Ron Paul: Crimea Secedes. So What?...

we killed well over 47 million babies right here! Is that part of the Evil Jews plan? We have ghettos littered in dead children! Do you think Iraq would be different!? Maybe when you grow up some you will understand.

Check out the photos. Gruesome and unforgivable. We as Americans need to acknowledge what our Government is doing. And then we have to change things. But first, we have to acknowledge the atrocities. We can't move forward without first accepting the harsh realities of our Government's actions.

Then move you piece of shit!

That's a very Un-American and Un-Patriotic statement. Shame shame.
Check out the photos. Gruesome and unforgivable. We as Americans need to acknowledge what our Government is doing. And then we have to change things. But first, we have to acknowledge the atrocities. We can't move forward without first accepting the harsh realities of our Government's actions.

Then move you piece of shit!

That's a very Un-American and Un-Patriotic statement. Shame shame.

Calling our troops child killers is very much unpatriotic you shit heel.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?
Ignoring a situation like a coward does nothing but exacerbate the problem....I know you wish the USA to be the most evil country like your hero Paul does but that would just be a lie. The USA and its people have done more good in the world then ANY COUNTRY EVER. So please stop talking like a progressive and realize the true conspiracy is how Ron Paul lies to you.

Well now you're just making shit up. I never claimed the USA was 'the most evil country.' And neither has Ron Paul. But if i showed you photos of Iraqi children and other innocents horrifically maimed and killed by our weapons, you would likely begin to have a different perspective on these interventions and War. Our Government does have a lot to answer for. A whole lot of blood on its hands. That's just the sad reality.

You belittle the great things they did because your fucking insane ideas that they are nothing more then pawns to great banks and evil fucking JEWS!
What the hell! Haven't you heard that big business is always friends with big government instead of free market thinkers? And "evil fucking Jews"? What the hell? Are you a Nazi or something?
Then move you piece of shit!

That's a very Un-American and Un-Patriotic statement. Shame shame.

Calling our troops child killers is very much unpatriotic you shit heel.

Yes, sadly they have killed and maimed many children all around the world. Acknowledging that awful reality doesn't mean you hate Soldiers or America. It's just coming to terms with what our Government has been doing around the world for many years. It's the only way we can begin changing things. Let's stop the killing and maiming. It is time to give peace a chance. 'Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace' isn't the answer. It's time for something different. That's all i'm saying.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?
Wrong again. The US is not helping the world at their own cost! They just invade the world for their own interests, like the Middle east is just invaded for oil, with as an excuse te war on terror.
It is just true that big governments and big armies have always invaded countries without the rights to do so. We should stop doing that.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?

Sorry, but a 'most worst' justification just doesn't cut it. It's all horrifying. Take a serious look at the photos of all the innocents murdered and maimed by our weapons. It's a very sobering experience. In fact, it will likely change your life.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?

I can agree with much of that.

However NOT intervening in other nations affairs, either militarily or covertly (what libertarians demand), does not prevent the US from doing good. In fact, the US would be far more respected world wide if we demanded peace first and foremost...and stopped intervening militarily and covertly. Ukraine is a good is very likely peace would exist there if not for America's covert intervention.

These many decades of foreign interventions have caused much death and destruction. So had we not intervened, it is very possible there would have been LESS death and destruction.

The big problem is allowing corrupt and conniving politicians who can never be trusted, with the power to take our nation to war. This needs to stop. History clearly tells us granting politicians war powers is a terrible mistake.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?

I can agree with much of that.

However NOT intervening in other nations affairs, either militarily or covertly (what libertarians demand), does not prevent the US from doing good. In fact, the US would be far more respected world wide if we demanded peace first and foremost...and stopped intervening militarily and covertly. Ukraine is a good is very likely peace would exist there if not for America's covert intervention.

These many decades of foreign interventions have caused much death and destruction. So had we not intervened, it is very possible there would have been LESS death and destruction.

The big problem is allowing corrupt and conniving politicians who can never be trusted, with the power to take our nation to war. This needs to stop. History clearly tells us granting politicians war powers is a terrible mistake.

Well said. Thanks.
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?

I can agree with much of that.

However NOT intervening in other nations affairs, either militarily or covertly (what libertarians demand), does not prevent the US from doing good. In fact, the US would be far more respected world wide if we demanded peace first and foremost...and stopped intervening militarily and covertly. Ukraine is a good is very likely peace would exist there if not for America's covert intervention.

These many decades of foreign interventions have caused much death and destruction. So had we not intervened, it is very possible there would have been LESS death and destruction.

The big problem is allowing corrupt and conniving politicians who can never be trusted, with the power to take our nation to war. This needs to stop. History clearly tells us granting politicians war powers is a terrible mistake.
No, the US should not intervene. I don't know whether you know the foreign reputation of the US? It's not that good. A lot of people in other countries (like in the Middle East) are done with the US intervening in their politics.
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"Is the most dangerous country in the world the United States of America? According to a new poll from WIN and Gallup International, the U.S. represents the largest threat to world peace today.

"In their annual End of Year poll, researchers for WIN and Gallup International surveyed more than 66,000 people across 65 nations and found that 24 percent of all respondents answered that the United States 'is the greatest threat to peace in the world today.'

"Pakistan and China fell significantly behind the United States on the poll, with 8 and 6 percent, respectively.

"Afghanistan, Iran, Israel and North Korea all tied for fourth place with 4 percent."

In Gallup Poll, The Biggest Threat To World Peace Is ... America?
If you want to see most worst pictures and read the worst stories of civilians being abused, tortured and murdered you have to go back to the period before the USA took on the role of World cop and promoter of human rights and justice. Check out what the Japanese, Nazi's and Stalin were doing. And before that the colonial rulers like Britain, France and the other European "Empires". Those colonial powers have abused people since they got out of the middle ages and that period of time was, well, the fucking middle ages.
The world has never seen the kind of peace and justice since America took charge after WWII. Not perfect, but when in history has a nation sent it's blood and treasure across the world to save people or make people free or give people a shot at governing themselves?

I can agree with much of that.

However NOT intervening in other nations affairs, either militarily or covertly (what libertarians demand), does not prevent the US from doing good. In fact, the US would be far more respected world wide if we demanded peace first and foremost...and stopped intervening militarily and covertly. Ukraine is a good is very likely peace would exist there if not for America's covert intervention.

These many decades of foreign interventions have caused much death and destruction. So had we not intervened, it is very possible there would have been LESS death and destruction.

The big problem is allowing corrupt and conniving politicians who can never be trusted, with the power to take our nation to war. This needs to stop. History clearly tells us granting politicians war powers is a terrible mistake.
No, the US should not intervene. I don't know whether you know the foreign reputation of the US? It's not that good. A lot of people in other countries (like in the Middle East) are done with the US intervening in their politics.

You apparently have not read my posts.

You will not find another American more against foreign interventions by the US Gov than me.
33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.
33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.

Don't bother. If it isn't about how evil Jews are or how USA troops kill babies they don't want to hear it.

tapatalk post
These shit-eating losertarians believe there is some conspiracy between the CIA and DOD to help Obama by inventing lies about Russia and Ukraine.

As someone that hasn't supported Obama from day 1, I know for a fact that the CIA and DOD are not inventing shit over Ukraine and Russia.....

33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.

Don't bother. If it isn't about how evil Jews are or how USA troops kill babies they don't want to hear it.

tapatalk post
33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.

Don't bother. If it isn't about how evil Jews are or how USA troops kill babies they don't want to hear it.

tapatalk post
What the hell is your obsession with Jews? I have not heard anyone saying anything about Jews, except you.
These shit-eating losertarians believe there is some conspiracy between the CIA and DOD to help Obama by inventing lies about Russia and Ukraine.

As someone that hasn't supported Obama from day 1, I know for a fact that the CIA and DOD are not inventing shit over Ukraine and Russia.....

33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.

Don't bother. If it isn't about how evil Jews are or how USA troops kill babies they don't want to hear it.

tapatalk post
You're naive if you think that the CIA has noting to do with it. They're always involved behind the scenes.
"Several months before the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989, President George H. W. Bush had appealed for 'a Europe whole and free.'

"And, in February 1990, his Secretary of State James Baker promised Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would move 'not one inch' to the East, if Russia pulled its 24 divisions out of East Germany.

"Yet, a triumphant Washington soon spurned this historic opportunity to achieve a broader peace. Instead, U.S. officials took advantage of the Soviet bloc’s implosion in Eastern Europe and later the collapse of the Soviet Union itself.

"As for that 'Europe whole and free; business, it was as if the EU and NATO had put up signs: 'Russians Need Not Apply.'

"Then, exploiting Moscow’s disarray and weakness, President Bill Clinton reneged on Baker’s NATO promise by pushing the military alliance eastward.

"Small wonder that Putin and his associates were prospecting for powerful new friends ten years ago – first and foremost, China."

Nuland?s Ukrainian Mess » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
33 of the dead from the failed attack on an airport this week are being sent back to "Russia."

I thought you idiots claimed this wasn't Russia messing with Ukraine.

I told you Russian and other foreign fighters "paid" by Russia were inside Ukraine attacking Ukrainians under the lies of protecting them.

Don't bother. If it isn't about how evil Jews are or how USA troops kill babies they don't want to hear it.

tapatalk post
What the hell is your obsession with Jews? I have not heard anyone saying anything about Jews, except you.
Just exposing you fake conservatives.

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