Rodimus/Cyclonus: American Doctors [Capitalism Think-Tanks!]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
How much 'daydream-porridge' does TrumpUSA require?

Is our capitalism society a thing of great/substantive genius?

What do you think?


"Two space-robots named Rodimus and Cyclonus who both hailed from the A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) planet of Cybertron were diametric opposites of each other(!). Rodimus was a valiant and pensive if non-mainstream defender of democratic values, while Cyclonus was a cunning and wily wolfish Machiavellian advocate of anarchy and terrorism. Rodimus and Cyclonus landed on Earth's moon and began spying on TrumpUSA and evaluating the contours/values of capitalism in human civilization in the 21st Century(!). Rodimus/Cyclonus believed that American institutions such as Yale University, the International Space Station, and Wall Street were 'totems' of great capitalism daydreams that required serious third-party (objective) analysis/dissection. Rodimus wanted to dissuade Cyclonus from justifying an inventive/radical invasion and colonization of human civilization and therefore wanted to defend the qualities of TrumpUSA."


RODIMUS: There are features of TrumpUSA capitalism that warrant praise!
CYCLONUS: There's plenty of media scandals and corruption, however...
RODIMUS: We have to see beyond the frailties to find the 'magic.'
CYCLONUS: If there is no tangible sustainable and stable magic, invasion is imminent!
RODIMUS: We needn't assume human civilization necessarily requires colonization.
CYCLONUS: How do you know TrumpUSA offers features that stabilize capitalism?
RODIMUS: Capitalism is not automatically self-stabilizing, but it has potential!
CYCLONUS: What do you mean, Rodimus?
RODIMUS: You see, Cyclonus, TrumpUSA is a sort of 'tent' for great daydreams.
CYCLONUS: Are you referring to films like Oliver Stone's Wall Street?
RODIMUS: Yes; traffic in America is centered around ideas about profit-sharing.
CYCLONUS: Well, there's plenty of evidence of piracy on Wall Street...
RODIMUS: Americans appreciate the value of checks-and-balances.
CYCLONUS: Does TrumpUSA offer its citizens routes towards great teamwork?
RODIMUS: While there're media scandals and corruption, there's also energy!
CYCLONUS: Well, President Trump did see through a nuclear crisis with North Korea.
RODIMUS: He also saw the alliance between the Koreas during the PyeongChang Games.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps the International Space Station (ISS) unifies all capitalism 'players.'
RODIMUS: Yes, the ISS is an 'extension' of the 1980's Star Wars initiative.
CYCLONUS: Will Trump do for NASA and Wall Street what Reagan did in the 1980s?
RODIMUS: TrumpUSA certainly offers citizens chances to embrace commercial flowery!
CYCLONUS: Well, consumerism (Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft) is at an all-time high.
RODIMUS: Thanks to computers/tech, human civilization has become quite imaginative.
CYCLONUS: We'll see if TrumpUSA capitalism offers citizens ways to appreciate temperance.
RODIMUS: Capitalism promotes ambition, but TrumpUSA may offer routes to self-checks!
CYCLONUS: If it does not, an invasion is warranted, and we robots can seize the ISS.


"Rodimus and Cyclonus concluded their first discussion/evaluation of TrumpUSA contours/values. They decided that TrumpUSA certainly did offer its citizens ways to explore profit-sharing and teamwork in this new age (21st Century) of explosive/globalized consumerism and commercial flowery (e.g., eTrade, NASDAQ, etc.). Rodimus and Cyclonus also noted that various patriotism-themed American comics such as G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Marvel/Hasbro) presented avatars/stories representing social admiration of teamwork ethos and concerns about anarchy and terrorism. Cyclonus insisted that such 'pedestrian art' (or pulp fiction) could not solve the problem of natural ambitions/yearnings created by capitalism systems of thought. However, Rodimus insisted that special folk-tales about the flowery of capitalism (e.g., Oliver Stone's Wall Street) indicated a human focus/appreciation of general capitalism methodologies towards commerce-gauged global peace. After 9/11, when anti-capitalism terrorists from the Middle East destroyed the commerce-symbolic World Trade Center in NYC, humanity became 'on edge' about the stability of consumerism, but Rodimus/Cyclonus believed that patriotic comics addressing commerce-destabilizing terrorism at least addressed social and basic concerns about the intelligence of networking (and peace)."


RODIMUS: Humans can explore the value of capitalism think-tanks!
CYCLONUS: Yes, such think-tanks can complement studies in economics.
RODIMUS: Americans appreciate the value of education and science...
CYCLONUS: Yes, the Salk Institute, NASA, and the HGP all represent greatness!
RODIMUS: Well, capitalism think-tanks can help America evaluate values/profits.
CYCLONUS: Many capitalism critics in TrumpUSA feel America is too 'arrogant.'
RODIMUS: We've seen from our observations from Earth's moon that TrumpUSA shines.
CYCLONUS: Well, yes, it's a commercial tower of great rhetoric, but there're flaws!
RODIMUS: That's what we're evaluating, Cyclonus; I believe there's no need for invasion.
CYCLONUS: If President Trump convinces voters that capitalism is bright, then I'd agree.
RODIMUS: If you think about the infrastructural splendor/ambition of U.S. cities, you'd see!
CYCLONUS: I'm thinking about that right now, but I'm wondering if capitalism is 'avarice.'
RODIMUS: Sure; there's the problem of avarice and piracy, but that's why we study.
CYCLONUS: Can education/science offer us insights into the nature of greed?
RODIMUS: Americans seem to constantly evaluate the dimensions of greed/vice.
CYCLONUS: Perhaps TrumpUSA offers its citizens ways to appreciate capitalism IQ.
RODIMUS: Yes, Donald Trump once hosted the TV program Celebrity Apprentice.
CYCLONUS: He was also a casino-mogul, so he understand American enterprise.
RODIMUS: If TrumpUSA can coordinate imagination with temperance, it will stand!
CYCLONUS: I merely worry that capitalism is a vehicle for troubling immaturity.
RODIMUS: We have to defy such cynicism with serious ideas about governance programs.
CYCLONUS: Sometimes fascism and anarchy and perhaps socialism seem more 'sane.'
RODIMUS: There's a time for great deconstruction and a time for thoughtful ideals!
CYCLONUS: You're a romantic, Rodimus; I maintain my belief that capitalism needs monitors.
RODIMUS: I concede there's a need for supervision; capitalism think-tanks can offer hope.
CYCLONUS: If American cities (L.A., N.Y., D.C.) offer people sanity, TrumpUSA is secure.
RODIMUS: Let's concede that human civilization doesn't require invasion, since it's child-like.
CYCLONUS: If TrumpUSA does not become juvenile with its child-like daydreams, I'll agree!
RODIMUS: I'll prove to you that TrumpUSA is smart --- Donald Trump cares about NASDAQ.
CYCLONUS: Alright; perhaps Trump studies dimensions of markets; let's disregard invasion.


"Rodimus/Cyclonus believed TrumpUSA capitalism/society required serious third-party (objective) evaluation and dissection. However, the two shrewd A.I. robots from Cybertron agreed that there were qualities and contours of TrumpUSA capitalism that made human civilization a potential base for great ideals and promising rhetoric. Cyclonus continued to insist that humanity needed inventive injections of rebellious deeds such as 9/11 to confirm that capitalism was by no means above the requirements of constant study. However, Rodimus continued to insist that American society and TrumpUSA capitalism was a thing of great child-like daydreams and offered its citizens media routes (TV, Internet, radio, news, etc.) to democratic social analysis of systemic features and virtues. Cyclonus and Rodimus departed from Earth's moon and returned to planet Cybertron and reported their evaluations of human civilization (TrumpUSA) and their conclusion that Earth did not warrant invasion/colonization since capitalism on Earth offered dimensions of modest but creative political/economic science. The council on Cybertron congratulated Rodimus/Cyclonus for rightly assessing the value of capitalism think-tanks on Earth and ordered them to evaluate appropriate institutional analogies of such think-tanks on Cybertron."


"Meanwhile, back on Earth, a ruthless NYC underworld tycoon named Kingpin rose to power and began plotting how to manipulate and control the 2020 U.S. presidential election to ensure that Donald Trump was not re-elected. You see, Kingpin wanted his own pawn/minion to find his way into the White House and redirect America towards great capitalism piracy. Kingpin envisioned an American capitalism of organized crime and profits that far 'out-shined' the post-USSR Russian mafia world in Moscow(!). Kingpin despised capitalism rhetoric (e.g., Pepsi-poetry) and wanted to see capitalism stand as a great vehicle for power and consumption. You get the feeling that Cyclonus himself might suggest that Kingpin was to a potential post-TrumpUSA American capitalism what Stalin was to a post-Lenin Soviet Union(!). Would American capitalism be established as a system of democratic rhetoric and profit-sharing (as the idealistic Rodimus suggested) or would it become a system of questionable and even ugly piracy? Only time would tell if Rodimus or Cyclonus was more accurate about the 'arrow' of American capitalism construction. Kingpin meanwhile was becoming a substantial American 'adversary'."


TRUMP: I think I can get re-elected, Carter!
CARTER: I have faith, Mr. President...
TRUMP: We've seen great consumerism energy.
CARTER: Some compare our era to the Roaring Twenties!
TRUMP: Have you seen Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps?
CARTER: I love that movie!
TRUMP: Let's toast to great capitalism poetry...
CARTER: Let's hope anti-capitalism terrorism finally dies.
TRUMP: Hail to new age diplomacy.



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