Ron Paul: Malaysian Plane Tragedy Propagandized...

I'm usually against the US intervening in another nation's war, but allowing another country (if that is the case) to shoot down civilian airliners sets a dangerous precedent. That's not war. That's terrorism.

Call it whatever you want but until it happens to US aircraft in our airspace it's not our problem. Our problem is that too many Americans DO give a fuck what happens outside this country.

Bingo! :thup:
[ame=]Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 7/21/14: What the Media Won't Report About Malaysian Air MH17 - YouTube[/ame]
Referring to the tragic downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, former Texas congressman Ron Paul warned against jumping to conclusions over the culprits.

Drawing parallels between the potential for a Russian-made missile system’s connection to the attack of the passenger jet on Thursday over the restive Donetsk region of Ukraine and the capture of US-made weapons by Islamist insurgents in Iraq, Paul pointed out that the missile’s potential source of manufacture was largely immaterial.

“That may well be true, but guess what, ISIS has a lot of American weapons," said Paul. "We sent weapons into Syria to help the rebels and al-Qaida ends up getting it — it doesn't mean that our American government and Obama deliberately wanted ISIS to get American weapons."

"So who gets the weapons is a big difference between how they got them and what happened and what the motivations were," Paul added. "So even if it was a Russian weapon — doesn't mean a lot."

Speculation of direct involvement by the Kremlin, whether directly or through “proxies” in the form of pro-Russian militia in Ukraine, in particular seems propagandized, Paul told NewsMax on Friday.

Unverified video footage has been circulated as proof of involvement by Ukrainian militia members, though the aircraft's black boxes have yet to be retrieved, and there remain many questions unanswered as investigators have trickled into the crash site.

"Under these circumstances, it's very difficult to get the real information so everybody's angling to propagandize and make their position known," said Paul.

"It'd be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it."...


That's exactly why I'm playing it safe, and saying that I blame Miley Cyrus.
Referring to the tragic downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, former Texas congressman Ron Paul warned against jumping to conclusions over the culprits.

Drawing parallels between the potential for a Russian-made missile system’s connection to the attack of the passenger jet on Thursday over the restive Donetsk region of Ukraine and the capture of US-made weapons by Islamist insurgents in Iraq, Paul pointed out that the missile’s potential source of manufacture was largely immaterial.

“That may well be true, but guess what, ISIS has a lot of American weapons," said Paul. "We sent weapons into Syria to help the rebels and al-Qaida ends up getting it — it doesn't mean that our American government and Obama deliberately wanted ISIS to get American weapons."

"So who gets the weapons is a big difference between how they got them and what happened and what the motivations were," Paul added. "So even if it was a Russian weapon — doesn't mean a lot."

Speculation of direct involvement by the Kremlin, whether directly or through “proxies” in the form of pro-Russian militia in Ukraine, in particular seems propagandized, Paul told NewsMax on Friday.

Unverified video footage has been circulated as proof of involvement by Ukrainian militia members, though the aircraft's black boxes have yet to be retrieved, and there remain many questions unanswered as investigators have trickled into the crash site.

"Under these circumstances, it's very difficult to get the real information so everybody's angling to propagandize and make their position known," said Paul.

"It'd be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it."...


That's exactly why I'm playing it safe, and saying that I blame Miley Cyrus.

Ha. Nice. :lol:
Yes, and our Government continues to fund & arm some pretty awful characters all around the World. How many horrific atrocities have been committed in the World by way of U.S. Taxpayer funds & arms?

Yes, indeed.

In Syria they funded the anti- Bashar al-Assad "resistance" even though the CIA knew, or should have known, that they were affiliated with AQ.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials


Oh, it's really awful what we've done in Syria. I was just reading about a terrible massacre the Rebels carried out the other day. Slaughtered up to 300 people. Funded with American Tax Dollars and weapons. It's a real shame.

Yep, a blowback of major proportions.

But that will not deter the scumbags inside the DC beltway from intervening in the internals affairs of other nations and consequently placing us in harms way.

The missile was from a SA-11 system, not some hand held missile system....this is a weapon from the Russian military inventory.

Of course inbred hick neo con retards like you have no evidence of this claim, you just take the government and jewish media's word for it.

Do humanity a service an get sterilized you worthless cock sucking shit eater.
Ron Paul isn't saying the Russians definitely weren't involved. He's saying not to jump to conclusions, and demonize Putin in the media before we have all the facts. Of course all the chickenhawks are getting a hard on at the thought of another war.

How do you think the equipment got there and who do you think trained them to use it?
Ron Paul isn't saying the Russians definitely weren't involved. He's saying not to jump to conclusions, and demonize Putin in the media before we have all the facts. Of course all the chickenhawks are getting a hard on at the thought of another war.

How do you think the equipment got there and who do you think trained them to use it?

Ukrainian scum(a fake nation that shouldn't exist made up of jewish mobsters and inbred neo-nazi morons), perpetrated this act of terrorism deliberately to gin up more financial and material support for their violent campaign against the civilians of East Ukraine.

They diverted the plane into a war zone

They have seized all civil and air traffic communications and yet to release them to the public

They created a fake video the day before the attack to blame the separatists

They had BUK systems in the area and have provided no proof the separatists did(they even admitted that the separatists did not steal BUK systems from them, undermining their claim).

They are guilty and hopefully Putin makes them pay for this these atrocities.
Ron Paul isn't saying the Russians definitely weren't involved. He's saying not to jump to conclusions, and demonize Putin in the media before we have all the facts. Of course all the chickenhawks are getting a hard on at the thought of another war.

How do you think the equipment got there and who do you think trained them to use it?
The Ukrainian government uses BUKs also and have had their own units in the area.
Ron Paul isn't saying the Russians definitely weren't involved. He's saying not to jump to conclusions, and demonize Putin in the media before we have all the facts. Of course all the chickenhawks are getting a hard on at the thought of another war.

How do you think the equipment got there and who do you think trained them to use it?

That was Ron Paul's point. The equipment may have been supplied by the Russians. But that doesn't prove Russia itself shot this plane down. Our own Government supplies massive amounts of cash & weapons to all sorts of unsavory characters all over this world. How many atrocities are committed around the world daily, by way of U.S. Taxpayer funds & weapons? My guess is, it's a whole lot.
Yes, indeed.

In Syria they funded the anti- Bashar al-Assad "resistance" even though the CIA knew, or should have known, that they were affiliated with AQ.

Syrian Opposition’s Amazing CIA Credentials


Oh, it's really awful what we've done in Syria. I was just reading about a terrible massacre the Rebels carried out the other day. Slaughtered up to 300 people. Funded with American Tax Dollars and weapons. It's a real shame.

Yep, a blowback of major proportions.

But that will not deter the scumbags inside the DC beltway from intervening in the internals affairs of other nations and consequently placing us in harms way.


Yeah, i think Putin had it right yesterday. He said the U.S. and EU are desperately trying to take political advantage of this tragedy. But in my opinion, this would have never happened if we didn't instigate and fund the illegal Coup in Kiev. That's on the U.S. and EU.

The Ukrainian Government has been bombing these people relentlessly. This tragedy just doesn't surprise me. Commercial Aircraft shouldn't have been allowed to fly over that War Zone. That was a monumental tragic blunder. I would like to know who's decision that was. Regardless though, it's just more of our meddling that has escalated the mess over there. But hey on the bright side, VP Biden's little brat son just landed a nice gig at Ukraine's largest Oil & Gas Company. So everything's cool. Life goes on.
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Referring to the tragic downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, former Texas congressman Ron Paul warned against jumping to conclusions over the culprits.

Drawing parallels between the potential for a Russian-made missile system’s connection to the attack of the passenger jet on Thursday over the restive Donetsk region of Ukraine and the capture of US-made weapons by Islamist insurgents in Iraq, Paul pointed out that the missile’s potential source of manufacture was largely immaterial.

“That may well be true, but guess what, ISIS has a lot of American weapons," said Paul. "We sent weapons into Syria to help the rebels and al-Qaida ends up getting it — it doesn't mean that our American government and Obama deliberately wanted ISIS to get American weapons."

"So who gets the weapons is a big difference between how they got them and what happened and what the motivations were," Paul added. "So even if it was a Russian weapon — doesn't mean a lot."

Speculation of direct involvement by the Kremlin, whether directly or through “proxies” in the form of pro-Russian militia in Ukraine, in particular seems propagandized, Paul told NewsMax on Friday.

Unverified video footage has been circulated as proof of involvement by Ukrainian militia members, though the aircraft's black boxes have yet to be retrieved, and there remain many questions unanswered as investigators have trickled into the crash site.

"Under these circumstances, it's very difficult to get the real information so everybody's angling to propagandize and make their position known," said Paul.

"It'd be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it."...

Malaysian jet tragedy propagandized ? Ron Paul ? RT USA

We can always count on Ron Paul to create more confusion by adding speculative ambiguity.
Referring to the tragic downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, former Texas congressman Ron Paul warned against jumping to conclusions over the culprits.

Drawing parallels between the potential for a Russian-made missile system’s connection to the attack of the passenger jet on Thursday over the restive Donetsk region of Ukraine and the capture of US-made weapons by Islamist insurgents in Iraq, Paul pointed out that the missile’s potential source of manufacture was largely immaterial.

“That may well be true, but guess what, ISIS has a lot of American weapons," said Paul. "We sent weapons into Syria to help the rebels and al-Qaida ends up getting it — it doesn't mean that our American government and Obama deliberately wanted ISIS to get American weapons."

"So who gets the weapons is a big difference between how they got them and what happened and what the motivations were," Paul added. "So even if it was a Russian weapon — doesn't mean a lot."

Speculation of direct involvement by the Kremlin, whether directly or through “proxies” in the form of pro-Russian militia in Ukraine, in particular seems propagandized, Paul told NewsMax on Friday.

Unverified video footage has been circulated as proof of involvement by Ukrainian militia members, though the aircraft's black boxes have yet to be retrieved, and there remain many questions unanswered as investigators have trickled into the crash site.

"Under these circumstances, it's very difficult to get the real information so everybody's angling to propagandize and make their position known," said Paul.

"It'd be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it."...

Malaysian jet tragedy propagandized ? Ron Paul ? RT USA

We can always count on Ron Paul to create more confusion by adding speculative ambiguity.

Nah, i suspect he simply said something you didn't like. He definitely doesn't sugarcoat things. He just speaks truth. But i understand that ruffles feathers. He's neither a Neocon or a Communist/Progressive. That makes him a minority, and often lone voice of reason.
Ron Paul isn't saying the Russians definitely weren't involved. He's saying not to jump to conclusions, and demonize Putin in the media before we have all the facts. Of course all the chickenhawks are getting a hard on at the thought of another war.

How do you think the equipment got there and who do you think trained them to use it?

Ukrainian scum(a fake nation that shouldn't exist made up of jewish mobsters and inbred neo-nazi morons), perpetrated this act of terrorism deliberately to gin up more financial and material support for their violent campaign against the civilians of East Ukraine.

They diverted the plane into a war zone

They have seized all civil and air traffic communications and yet to release them to the public

They created a fake video the day before the attack to blame the separatists

They had BUK systems in the area and have provided no proof the separatists did(they even admitted that the separatists did not steal BUK systems from them, undermining their claim).

They are guilty and hopefully Putin makes them pay for this these atrocities.

So how do you like working for the GRU? Is the pay good? And how about the medical benefits?
Referring to the tragic downing of a Malaysian Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine, former Texas congressman Ron Paul warned against jumping to conclusions over the culprits.

Drawing parallels between the potential for a Russian-made missile system’s connection to the attack of the passenger jet on Thursday over the restive Donetsk region of Ukraine and the capture of US-made weapons by Islamist insurgents in Iraq, Paul pointed out that the missile’s potential source of manufacture was largely immaterial.

“That may well be true, but guess what, ISIS has a lot of American weapons," said Paul. "We sent weapons into Syria to help the rebels and al-Qaida ends up getting it — it doesn't mean that our American government and Obama deliberately wanted ISIS to get American weapons."

"So who gets the weapons is a big difference between how they got them and what happened and what the motivations were," Paul added. "So even if it was a Russian weapon — doesn't mean a lot."

Speculation of direct involvement by the Kremlin, whether directly or through “proxies” in the form of pro-Russian militia in Ukraine, in particular seems propagandized, Paul told NewsMax on Friday.

Unverified video footage has been circulated as proof of involvement by Ukrainian militia members, though the aircraft's black boxes have yet to be retrieved, and there remain many questions unanswered as investigators have trickled into the crash site.

"Under these circumstances, it's very difficult to get the real information so everybody's angling to propagandize and make their position known," said Paul.

"It'd be unwise to say, well, the Russians did it, or the Ukrainian government did it, or the rebels did it."...

Malaysian jet tragedy propagandized ? Ron Paul ? RT USA

We can always count on Ron Paul to create more confusion by adding speculative ambiguity.

Nah, i suspect he simply said something you didn't like. He definitely doesn't sugarcoat things. He just speaks truth. But i understand that ruffles feathers. He's neither a Neocon or a Communist/Progressive. That makes him a minority, and often lone voice of reason.

You suspect, much like Ron tangible evidence, but plenty of suspicion.
We can always count on Ron Paul to create more confusion by adding speculative ambiguity.

Nah, i suspect he simply said something you didn't like. He definitely doesn't sugarcoat things. He just speaks truth. But i understand that ruffles feathers. He's neither a Neocon or a Communist/Progressive. That makes him a minority, and often lone voice of reason.

You suspect, much like Ron tangible evidence, but plenty of suspicion.

The U.S. and EU have already convicted Putin and Russia. They're just trying to take political advantage of this tragedy. They know they instigated and funded the illegal Coup in Kiev. And that's what's created this awful mess. The U.S./EU-backed Government has been bombing these people relentlessly. They've been absolutely brutal. But of course the Western Media has chose to ignore their atrocities. Our meddling and intervention has created the nightmare over there. It is what it is.
Nah, i suspect he simply said something you didn't like. He definitely doesn't sugarcoat things. He just speaks truth. But i understand that ruffles feathers. He's neither a Neocon or a Communist/Progressive. That makes him a minority, and often lone voice of reason.

You suspect, much like Ron tangible evidence, but plenty of suspicion.

The U.S. and EU have already convicted Putin and Russia. They're just trying to take political advantage of this tragedy. They know they instigated and funded the illegal Coup in Kiev. And that's what's created this awful mess. The U.S./EU-backed Government has been bombing these people relentlessly. They've been absolutely brutal. But of course the Western Media has chose to ignore their atrocities. Our meddling and intervention has created the nightmare over there. It is what it is.

You evidently spend a lot of time reading Ron Paul's website. Which other conspiracy theorist nut job web sites did you use for your intensive research?

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