Romney will Concede

Just heard it on TV. He will speak in about 4 minutes.
He's called Obama to concede already.
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I take back what I said about him not conceding.

And, looking forward to President Obama's speech.
How long into the concession speech before the first boo? I'm going with 45 seconds.
He's about to come out now. He's taken long enough. Probably writing another speech, lol.
Nah, dude. I don't know where you're getting your "information" but I'm pretty sure that re-weighting polls to make them show what you want them to show is the way to go.

I'm pretty sure Romney won tonight. Right?
He's taking the stage now. This will likely be the best speech Willard has ever given :up:
He said that his wife would have made a great First Lady.

Hahahahaha that will never happen now, Mittens!
I want to thank Paul Ryan for all that he has done for our campaign.

What? Nothing?

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