Romney "Bushifies" Perry in new ad

Romney Campaign: CNN Asked Us To Pull Down Brutal Anti-Perry Ad

The strange case of the missing Mitt Romney YouTube video has been solved, Team Romney says: Turns out CNN did it. In an email to TPM, Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul said her campaign pulled down the tough attack on Perry at the request of the news network.
“While the use of the CNN clips was fully within our rights under the law, we respect and appreciate the role CNN has played as host in debates over the last several months,” Saul said. “For this reason, we are honoring their request to remove the video.”
The video included a lot of clips of debate video — as well as a lot of clips from networks other than CNN. Take a look at the whole thing, as captured by the Democratic trackers at American Bridge:

Click here to view the ad
Looks like the ad has been removed by the user.

Why, I think that's a great move by RomBot 4.0. Nothing wins over Republicans like slandering an Ex-GOP president.
There is a report that CNN asked Romney's people to remove the ad.

Well, looking at the ad, there's really nothing about Bush on there. But RomBot 4.0 should probably be glad CNN Pulled it, because it was really not making him look good.
Looks like the ad has been removed by the user.

Why, I think that's a great move by RomBot 4.0. Nothing wins over Republicans like slandering an Ex-GOP president.
There is a report that CNN asked Romney's people to remove the ad.

Well, looking at the ad, there's really nothing about Bush on there. But RomBot 4.0 should probably be glad CNN Pulled it, because it was really not making him look good.

Not directly, but the implications are obvious: another articulate-challenged Texas Governor.
There is a report that CNN asked Romney's people to remove the ad.

Well, looking at the ad, there's really nothing about Bush on there. But RomBot 4.0 should probably be glad CNN Pulled it, because it was really not making him look good.

Not directly, but the implications are obvious: another articulate-challenged Texas Governor.

I think that you are seeing dirty pictures in the inkblots...

Actually, what this ad tells me is that Perry has gotten under the Weird Mormon's Robot's skin. I was expecting smoke to start pouring out of his ears when the circuits started burning.
Well, looking at the ad, there's really nothing about Bush on there. But RomBot 4.0 should probably be glad CNN Pulled it, because it was really not making him look good.

Not directly, but the implications are obvious: another articulate-challenged Texas Governor.

I think that you are seeing dirty pictures in the inkblots...

Actually, what this ad tells me is that Perry has gotten under the Weird Mormon's Robot's skin. I was expecting smoke to start pouring out of his ears when the circuits started burning.
you don't think that he is trying to make Perry look like an inarticulate tongue-tied boob? Well, okay.

And Perry has definitely gotten under Romney skin. And the more debates they have the worse Romney will look.

And the more debates that they have, the slicker Perry will get. By the end, few will remember Perry's slipups from early on, or care.
you don't think that he is trying to make Perry look like an inarticulate tongue-tied boob? Well, okay.

And Perry has definitely gotten under Romney skin. And the more debates they have the worse Romney will look.

And the more debates that they have, the slicker Perry will get. By the end, few will remember Perry's slipups from early on, or care.

I think he was trying to make Perry look inarticulate... and failing. It's an awful commercial, and if this is the kind of campaign he's going to run against Obama, we might get four more years of that fool.

I think that Perry has gotten under Romney's skin, but the real problem is what is underneat that skin. Romney has always been a fake, he's always been sleazy, he's always been a guy who will say anything to get elected. Watch for Santorum, Bachmann and others to do the same thing next time.

This is pretty much a repeat of 2008. The Wall Street types have gotten behind Romney, while the grass roots types got behind Huckabee. This time, they are looking for an alternative, first Bachmann, then Perry, now Cain, but I think they will eventually have to come back to Perry.

Will it work? Don't know. I think that the problem is the Beltway lobbyists and power brokers would rather have four more years of Obama than four to eight of Perry.

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