Rob Portman Reverses Gay Marriage Stance After Son Comes Out

You don't discuss. You ignore, insult, misspell, slander and denigrate. That's not discussion. It's bullying.

I have yet to see you put forth any reasonable intellectual discussion. You provide no links to back up your dubious assertions. And then you say you've won the debate.

No Reb. You didn't win.
Indeed, but better an epiphany, than none at all.

The RW wants to pretend it never happened, though... :lol:


This only proves that Fox isn't fixated with Gay bashing.

The hell you say.....or "news", which runs counter to their agenda.
Hey anus face...conservatives don't hate minorities. If that was true, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Tim Scott would never have been elected. Oh, and just for your info, of all the Latinos elected into office...more Of them are Republican than Democrat. If you want to see hate towards minorities, just look at what happens to any minority that dares to step away from the radical left-wing Democrat plantation. They get character assassins like that racist Gloria Allfraud in the way she went after Herman Cain. They get Oreo cookies thrown at the like Michael Steele did, they get attacked for drinking water like Marco Rubio did, and then of course the hatred towards West, Estrada, Gonzales, Janice Rogers Brown, Clarence Thomas. Your sides hatred for minorities and wanting to keep them enslaved goes back to your sides founding of the KKK and longer. It is your side that always has to find some race to hate for whatever reason.

Yeah, just ask Joe Lieberman how inclusive the Democrat Party is, or how about Artur Davis, who is black, how inclusive the Democrat Party is. Unless one is a radical left-wing extremist Marxist/Collectivist, there is no room for you in the Democrat Party. Long gone are the days of the so called "Blue Dog Democrat".
Are you serious? Joe Lieberman? Artur Davis? LMAO at those turncoats. Just like there is no room in the GOP for a moderate, rational conservative.

Oh, wasn't it Democrats that voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Why yes it was, but then again they had Democrat LBJ who said "I will have those n***ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years".
People change. LBJ (obviously) "changed". The Dems changed. The Repubs changed. The parties switched ideologies and loyalties during the late 60's thru the 80's, you just admitted your racist views. If one is black, Latino, Asian and are not a Democrat, then you are not really black, Latino or Asian. Thanks for proving you are a racist.
I admit to nothing. How dare you take me out of context. I said nothing remotely resembling your conclusion.

Faux outrage noted.

It's true that the KKK was a product of the old Democratic Party, which by the way switched ideologies (via the Dixiecrats massive exodus to the Republican Party in the late 60's -1980), to essentially become today's racist, non-inclusive and morally bankrupt Republican Party.

You are so full of crap. I have seen this load of crap enough times, it's laughable. So, how about we start with progressive Woodrow Wilson who had his cabinet members watch the KKK movie "Birth of a Nation". Oh, and speaking of left-winger Wilson, didn't he appoint an anti-Semite U.S. Supreme Court Justice, James C. McReynolds who refused to have anything to do with USSC Justice Lewis Brandis because he was Jewish. The same McReynolds who also hated blacks as well.

Oh, and how about another leftist, Marxist progressive Franklin D. Roosevelt, who appointed KKK member Hugo Black to the USSC.

Then we have Bill Clinton who said to Ted Kennedy, " a few years ago this guy would have been carrying our bags for us", referring to Barack Obama during the 2008 Democrat primaries when Hillary was going against Obama. And yes, both Kennedy and Clinton laughed about that one.

Oh, and of course how can we forget racist Joe Biden and his Indian accent comments about 7-11 and his mocking Indian accents.

So, please, don't even try and lecture me about the racism. Unfortunately for you, you just don't see democrats behind closed doors, and you only believe their lies and rhetoric.

Totally laughable. You obviously have drank the Republican kool aid, and want me to. I have garlic and a crucifix, so back up.
If God said you should eat or drink only from an animal with cloven-hooves did this stop them from slaughtering their transportation?

If he said stay away from pork could it be because of the diseases they tend to carry like Trichinosis?

Could he be telling us to stay away from shellfish because of the fat and cholesterol content?

He told us not to eat birds of pray because some of them eat carrion.

He said don't eat insects that crawl....only insects that have wings like locusts.....but no others.

He said anyone that touches a dead body of any kind will be unclean until the Sun goes down. That's why in ME countries they leave dead goats and camels out to rot because they took this to an extreme. Yet if you carry a dead friend around on full display, which is a common practice, for some reason this is ignored in Islam. This is an example of only applying part of the law to one's life.

I'm just wondering why God would spend so much time fixating on what people should and shouldn't eat, and didn't take the time to say something sensible like "People owning other people is wrong!"

I mean, he almost sounds like something made up by Bronze Age Savages.

There is a reason for everything in the Bible.

Not everyone believes that.
It has already been established that Ron Portman is a hypocrite. For years he opposed same sex marriage for the children of others, but when it comes to his own, he suddenly wants acceptance. The same acceptance he would deny to everyone else.

Whats been established is that some people don't understand what "hypocrite" means.

Previously being against Same-sex Civil Marriage for all and now being for Same-sex Civil Marriage for all is not being a hypocrite. Take a position that Same-sex Civil Marriage for everyone except his children would be hypocritical.

Changing a position on an issue is not being a hypocrite when the application of that position is applied consistently.


Being against same sex marriage when it effects others and not you personally, then changing your position when it does effect you personally, makes you a hypocrite.

Once again you point out your ignorance by confusing "affect" with "effect".....words with different meanings and spellings. A remedial English course is indicated, moron.
You know, lets hope someone like hilary clinton doesn;t come out and supprt gay marriage now because that would make liberals look like a bunch of hypocrites. I wonder if they would be piling it on her? lmao!

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