Ron Paul Extreme?!


VIP Member
Aug 27, 2011
To the people making the claim. Please elaborate for this slow hick from Texas. What exactly is extreme about his consistent position on the issues?
To the people making the claim. Please elaborate for this slow hick from Texas. What exactly is extreme about his consistent position on the issues?

To the normal democrat the idea of freedom for the American people is extreme. You can tell from their plans to control every aspect of everyone's life they think we are too dumb to be responsible for our own welfare. They think the government needs to provide food, healthcare, housing, internet and wifi to keep the population living in poverty and thinking this is the way life should be. Nobody should be able to profit from their own labor or make more money than anyone else. Share the wealth, you've made enough money, tax the rich are all war cries in the class warfare the democrats want to spread in America. No wonder they think RON PAUL is extreme, smaller government, less government involvement in our daily lives, All unthinkable to a democrat.
Ron Paul is a loon.

[ame=]Dr. Paul on Secession - YouTube[/ame]
To the people making the claim. Please elaborate for this slow hick from Texas. What exactly is extreme about his consistent position on the issues?

I don't think you understand what consistency means

Consistency doesn't necessarily make one more or less extreme.

One can be consistently extreme.

Stalin and Mao were rather consistent.

They were also somewhat consistently extreme.

Not that I think RP is like stalin or Mao, but consistency hasn't anything necessarily to do with extremism.
Ron Paul is too dam old.............

Too old to save us from the Socialism all the other candidates seem to promote? If he only lived 2yrs of his term he would put policy's and people in place to turn this country around. NOBODY is ever too old if he is the only right choice.
To the people making the claim. Please elaborate for this slow hick from Texas. What exactly is extreme about his consistent position on the issues?
I wouldn’t say ‘extreme’ but naïve, reactionary, an anachronism – he has this inane idea the government can be returned to the way it was 200 years ago – literally. He doesn’t understand the United States is an industrialized First World superpower of the 21st Century, not the 18th Century; we have the government we have for a reason, there’s simply no going back.

He also exhibits comprehensive ignorance of the Constitution, making claims and statements as to ‘original intent’ with no basis in case law or fact. He believes in what he thinks the Constitution is, but his subjective opinion amounts to noting more than fantasy – the Constitution is a legal document, interpreted and defined in the context of the law by the courts, not make-believe or wishful thinking.
When I was taking a political science class, the Professor put up a graphic (which unfortunately I can't find now) which ranked members of Congress on their support for individual social and economic freedoms (two axes). The Democrats formed a blob that was strong on individual social freedoms and weak on individual economic freedoms. The Republicans were weaker on social freedoms and stronger on economic freedoms (their blob was also tighter-- suggesting a more ideologically cohesive party). Off to one side, far further down towards complete economic freedom than any of his colleagues, was Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is clearly extreme compared to his colleagues. That's why a large minority of people nationwide much prefer him to any other Congressperson. We can argue over whether Paul's positions are correct, but I think it's clear that they are extreme.

Since the original post asks for particular positions that are extreme (see, eg, Wikipedia),

-- Sharply isolationist foreign policy, including withdrawal from UN, NATO, ignoring threats like Iran.

-- Decriminalization of drugs, at least at the federal level.

-- Opposes virtually all federal interference with the market process

-- Eliminating the Departments of Education, HHS, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy. Eliminating FEMA, the ICC, and the IRS.

-- Elimination of the income tax and repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution
I actually think we need some EXTRME changes to our system.

I'm just dubious that RP's extreme proposals are exactly what we need.

Some of them are right on, some of them are even worse than what we have now.
well that's the scary part, those changes are on the horizon Editec , serving as sirens for all who would foist extreemism upon us

we really are in deep doo doo.....
well that's the scary part, those changes are on the horizon Editec , serving as sirens for all who would foist extreemism upon us

we really are in deep doo doo.....

Freedom is extreme, Socialism is mainstream. You're right, we are in deep doo,doo.
MACRO-Economics 101
Formula for disaster

1. 33% of Men Don't Have Jobs

2.74% of Americans Will Buy Less

3. Gas Up Nearly $1 This Year

4. Property Tax Creep -- In 2005 the median property tax on a home in the United States was $1,614. It's now $1,917, Bloomberg

5. 8 Million Americans Behind on Mortgage

6. Typical Homeowner in Foreclosure Hasn't Paid Mortgage in 1.5 Years

7. 13% of All Houses Are Empty and Maine is leading the way with 23% of its housing stock empty.

8. Children in Poverty Up 2 Million in 2 Years

9.Half of American workers Earn Less Than $500/Week

10. Credit Card Debt Up 800% (since 1981)

11. $900 Billion in Student Loan Debts

12. 1.5 Million More Bankrupt (One and a half million Americans filed for bankruptcy in 2010, the fourth consecutive increase in yearly bankruptcy filings )

13. 52 Million Uninsured (Over the last decade, the number of Americans without health insurance has risen from about 38 million to about 52 million

14. Medical Bills Behind 60% of Bankruptcies

15. Household Wealth Falls 23% (from $125,000 in 2007 to $96,000 in 2009.)

16. 25% of Households Have Zero or Negative Net Wealth
Almost 25 percent of all U.S. households now have zero or negative net worth -- in 2007, that number was just 18.6 percent.

Of course I do not doubt that many of you think this isn't really a problem, since so many of you express shadenfreuden when you hear about your fellow Americans financial woes.

But for those of us who understand that our nation depends on a vibrant middle class, the above is a startling compilation of facts that do not forbode good things happening to this republic.
When I was taking a political science class, the Professor put up a graphic (which unfortunately I can't find now) which ranked members of Congress on their support for individual social and economic freedoms (two axes). The Democrats formed a blob that was strong on individual social freedoms and weak on individual economic freedoms. The Republicans were weaker on social freedoms and stronger on economic freedoms (their blob was also tighter-- suggesting a more ideologically cohesive party). Off to one side, far further down towards complete economic freedom than any of his colleagues, was Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is clearly extreme compared to his colleagues. That's why a large minority of people nationwide much prefer him to any other Congressperson. We can argue over whether Paul's positions are correct, but I think it's clear that they are extreme.

Since the original post asks for particular positions that are extreme (see, eg, Wikipedia),

-- Sharply isolationist foreign policy, including withdrawal from UN, NATO, ignoring threats like Iran.

-- Decriminalization of drugs, at least at the federal level.

-- Opposes virtually all federal interference with the market process

-- Eliminating the Departments of Education, HHS, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy. Eliminating FEMA, the ICC, and the IRS.

-- Elimination of the income tax and repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution

Hmm, all the ideas you put up we do... and they are extreme.... In fact we can’t even afford them they are so far out there.
So as it stands no one has a single issue they can point to of RP's and tell us why it's "extreme?"

Like the poster I quoted, now it’s “extreme” to look at closing homeland security… Wow, look how far we have fallen… Or to close the DoEducation, you know the useless program that fails to meet any goal it has ever set but costs shit tons of money we have to borrow to keep it failing.

We have also heard RP wants the Government to be the size of what it was 200 years ago... Dare I even ask for a link? More or less it's haters hating by making shit up... YOU people are the problem, you hate someone for reasons that are not even close to reality, that's why that OP was asking for. Why do you not like RP in thinking he is "extreme" and tell us how RP is being extreme... Don't just say RP is an isolationist when you clearly don’t know what the fucking word means lol, it makes you look extremely stupid.
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Ron Paul is too dam old.............

Too old to save us from the Socialism all the other candidates seem to promote? If he only lived 2yrs of his term he would put policy's and people in place to turn this country around. NOBODY is ever too old if he is the only right choice.

yes.....he aint going to save this Country from Jack shit in 2 years....a president is just the spokes hole for those behind the scenes who are really in power.....
To the people making the claim. Please elaborate for this slow hick from Texas. What exactly is extreme about his consistent position on the issues?

I don't think you understand what consistency means

Consistency doesn't necessarily make one more or less extreme.

One can be consistently extreme.

Stalin and Mao were rather consistent.

They were also somewhat consistently extreme.

Not that I think RP is like stalin or Mao, but consistency hasn't anything necessarily to do with extremism.

I know exactly what consistency means. My point is RP is not a finger in the wind politician like the other Texan...
When I was taking a political science class, the Professor put up a graphic (which unfortunately I can't find now) which ranked members of Congress on their support for individual social and economic freedoms (two axes). The Democrats formed a blob that was strong on individual social freedoms and weak on individual economic freedoms. The Republicans were weaker on social freedoms and stronger on economic freedoms (their blob was also tighter-- suggesting a more ideologically cohesive party). Off to one side, far further down towards complete economic freedom than any of his colleagues, was Ron Paul.

Ron Paul is clearly extreme compared to his colleagues. That's why a large minority of people nationwide much prefer him to any other Congressperson. We can argue over whether Paul's positions are correct, but I think it's clear that they are extreme.

Since the original post asks for particular positions that are extreme (see, eg, Wikipedia),

-- Sharply isolationist foreign policy, including withdrawal from UN, NATO, ignoring threats like Iran.

-- Decriminalization of drugs, at least at the federal level.

-- Opposes virtually all federal interference with the market process

-- Eliminating the Departments of Education, HHS, Homeland Security, Commerce and Energy. Eliminating FEMA, the ICC, and the IRS.

-- Elimination of the income tax and repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution

Those all sound reasonable to me, more so when you look at cost benefit...

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