Ron Paul Question

Interesting choice of words.

No, Ron Paul won't be president. But the massive and hardcore support for Ron Paul is a clear signal of forces that aren't going away. America is turning into a Third-World Multiracial Empire. Not everyone is thrilled. Consider yourself warned.

Here is a website designed to help you deal with your anger. Don't be afraid, there are millions like you, and there is hope.
It's just really interesting that around election time people scream that we need someone who is going to make some actual changes. In my opinion our government could use one massive audit and start from scratch. RP is closest we are gonna get to that. It will pretty much be status quo where the front runners on either side our concerned.

Jillian you haven't posted anything of substance that comes close to explaining why RP is a not a qualified candidate. You say he'll mess stuff up, but haven't explained what or why or what is going to be so great about whom ever you are supporting. Your main stumping point against RP remains he's supported by racists which 1) hasn't even been shown to be accurate and 2) even if true has nothing to do with what he would actually do if elected.
It's just really interesting that around election time people scream that we need someone who is going to make some actual changes. In my opinion our government could use one massive audit and start from scratch. RP is closest we are gonna get to that. It will pretty much be status quo where the front runners on either side our concerned.

Jillian you haven't posted anything of substance that comes close to explaining why RP is a not a qualified candidate. You say he'll mess stuff up, but haven't explained what or why or what is going to be so great about whom ever you are supporting. Your main stumping point against RP remains he's supported by racists which 1) hasn't even been shown to be accurate and 2) even if true has nothing to do with what he would actually do if elected.

Actually, his support by racists HAS been shown to be accurate. Go back and find Kathianne's stuff.

I do believe I have every right to disagree with him, no?

Actually, his support by racists HAS been shown to be accurate. Go back and find Kathianne's stuff.

I do believe I have every right to disagree with him, no?


do you really believe that all the candidates don't have racist supporters ?
for many this whole interventionist foreign policy is perpetrated through racism...why don't you just say what you really mean you don't like his policy on would never support a candidate that held those view's and argue that position instead of your racist spin bullshit
Actually, his support by racists HAS been shown to be accurate. Go back and find Kathianne's stuff.

I do believe I have every right to disagree with him, no?


You do. You just haven't given any legitimate reasons as to why. Reasons you have given so far have been either irrelevant as far as RP himself is concerned or pure opinion based on nothing really.

I haven't decided who I want to vote for yet and just hope RP is still around come November. Of course I'm not going to vote for a dem but the Rep front runners don't get me real excited either. Not for any real change anyway. So if you have LEGITIMATE reasons as to why RP would be bad for the country, say so. Reasons you have given so far either aren't legitimate or are unsubstatiated.

Supported by racists? Well as eots said, so is probably every other candidate and who his supporters is should not be taken as an accurate reflection of his character. What exactley are you so bent out of shape over racists supporters for (if they actually exist in droves as you claim)? A return to segregation perhaps?

You have stated his foreign policy would be bad, but haven't stated why and isn't you lefties who want us out of Iraq so badly? RP is your best chance of that happening.
Actually, his support by racists HAS been shown to be accurate. Go back and find Kathianne's stuff.

I do believe I have every right to disagree with him, no?


So lets see the evidence. Please enlighten us. Just you saying he is the most appealing candidate to racists doesn't make it so.
So lets see the evidence. Please enlighten us. Just you saying he is the most appealing candidate to racists doesn't make it so.

You're late to the discussion, hon. I really can't be bothered to go over and over this issue. One of the board members, Kathianne, already posted everything you'd ever want to know about Ron Paul and his appeal to the skinhead neo-nazi types. Now, if there were any danger RP would be president, I'd find it more imperative to bring out this stuff. As it stands, it's a non-issue. I really find the evangelizing on this issue by the Paulies annoying though.

But then again, most zealots are.

So why don't you just ask our board nazi, WJ, why he loves RP so much. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to tell you.
You're late to the discussion, hon. I really can't be bothered to go over and over this issue. One of the board members, Kathianne, already posted everything you'd ever want to know about Ron Paul and his appeal to the skinhead neo-nazi types. Now, if there were any danger RP would be president, I'd find it more imperative to bring out this stuff. As it stands, it's a non-issue. I really find the evangelizing on this issue by the Paulies annoying though.

But then again, most zealots are.

So why don't you just ask our board nazi, WJ, why he loves RP so much. I'm sure he'll be more than happy to tell you.

If you can't defend your position just say so. I have gone back two months of posts Kathianne has started and there is nothing about Ron Pauls suppossed racism.

So humor us you tell us why Ron Paul is such a racist (because by claiming he is supported by racistists that's really what you really implying). Try actually defending the position that he would be a bad president. Cause up to this point you haven't despite repeatedly saying you have. Just don't give us this cop out, chicken shit load of crap that you don't have time to say something you claim you've already said (which you haven't). If your life was that busy you wouldn't be on message board in the first place.


Just for kicks I went through about a weeks worth of your posts from most recent to the 24th. You are officially full of shit as to your claim that you have ad nauseum stated why RP would not be a good President. You have said things like his foreign policy is naive or this policy or that policy would be 'disastrous' and such. You haven't backed any of that up however with any type of evidence at all.
If you can't defend your position just say so. I have gone back two months of posts Kathianne has started and there is nothing about Ron Pauls suppossed racism.

So humor us you tell us why Ron Paul is such a racist (because by claiming he is supported by racistists that's really what you really implying). Try actually defending the position that he would be a bad president. Cause up to this point you haven't despite repeatedly saying you have. Just don't give us this cop out, chicken shit load of crap that you don't have time to say something you claim you've already said (which you haven't). If your life was that busy you wouldn't be on message board in the first place.


Just for kicks I went through about a weeks worth of your posts from most recent to the 24th. You are officially full of shit as to your claim that you have ad nauseum stated why RP would not be a good President. You have said things like his foreign policy is naive or this policy or that policy would be 'disastrous' and such. You haven't backed any of that up however with any type of evidence at all.

She can't back it up. Neither can anyone else, that's why they're trying to smeer him on the racism issue.

She doesn't like his domestic policy because she's a liberal, and RP's policy is very conservative. He's got the only record that actually PROVES that, too.

She doesn't like his foreign policy, because she thinks we should be policing the world, but she doesn't have the slightest clue how we're going to continue paying for that without completely bankrupting this nation.

In times like these, there are still people who think we can afford Entitlements AND our current foreign policy. It's fucking AMAZING to me.

Bury those heads in that sand, people. Don't come knocking on MY door for food and water when your dollar isn't good for anything else but toilet paper. You were warned about it enough.
. . . He'd be the worst possible thing to happen to this country, not just because of himself, but because of the people who support him and who would be emboldened.

IMO the worst thing would be to move even further away from the authority of the US Constitution. Pretty soon the .gov will be able to do as they please and the illusion of balance will be destroyed.

I am personally not worried. I can live off the land. Which means that if I have to, I can actually avoid the worst of it. Problem is that I have a freaking hero complex so I would feel obligated to do something.

That would really screw with my BBQ, Beer, Internet, and Shop time.
IMO the worst thing would be to move even further away from the authority of the US Constitution. Pretty soon the .gov will be able to do as they please and the illusion of balance will be destroyed.

I am personally not worried. I can live off the land. Which means that if I have to, I can actually avoid the worst of it. Problem is that I have a freaking hero complex so I would feel obligated to do something.

That would really screw with my BBQ, Beer, Internet, and Shop time.

pegwinn you can be pretty cool sometimes
ron paul will run as a indpendent if he dosent win the nomination. unless the systems of control bring in bloomberg and nader to take enough of those votes to make victory impossible...just my opinion of course

If he does so run independently, he will only screw over the Republican nomination,...therefore a stinking Democrat will then become president. Hate to say it, but I feel that Ron Paul has no chance.
McCain cant beat Hilary....Paul can

I am not being sarcastic, but how do you really see this? I cannot fathom any way or means of Ron Paul having success outside of getting a good amount of funds via the internet.
I am not being sarcastic, but how do you really see this? I cannot fathom any way or means of Ron Paul having success outside of getting a good amount of funds via the internet.

Well WHY do you think he is the only candidate that gets this kind of massive grassroots support? It's because the people who support him actually BELIEVE in him, as opposed to the people who just vote for "the lesser of two evils." You have a choice this election, do something different or back to business as usual. Pray America makes the right choice.
pegwinn you can be pretty cool sometimes

Thanks. It's a little known fact that back in the day I was Arthur Fonzarelli's mentor. And, when Snoopy needed help with the whole Joe Cool thing... well I took some time off to lend a hand.
Well WHY do you think he is the only candidate that gets this kind of massive grassroots support? It's because the people who support him actually BELIEVE in him, as opposed to the people who just vote for "the lesser of two evils." You have a choice this election, do something different or back to business as usual. Pray America makes the right choice.

What you call "grassroots" I simply call "people under 20 years old". I know that you can gather some facts of the elders who want him in, but in general, isn't enough. I wanted Fred Thompson but knew he couldn't do it, and I feel it is time to realize the same for Ron Paul. Good luck though.
What you call "grassroots" I simply call "people under 20 years old". I know that you can gather some facts of the elders who want him in, but in general, isn't enough. I wanted Fred Thompson but knew he couldn't do it, and I feel it is time to realize the same for Ron Paul. Good luck though.

We shall see about Ron Paul, and I wish you luck as well.
I am not being sarcastic, but how do you really see this? I cannot fathom any way or means of Ron Paul having success outside of getting a good amount of funds via the internet.

Without him and his support, the GOP is screwed. You think maybe it's time the GOP starts making some kind of concession to him, or what?

Is the GOP really ready to let their party tank, just to keep him from holding high office? Because judging by how the media, and rank and file republicans have been treating him, I'd say the answer to that question seems to be YES.

Don't blame Paul. Blame the hijacked GOP.

What you call "grassroots" I simply call "people under 20 years old". I know that you can gather some facts of the elders who want him in, but in general, isn't enough. I wanted Fred Thompson but knew he couldn't do it, and I feel it is time to realize the same for Ron Paul. Good luck though.

Hey, I liked Thompson, actually. If he'd have toned down his foreign policy justa bit, I'd have grassroots campaigned for HIM, too, and maybe even donated some of my hard earned money to him. Most Paul supporters agree. He was definitely a conservative in the TRUE sense.

He's establishment branded though. Even though he'd be a good fit with Paul in the Oval office, he'd never be able to do that.

Maybe the rank and file republicans should have rallied behind him, being as how most seem to CLAIM he was the only real conservative. If he was so great, why didn't people rally behind him?

The question people need to ask themselves is, why does Paul get so much support from such a diverse group of people, and none of the others do? Why do people who haven't been involved in politics for 20 years, or even EVER, all the sudden get so captivated by this man, that they have shredded their apathy and given their daily lives to help the man win?

My answer to that is, because he's something DIFFERENT for a change. Not just CLAIMING change, but he's actually CHANGE from the bottom to the top. Why are people so afraid of that?

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