "Freedom Under Siege: The U.S. Constitution after 200-Plus Years," Paul wrote that AIDS patients were victims of their own lifestyle, questioned the rights of minorities and argued that people who are sexually harassed at work should quit their jobs.
"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."

In early book, Rep. Ron Paul criticized AIDS patients, minority rights and sexual harassment victims – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Republicans are always against women's rights.

This is not a women's rights issue, this is an issue of liberty from government for everyone. If a woman is worried about being harassed then she shouldn't rely on big .gov to hold her hand. She should dress more modestly, go to her boss, change employers etc.

There are stil plenty of other laws to protect the women. Sexual assault is not being targeted here, Rape is not being targeted. What is being targeted is the idea that the government can manage what everyone says and does at work. You cannot give a group of people special rights without taking from someone else.
Do you want more of the same or change? I'm sure they would have passed if they were crappy bills that screwed all of us.

Electing Paul would be more of the same.....ineffective leadership.

I haven't heard any of the elected politicians talking about ending the Feds(private bank) control of the American economy, ending foreign welfare, stopping the fiat money system and a whole list of other issuses.
From your link:
"The individual suffering from AIDS certainly is a victim - frequently a victim of his own lifestyle - but this same individual victimizes innocent citizens by forcing them to pay for his care," Paul wrote.
Correct. Civil Liberty comes with Personal Responsibility.
It's dangerous to craft a separate set of rights for groups like Hispanics, African-Americans, children, employees and the homeless, Paul wrote. "Until all these terms are dropped and we recognize that only an individual has rights the solution to the mess in which we find ourselves will not be found," Paul explained.
Martin Luther King would agree.
Paul also defended the rights of an individual to "control property and run his or her business as he or she chooses," without interference from "the social do-gooder."
In a passage first flagged by the Houston Chronicle in 2007, Paul then claimed that sexual harassment should not be a violation of one's employment rights.
"Employee rights are said to be valid when employers pressure employees into sexual activity," Paul wrote. "Why don't they quit once the so-called harassment starts? Obviously the morals of the harasser cannot be defended, but how can the harassee escape some responsibility for the problem? Seeking protection under civil rights legislation is hardly acceptable."
Employees still have rights, they just don't need special ones. And by responsibility he's taking about the responsibility of the employee to bring it to managements attention before they go looking for multi million dollar jackpots.

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