Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

At least they didn't pack the group with democrats. Have to give them credit for that. They were actual fence sitters.
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Supporters - YouTube[/ame]
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

shocking that you did not look at the video...

look at the red circles... are those old white men?

Dumb ass.


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Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

Hey numbskull...
anyway bad morning . first ram, then cbs focus group and va newspaprer endorsement for romney

he getting breaks thats for sure
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

"How do we know these people have anything at all to do with the tea party? They have no signs, shirts, buttons, and are not even in a location where the tea party has gathered. Looks like they just went to some hick town and spoke with people who are obviously anti-Arab. They say nothing you hear at tea party rallies nor to they even mention tea party. Very creative attempt to mislabel people. Dumb....but creative."
Troy Mendez 9 hours ago

The above from your OWN link...
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

Hey numbskull...

Bullshit! I wouldn't be shocked to find an all black panel(though i have not seen one yet) go mostly for Obama.
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

[ame=]Mitt Romney Supporters - YouTube[/ame]

"How do we know these people have anything at all to do with the tea party? They have no signs, shirts, buttons, and are not even in a location where the tea party has gathered. Looks like they just went to some hick town and spoke with people who are obviously anti-Arab. They say nothing you hear at tea party rallies nor to they even mention tea party. Very creative attempt to mislabel people. Dumb....but creative."
Troy Mendez 9 hours ago

The above from your OWN link...

This video was actually made during the 2008 Presidential race and I believe they are from West Virginia.
shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

Mitt Romney Supporters - YouTube

"How do we know these people have anything at all to do with the tea party? They have no signs, shirts, buttons, and are not even in a location where the tea party has gathered. Looks like they just went to some hick town and spoke with people who are obviously anti-Arab. They say nothing you hear at tea party rallies nor to they even mention tea party. Very creative attempt to mislabel people. Dumb....but creative."
Troy Mendez 9 hours ago

The above from your OWN link...

This video was actually made during the 2008 Presidential race and I believe they are from West Virginia.
well either way it be nice to hear from good news for obama for once. hard to remeber much over last three weeks.,
shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

Mitt Romney Supporters - YouTube

"How do we know these people have anything at all to do with the tea party? They have no signs, shirts, buttons, and are not even in a location where the tea party has gathered. Looks like they just went to some hick town and spoke with people who are obviously anti-Arab. They say nothing you hear at tea party rallies nor to they even mention tea party. Very creative attempt to mislabel people. Dumb....but creative."
Troy Mendez 9 hours ago

The above from your OWN link...

This video was actually made during the 2008 Presidential race and I believe they are from West Virginia.

It was a video that was filmed to put the Tea Party in a bad light. There is nothing tying them to the Tea Party or as you FALSELY post ...Romney.

So you lied, deceived and therefore are a true OBAMA SUPPORTER!:clap2:

Take a bow.
Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio…Talk Hosts React

Look at the expressions of the talking Hosts. They look disappointed. Sorry, CBS. Your man didn’t win Ohio’s focus group.

Romney Wins CBS Focus Group In Ohio - YouTube

shocking! a bunch of old white men who lives on the border town of West Virginia like the white guy.

You are a idiot. They picked Romney cause Obama sucks
well that you view. I don,t think people love romney but just turning away it seem from obama

obama team don,t seem to be doing anything to stop all these negative headlines. could do with some clinton people running this.

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