Rise In Homeless Female Vets Tied To Military Sexual Abuse


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
Rise In Homeless Female Vets Tied To Military Sexual Abuse


The number of homeless female veterans is on the rise and the high rate of Military Sexual Assault may be partly to blame.

Between 2008 and 2009, women veterans made up 7.5 percent of the estimated 75,609 homeless service members, according to the Department of Veteran Affairs. The same organization found that 20 percent of of female Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have experienced Military Sexual Abuse, a trauma that is more likely to impede a veteran’s transition back to society, than a combat-related trauma, according to a 2009 Clinical Psychology Review study, the Portland Monthly cited.

"I think I can say confidently that every single woman in the military has dealt with sexual harassment at some time in their career," Mickiela Montoya, a homeless veteran, told ABC. Montoya, who served as a policewoman in Iraq for seven years said a fellow soldier threatened to rape her in Iraq.

Recognizing the pressing need to cater to this specific population, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Women Bureau launched a guide for service providers in July to ensure that homeless veterans’ unique challenges are adequately addressed.

“I am very concerned about this increase in homelessness and other challenges our women veterans face as they reintegrate…” Hilda Solis, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor, remarked on the organization’s website. “Often women veterans are neither aware of the available services nor comfortable accessing them. Something must be done.”

Paulina Hicks, who lives in a veteran-funded women's living center in California, is one such traumatized veteran who the Department of Labor hopes to target.

"Of course, I'll never forget his face," Hicks told the Huffington Post in April of the man she said raped her at an air show.

Hicks said that another man, who broke into her dormitory in Texas, raped her and that she was verbally and physically assaulted by a superior in Oregon whom she worked with on a daily basis for three years. She reported a few incidences, but mostly kept the attacks to herself.

While the growing rate of female homeless veterans is a nationwide concern, certain pockets of the population are experiencing the rise more than others.

In Fayetteville, N.C., for example, the female veteran homeless rate has hit 18 percent, according to the Fay Observer.

"Fayetteville is a bastion of military persons," Barbara Marshall, a Navy veteran who was once homeless, told the newspaper. "They retire here, and, unfortunately, some encounter times of trouble."

Of the 504 homeless veterans Fayetteville serves, about 90 of them are women, the Fay Observer reports. But those numbers don’t necessarily represent the problem’s complete picture, since veterans are often hesitant to reveal the abuse they have been subjected to.

To help those facing similar struggles that she’s overcome, Marshall established the Jubilee House a year ago, a transitional home for homeless female veterans. Thanks to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, which renovated the Jubilee House last month, it can now accommodate seven homeless veterans and their families and has additional space for mentoring and counseling.

But, finding housing is just part of the problem. Getting veterans to overcome their reluctance to ask for help is another.

“There’s more shame, secrecy, and stigma attached to post-traumatic stress disorder associated with military sexual trauma than with combat-related PTSD,” Marcia Hall, a counselor and Women’s Health Program manager at the Roseburg VA told the Portland Monthly. “It’s a hidden war.”

Oregon’s VA faces similar challenges to that of Fayetville’s when it comes female veteran homelessness. Though the 2010 rate of 6 percent is lower than the national rate, according to Oregon Housing and Community Services, experts admit that these numbers are likely not representative of how grave the problem is.

Rise In Homeless Female Vets Tied To Military Sexual Abuse
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Hmm...at my last doctor's visit at my VA clinic, my physician asked me if I ever experienced sexual abuse in the Army....I thought it was an odd question for him to be asking out of context for the reason I was there.

I don't know...I have so many thoughts on this, my brain is a little scrambled, but I am leaning toward on the side suspicion on this article.

You can be sure sexual harassment and abuse does occur, but I find it difficult to believe a woman who has survived basic training, which undoubtedly is much tougher than when I was in, training for her position, been to Iraq/Afg., does not have the courage and fortitude to report sexual harassment/abuse. Certainly, being part of the one the biggest 'good ol' boy' organizations in existence is a deterent, but from my experience, the women I served with took no crap, and if they didn't deal with it themselves by knocking the living shit out of you, they would not hesitate to report it, either to chain of command or someone, a friend, who summarily 'handled' the situation unofficially.

There's an internal 'good ol' boy' system in place...the guys who look out for the gals behind the scenes, who took it upon themselves to deal with perpetrators, these included enlisted and officers. Either there was some kind of 'disciplinary' action, official or otherwise, and/or the perp was transferred out.
If a vet is disabled to the point of not being able to hold down a job, then they are entitled, as are we all, to disability and low-income housing, and for those who served their full life term, they have their retirement, either until they are able to receive counseling and again be able to reintegrate, or permanently, so I don't get why they are homeless based on sexual harassment PTSD in and of itself.
I also find it difficult to believe that these resourceful women are not able to/would not discover resources and seek them out on their own. My first visit to the clinic I was informed there was a female social worker/counselor on staff, a female nurse practitioner, as well as my physician.

Could it be these vets are homeless the same way many folks are, because there are simply no jobs, and the sexual harassment part of it is being exploited and/or abused by the women themselves or the system, or for political gain? And, if indeed sexual harassment PTSD is the issue, I find it difficult to believe they are unable to find the resources they need in existing programs. Reluctance to report these offenses is not a military issue, it is societal one for every woman every where, in all walks of life so again, I don't get the vet spin on this. Make the process of reporting them 'friendlier', the resources available for all women, not just the vets. And....there are homeless women and children on the streets who are not vets and their families....what about them? They idea of singling out vets here does not sit well with me, makes me suspicious...make the system work for all of us.
Hmm...at my last doctor's visit at my VA clinic, my physician asked me if I ever experienced sexual abuse in the Army....I thought it was an odd question for him to be asking out of context for the reason I was there.

I don't know...I have so many thoughts on this, my brain is a little scrambled, but I am leaning toward on the side suspicion on this article.

You can be sure sexual harassment and abuse does occur, but I find it difficult to believe a woman who has survived basic training, which undoubtedly is much tougher than when I was in, training for her position, been to Iraq/Afg., does not have the courage and fortitude to report sexual harassment/abuse. Certainly, being part of the one the biggest 'good ol' boy' organizations in existence is a deterent, but from my experience, the women I served with took no crap, and if they didn't deal with it themselves by knocking the living shit out of you, they would not hesitate to report it, either to chain of command or someone, a friend, who summarily 'handled' the situation unofficially.

There's an internal 'good ol' boy' system in place...the guys who look out for the gals behind the scenes, who took it upon themselves to deal with perpetrators, these included enlisted and officers. Either there was some kind of 'disciplinary' action, official or otherwise, and/or the perp was transferred out.
If a vet is disabled to the point of not being able to hold down a job, then they are entitled, as are we all, to disability and low-income housing, and for those who served their full life term, they have their retirement, either until they are able to receive counseling and again be able to reintegrate, or permanently, so I don't get why they are homeless based on sexual harassment PTSD in and of itself.
I also find it difficult to believe that these resourceful women are not able to/would not discover resources and seek them out on their own. My first visit to the clinic I was informed there was a female social worker/counselor on staff, a female nurse practitioner, as well as my physician.

Could it be these vets are homeless the same way many folks are, because there are simply no jobs, and the sexual harassment part of it is being exploited and/or abused by the women themselves or the system, or for political gain? And, if indeed sexual harassment PTSD is the issue, I find it difficult to believe they are unable to find the resources they need in existing programs. Reluctance to report these offenses is not a military issue, it is societal one for every woman every where, in all walks of life so again, I don't get the vet spin on this. Make the process of reporting them 'friendlier', the resources available for all women, not just the vets. And....there are homeless women and children on the streets who are not vets and their families....what about them? They idea of singling out vets here does not sit well with me, makes me suspicious...make the system work for all of us.

I don't know because obviously a man this is something I never really gone through, when I was in the service I served with units that had a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment. I know sexual harassment and rape are troubling issues in some places in the Military, the Air Force Academy for one has a horrible reputation for it and the deployed locations in Iraq and Afghanistan do as well. No matter if a female Soldier went through basic traininig theres really not too much she can if she gets attacked and raped by a bigger male soldier or more than 1 of them, this is troubling because if this is happening as often as they say it shows a real break down in the chain of command in the Military, we are showing that we cannot protect the women in the US military.
Some woman are going to cry sexual harassment just because they can. If a woman can't handle it in a mans world maybe she should not join the military. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule there always is but for the most part women do not need to be combat soldiers and if they were able o make it in a mans army Im inclined to think they are only homeless if they choose to be. being in the military has nothing to do with them being anything but better once they get out. women should remain barefoot and pregnant where they belong.
Some woman are going to cry sexual harassment just because they can. If a woman can't handle it in a mans world maybe she should not join the military. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule there always is but for the most part women do not need to be combat soldiers and if they were able o make it in a mans army Im inclined to think they are only homeless if they choose to be. being in the military has nothing to do with them being anything but better once they get out. women should remain barefoot and pregnant where they belong.

I worked as a mover for 11 years. I ran into a couple of women movers that could probably kick your ass.

Man..I wish you guys were in the same room.

And trust me. You wouldn't want to be "sexually harrassed" by them. They made bulldogs look sexy. :lol:
Some woman are going to cry sexual harassment just because they can. If a woman can't handle it in a mans world maybe she should not join the military. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule there always is but for the most part women do not need to be combat soldiers and if they were able o make it in a mans army Im inclined to think they are only homeless if they choose to be. being in the military has nothing to do with them being anything but better once they get out. women should remain barefoot and pregnant where they belong.

You are a fucking retard.:cuckoo:
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.
Some woman are going to cry sexual harassment just because they can. If a woman can't handle it in a mans world maybe she should not join the military. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule there always is but for the most part women do not need to be combat soldiers and if they were able o make it in a mans army Im inclined to think they are only homeless if they choose to be. being in the military has nothing to do with them being anything but better once they get out. women should remain barefoot and pregnant where they belong.

See, High?...This is part of what I was saying above.

Not sure what century you're living in, the military has long since not been just a man's world, but I don't know if you have noticed, women have been competing in a 'man's world' whether they were in the military or not since the beginning of time, and it's just this kind of attitude that has kept a lot of women afraid or unable to advance in careers that suited them well.

Women have fought hard and come a long way since the days when men use to drag us by the hair of the head back to their cave. Some of their issues I don't agree with, but their struggles opened a lot of doors for women, doors that should have always been open to us, and I am grateful for that. Women now, even barefoot and pregnant can and will wipe the floor with your behind.
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more of the same, ( like the 6000 homeless issue) take 3-4 stories , pile on the emotion, let it rip.

and of course, the homeless persons lack of accomplishment or ability to fend for herself is tied too......wait for it....men in the miltary abusing them, theres a dog whistle for you.

So whats the mens excuse, that outnumber them 4-1? they get abused too?

90 of 504 homeless are woman?

are we supposed to take something away from that?

well, heres what I take, its WAAAAY below 50%, and, hey, with the mantra and fulfillment of the liberated independent woman making full use of her capabilities in pursuit of her own life, free from the patriarchal 'shackles' of yesteryear, in the military especially, and life, I'd say the that % is skewed, it should be much higher....
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Some woman are going to cry sexual harassment just because they can. If a woman can't handle it in a mans world maybe she should not join the military. Im sure there are exceptions to the rule there always is but for the most part women do not need to be combat soldiers and if they were able o make it in a mans army Im inclined to think they are only homeless if they choose to be. being in the military has nothing to do with them being anything but better once they get out. women should remain barefoot and pregnant where they belong.

See, High?...This is part of what I was saying above.

Not sure what century you're living in, the military has long since not been just a man's world, but I don't know if you have noticed, women have been competing in a 'man's world' whether they were in the military or not since the beginning of time, and it's just this kind of attitude that has kept a lot of women afraid or unable to advance in careers that suited them well.

Women have fought hard and come a long way since the days when men use to drag us by the hair of thead back to their cave. Some of their issues I don't agree with, but their struggles opened a lot of doors for women, doors that should have always been open to us, and I am grateful for that. Women now, even barefoot and pregnant can and will wipe the floor with your behind.

Don't pay that clown any mind, cootydog is just your typical racist inbred piece of shit redneck who lives in some small backwater piece of shit town in the middle of nowhere with a 1932 mindset.
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I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.

sorry bro but I have to ask ask you for verifiable links to that.

you make it appear as if the military has run amok and troops are raping and abusing woman left right sideways due to some lapses in chain of command, they are overseas etc etc ...

and that last part? they have more to fear from the Iraqi and Taliban? R U serious? really?
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.

sorry bro but I have to ask ask you for verifiable links to that.

you make it appear as if the military has run amok and troops are raping and abusing woman left right sideways due to some lapses in chain of command, they are overseas etc etc ...

and that last part? they have more to fear from the Iraqi and Taliban? R U serious? really?

Sexual assault in military 'jaw-dropping,' lawmaker says - CNN

Female Soldiers and Rape: War Within for Military Women - TIME

A woman in the US Military has more of a chance of being raped by a fellow male soldier than being killed by an Iraqi or a Taliban. We don't even know the real numbers because alot of women will not come forward and bottle it in, I am not saying male Soldiers are raping women left and right but this is a real problem.
It is just the Liberals creating a another class of victims.

Now it's the women veterans who are most likely losers anyway.

Women have no business being in the United States military except as nurses or clerks.

I disagree with you on this completely Sunni but nevertheless I don't think the guys that rape them care what their MOS is.
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.

This is sorta what I mean...different kind of folks joining the military now, different attitudes, different rearings, different morals.

Personally, I never thought women belonged in the war zones along side the guys, think it opened up a whole can of unexpected worms, and some women disagree, but there are limitations as to our abilities and what we should be doing as the repercussions in the long wrong don't make it worth it.
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.

This is sorta what I mean...different kind of folks joining the military now, different attitudes, different rearings, different morals.

Personally, I never thought women belonged in the war zones along side the guys, think it opened up a whole can of unexpected worms, and some women disagree, but there are limitations as to our abilities and what we should be doing as the repercussions in the long wrong don't make it worth it.

Deployed locations are just 1 part of it, however our force is stretched so thin right now if we blocked our female troops from deploying it would cause alot of problems with the manning on the ground. This problem is still going on state side, the Air Force Academy is know for its notorious reputation for rapes.

Air Force Academy Sex Assaults Up 150%, Most Among Service Academies Since 2008
It is just the Liberals creating a another class of victims.

Now it's the women veterans who are most likely losers anyway.

Women have no business being in the United States military except as nurses or clerks.

Says that where in the United States Constitution?
I don't know, High. Think the military has changed a whole bunch since I was in. Although we were increasing in number, women in the military were still kind of a phenomenon in a lot of ways. Some of the guys didn't know quite how to take us...stood around with their hands in their pockets kinda bewildered, others resented us for being there and others....well, regarded us a objects for their amusement. There was a lot of sexual harassment, nothing as overt for me as an attempted attack. Most of it from the guys who'd been in a while. There were 6 instances I experienced, and it started in basic. One involving a 1st Sgt., one a 2nd Lt. one a Cpt, one a Sgt. Major and 2 SFCs, all were married and thought they might try to start a little something on the side....but I never felt threatened, I ignored their advances, and I don't know exactly what happened. There always seemed to be an unseen force protecting me, and one by one, as each incident occurred, these guys were quietly transferred out. Attitudes have changed though with women serving now in more than just supportive roles, and with fewer of the 'old' military guys and attitude existent, and some of the folks enlisting now not the same kind of folks that enlisted back then. Not sure at all I am explaining this well, but I hope you get my jist.

From what I understand the harassment isn't just coming from the old school brown shoe type Military guys, it is the younger guys who are getting caught raping and sexually assaulting these women, and it is very alarming. I thought we have come a long with way with male/female integration in the service but it seems like we have a long way to go, it seems that overseas in the deployed locations some male troops take advantage of the breakdown in the chain of command to sexually assault their female counter parts, they have more to fear from their own soldiers than from the Iraqis or Taliban.

and that last part? they have more to fear from the Iraqi and Taliban? R U serious? really?

I can give you example of that...my battalion went TDY to Ft. Irwin, CA for desert training. We had co-ed barracks, doors without locks. A bit later we were joined by another battalion, I will refrain from naming them, but they were a rowdy, entitled, unruly, macho ass hole bunch...soon women had men walking into their rooms at night, were cornered in the showers, etc., The Army's solution..move the gals out to remote barracks at the edge of base, with guards posted and escorts back and forth. Women were told to buddy up when they went anywhere on base and to remain in the barracks after dark.

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