Ron Klain cries


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Departing White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain all but confirmed President Joe Biden's 2024 reelection campaign as he sobbed through a goodbye speech at the White House Wednesday evening.

'And as I did in 1988, in 2008, in 2020, I look forward to being on your side when you run for president in 2024,' Klain said during the East Room ceremony, to mark his passing of the baton to incoming Chief of Staff Jeff Zients.

Klain had several emotional outbursts throughout his roughly 12-minute speech, with Biden also spotted wiping away a tear.

My sympathy cup is bone dry.
Klain and Biden have the most dishonest and corrupt administration in American history.
They lie all of the time.
They spread hate and fear on purpose.
Their far left extremist policies are causing wide spread suffering.
Their greedy kick-back boondoggle $trillion dollar$ looting sprees are destabilizing the economy and causing record inflation.
They treat the Taxpayers like they are their slaves.
They fan the flames of racial hatred every chance that they get.
Their pullout of Afghanistan was a foreign policy disaster and a huge bonus for the Taliban.
They sold our strategic oil reserves to the Chinese while our gasoline prices are increasing.
The Democrats are rotten to the core corrupt Radicals and Racists.
He does a lot of crying but he makes some solid points on accomplishments.

If voters can see past Biden's lousy personality and look to what matters, Biden will be a significant factor.

We can always hope that Americans will support Trump to stop Biden, for his stance againist America's war against Russia, but that's never happened in the past to any significant degree.

The only thing that could make a difference this time is of course the fear of the MAD factor.

Praise the lord and pass the syringes to end radiation sickness. (ammunition)

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