Robot workers

Automation is going to very rapidly eat the job market. I think something like universal basic income is an inevitability if we don't want our society to collapse in the future. We won't have another choice when millions and millions of people don't have employment options.
In learning python I have written code for algorithms and machine learning. Voice assistants that branch of AI. Never written code for robotics. C++ would be better for that as it is a fast computing language. So this demand for robotics is good news for C++ programmers.
AI has the potential to lift western civilization out of toil almost completely but it's not going to happen. Employment keeps a population too exhausted and too desperate to think about the empty mediocrity that is their lives.
Automation is going to very rapidly eat the job market. I think something like universal basic income is an inevitability if we don't want our society to collapse in the future. We won't have another choice when millions and millions of people don't have employment options.
Other developed countries are shortening their work weeks, that should be an option for us too.


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