Ron Paul: Jade Helm 15 Update...

Has Jade Helm emerged from their WalMart bases and taken over Arizona yet? I have no idea if Arizona is under martial law. The goddam MSM is keeping it a secret!
Has Jade Helm emerged from their WalMart bases and taken over Arizona yet? I have no idea if Arizona is under martial law. The goddam MSM is keeping it a secret!

Kinda funny.
We need another update!

How's that Jade Helm Amerigeddon thing coming? The damned New York Times has been distracting us from Jade Helm with stories about Donald Trump.
I heard there was a UN ambulance in Texas. This can't be good.

An important test-run. And Big Brother has now concluded that most Americans are fat dumb Sheep. Most won't resist. They'll go very willingly into their internment camps. They will obey.
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Enjoy your internment, err uh, i mean FEMA camps. Big Brother's got your back. ;)

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