Riordan's stupid statement


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004

Looks like Mayor Riordan made a stupid blunder. What i think is interesting about the article is this:

Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, who had scheduled a protest by civil rights organizations, canceled the demonstration after an apparent mix-up over the girl's racial background.

Dymally was quoted in the San Jose Mercury News Thursday saying the child was "a little African-American girl. Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?"

The girl is white, with blonde hair.

I guess she aint worth protesting over cause she aint the right color to this assemblyman.
How convenient that the incident is "over" now that we know the girl is white....what a crock of sh*t!!!!

As far as the guy that made the comment,he sounds a little off his rocker. He needs to learn to watch his mouth,you don't say things like that to a 6 yeaar old. You never know how they will react. Glad she is fine though,and her mother isn't trying to blow it out of proportion.
It was an extremely stupid remark! However, the Dems trying to turn this into anything more than a moment of stupidity - well, that is even stupider :)p: )! Funny how it backfired on Dymally (or should that be spelled dimly?)
Just another story that shows how much hate blacks have for whites.

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