Romney best candidate since Reagan...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Yup, I think so too:

But perhaps it should be looked at in a different way: Obama did not lose so much as Romney won. A highly skilled, albeit vastly underrated, candidate showed what he was really made of on Thursday…
He won the GOP nomination relatively early (considering how frontloading the primaries was scaled back this cycle) and bloodlessly. Sure, it was messy at times, but he clearly has united the Republican party around him. Many of his once-staunchest opponents in the party – both high profile commentators and grassroots voters alike – are now counted among his strongest allies.
He did so without having to adopt political opinions that alienated him from the middle of the electorate, or his base. In fact, his voting coalition was the center of the GOP electorate – not too far to the left, nor too far to the right…
Put aside the [media's] notion that Romney is a hopelessly weak candidate and we can see that, in fact, he has a lot of strengths. I would argue that he is the most articulate and passionate Republican nominee since at least Ronald Reagan, and perhaps even more so than the Gipper."

Quotes of the day « Hot Air

And Ryan puts him over the top.
Right. He was such a good candidate that you whacks on the right got behind Perry, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich at various times before your corporate masters slapped you down and said, "no".

Not to worry, after he loses, you can all claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative".
Right. He was such a good candidate that you whacks on the right got behind Perry, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich at various times before your corporate masters slapped you down and said, "no".

Not to worry, after he loses, you can all claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative".

Exactly , wtf he was my guy all the way lol:badgrin:
Right. He was such a good candidate that you whacks on the right got behind Perry, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich at various times before your corporate masters slapped you down and said, "no".

Not to worry, after he loses, you can all claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative".

Exactly , wtf he was my guy all the way lol:badgrin:

It's kind of funny, because back during the primary, most of the people here were just as against Romney as I was.

But they all fell nicely in line after they were TOLD they didn't have an alternative. Now they have to pretend they like this guy they don't really trust.

On a serious note, the OP is really going to claim that Romney is a better candidate than Bush 41 (War Hero, President, Vice-President, Ambassador, CIA Director, Chairman of the RNC) Bob Dole (Senate Leader, War Hero, Republican stalwart with decades of experience) or John McCain (Prominant Senator, War Hero). Even Bush-43, for his faults, had a better resume than Romney.

Oh, yeah, those guys weren't "real conservatives", in that they actually thought there was a purpose to government.

It just shows how far to the whack the GOP has gone.

The ironic thing about Romney is that he isn't a whack on policy, but he plays one on TV.
I think Joey needs a tissue already.


Not to worry, guy, after Romney loses, you can come back here and claim he wasn't really a conservative and that's why he lost.

Not that you alienated even moderate republicans with your craziness.

Right. He was such a good candidate that you whacks on the right got behind Perry, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich at various times before your corporate masters slapped you down and said, "no".

Not to worry, after he loses, you can all claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative".

They got behind just about everyone before having to swallow their corporate master's pick- "poison pill" (Progressive Blue Blood Republican) :clap2: They were just as you say, "ABR" primary voters lol. Now they act as if he's the 2nd Coming/only surpassed by the Gipper :razz: :lol:

Thanks for the laughs KG. :thup: BTW- he was pro-choice before he was for it.
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I would not say that.. I disagree with Romney on many things... My best candidate (though he never made it past the primaries) was Thompson...

But Obama makes Romney look like Reagan
Right. He was such a good candidate that you whacks on the right got behind Perry, Cain, Bachmann, Santorum and Gingrich at various times before your corporate masters slapped you down and said, "no".

Not to worry, after he loses, you can all claim it was because he wasn't a "real conservative".

They got behind just about everyone before having to swallow their corporate master's pick- "poison pill" (Progressive Blue Blood Republican) :clap2: Now they act as if he's the 2nd Coming/only surpassed by the Gipper :razz: :lol:

Thanks for the laughs KG. BTW- he was pro-choice before he was for it.

Reagan never suddenly changed positions and became a Moderate overnight. Mitt does that on a regular basis. Who know? He could be elected and become a Liberal.

This guy takes a position and then when confronted with it, distorts his own words.

Romney Budget Proposals Would Necessitate Very Large Cuts in Medicaid, Education, Health Research and Other Programs — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Then he stood before the entire nation and denied it. God doesn't like Liars Mitt. Better check your jet's breaks carefully.
Its going to be fun/funny to watch the Teavangelists like Allie be forced to pull the lever for a Progressive Republican :lol:
Most important election since 1980, hopefully with a similar result. Liberals believe the U.S. is basically an evil country that must be fundamentally changed in order to atone for its past sins.
Most important election since 1980, hopefully with a similar result. Liberals believe the U.S. is basically an evil country that must be fundamentally changed in order to atone for its past sins.

Actually, 1980 is when things really started to go wrong.

It's when instead of being right with working folks, the GOP decided it was easier to distract them with bullshit issues like guns, gays, abortion and affirmative action.

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