Ron Klain tapped to be White House Chief of Staff


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Pro move by President Biden. Can't think of a better man for the job than the former Ebola Czar who has just the right set of credentials.

(CNN) President-elect Joe Biden has tapped Ron Klain to be his incoming chief of staff, the Biden transition office said in a news release Wednesday, elevating his longtime aide to one of the most powerful positions in the White House.​
Klain is one of Biden's most trusted campaign advisers and was long seen as the most likely pick for the top job. He previously served as chief of staff to Vice President Al Gore during the Clinton administration and Biden during his tenure as President Barack Obama's vice president.​
"Ron has been invaluable to me over the many years that we have worked together, including as we rescued the American economy from one of the worst downturns in our history in 2009 and later overcame a daunting public health emergency in 2014," Biden said in a statement.​
"His deep, varied experience and capacity to work with people all across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in a White House chief of staff as we confront this moment of crisis and bring our country together again."​
Klain praised Biden in his own statement Wednesday, calling his new role "the honor of a lifetime."​
"I look forward to helping him and the Vice President-elect assemble a talented and diverse team to work in the White House, as we tackle their ambitious agenda for change, and seek to heal the divides in our country."​

Klain is a good choice, and the predicted choice, as he was Biden’s CoS as VP. But I was really hoping for Symone Sanders. It would have sent a powerful message to the Black community, she’s really smart and personable, and it would have been historic.
Klain is a good choice, and the predicted choice, as he was Biden’s CoS as VP. But I was really hoping for Symone Sanders. It would have sent a powerful message to the Black community, she’s really smart and personable, and it would have been historic.

Not to worry - Symone will land on her feet. ;)

It's not a surprise to see over the last week or so but Joe Biden is acting and behaving exactly as we expect our Presidents to act. Like a man who is interested in the job....and he hasn't been sworn in as President yet. In one week, Biden as President elect has made more progress on plans to combat the virus than Trump and his minions have managed to scrape up in 10 months. That inspires confidence. On the other hand, Trump has all but disappeared. Stewing in the sorrow and bile of his stinging defeat. Hoping against hope that something in the shit lawsuits that his enablers are filing will stick, hoping he can depend on the courts his lackey McConnell has been stacking for the last four years will come to his rescue. All while support among Republicans (who dodged an electoral bullet last week) slowly drains away.
Klain is a good choice, and the predicted choice, as he was Biden’s CoS as VP. But I was really hoping for Symone Sanders. It would have sent a powerful message to the Black community, she’s really smart and personable, and it would have been historic.

Not to worry - Symone will land on her feet. ;)

View attachment 415117
I think it would have been great. Large, practically bald Black woman who is smarter than most of the Congress she would need to deal with. Great optics. And Republican heads would explode, so there’s that, too. :laugh:
Symone, big mouth nasty Leftard with a never ending chip on her shoulder, who screams at those she disagrees with. I really hope it's her, so people can see the true ugliness of their ideology.
It's not a surprise to see over the last week or so but Joe Biden is acting and behaving exactly as we expect our Presidents to act. Like a man who is interested in the job....and he hasn't been sworn in as President yet. In one week, Biden as President elect has made more progress on plans to combat the virus than Trump and his minions have managed to scrape up in 10 months. That inspires confidence. On the other hand, Trump has all but disappeared. Stewing in the sorrow and bile of his stinging defeat. Hoping against hope that something in the shit lawsuits that his enablers are filing will stick, hoping he can depend on the courts his lackey McConnell has been stacking for the last four years will come to his rescue. All while support among Republicans (who dodged an electoral bullet last week) slowly drains away.

Donald is now on his fifth Press Secretary in four years. And each one was worse than the last.
We had Spicey, ScaraMOOCH (10 days), Sarah Huck, Stephanie Grisham .. and well, you know. :)
Klain is a good choice, and the predicted choice, as he was Biden’s CoS as VP. But I was really hoping for Symone Sanders. It would have sent a powerful message to the Black community, she’s really smart and personable, and it would have been historic.

Not to worry - Symone will land on her feet. ;)

View attachment 415117
I think it would have been great. Large, practically bald Black woman who is smarter than most of the Congress she would need to deal with. Great optics. And Republican heads would explode, so there’s that, too. :laugh:

I see Roudy's just went KerBLOOOOM!! So yeah. :cool-45:
It's not a surprise to see over the last week or so but Joe Biden is acting and behaving exactly as we expect our Presidents to act. Like a man who is interested in the job....and he hasn't been sworn in as President yet. In one week, Biden as President elect has made more progress on plans to combat the virus than Trump and his minions have managed to scrape up in 10 months. That inspires confidence. On the other hand, Trump has all but disappeared. Stewing in the sorrow and bile of his stinging defeat. Hoping against hope that something in the shit lawsuits that his enablers are filing will stick, hoping he can depend on the courts his lackey McConnell has been stacking for the last four years will come to his rescue. All while support among Republicans (who dodged an electoral bullet last week) slowly drains away.
Wow this thread has not aged well! Lol

Biden is our hope??? Biden is competent???

And Klain is bloated and corrupt.

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