RINO Mitch McConnell Once Again Betrays His Master


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to have ridiculous Post Office hearings on Saturday & Monday, just before and during our Convention," Trump wrote, incorrectly identifying the date of the Senate hearing. "Let them hold them NOW (during their Convention) or after our Convention is over. "Always playing right into their hands!" he added, tagging McConnell's Twitter handle, @senatemajldr."

Why is Mitch McConnell being controlled by the Democrats?? Where is his backbone? What do they have on him? Mitch McConnell has basically given the Democrats anything they have wanted since he has been Senate Majority Leader.

It's beyond time that he be replaced with a QAnon candidate who will hold real Senate hearings that exposes the communist plot by George Soros and Maxine Waters -- where they are installing underground child sex dungeons in every Chuck E. Cheese west of the Mississippi....

"Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to have ridiculous Post Office hearings on Saturday & Monday, just before and during our Convention," Trump wrote, incorrectly identifying the date of the Senate hearing. "Let them hold them NOW (during their Convention) or after our Convention is over. "Always playing right into their hands!" he added, tagging McConnell's Twitter handle, @senatemajldr."

Why is Mitch McConnell being controlled by the Democrats?? Where is his backbone? What do they have on him? Mitch McConnell has basically given the Democrats anything they have wanted since he has been Senate Majority Leader.

It's beyond time that he be replaced with a QAnon candidate who will hold real Senate hearings that exposes the communist plot by George Soros and Maxine Waters -- where they are installing underground child sex dungeons in every Chuck E. Cheese west of the Mississippi....

I have LONG maintained that Washington DC is not a place where you will find defenders of "We The People"
Trump may (or may not) be different. I have theories on that.

Don't you also ever wonder WHY THE FUCK the exact same people remain in power decade after decade?
The same players (Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell) etc etc etc seem to be permanent fixtures.
The OP thinks ‘child sex dungeons’ are comical and worth mocking.

Let that shit sink in.

"Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to have ridiculous Post Office hearings on Saturday & Monday, just before and during our Convention," Trump wrote, incorrectly identifying the date of the Senate hearing. "Let them hold them NOW (during their Convention) or after our Convention is over. "Always playing right into their hands!" he added, tagging McConnell's Twitter handle, @senatemajldr."

Why is Mitch McConnell being controlled by the Democrats?? Where is his backbone? What do they have on him? Mitch McConnell has basically given the Democrats anything they have wanted since he has been Senate Majority Leader.

It's beyond time that he be replaced with a QAnon candidate who will hold real Senate hearings that exposes the communist plot by George Soros and Maxine Waters -- where they are installing underground child sex dungeons in every Chuck E. Cheese west of the Mississippi....
THIS is the most accurate criticism of Mushmouth Mitch I have ever seen. The dude ALWAYS plays right into their hands. He makes these idiots appear to be strategical geniuses.
Government is so crooked and so profitable and the power is so addicting that everyone in there treat their office like the Ring in Lord of the Rings. The longer they stay in the more they need to stay in. They're addicts and they'll do anything to get their fix, which is simply to stay in office. That's why the longer they're in the worse they get. That's why term limits are needed. The best interests of the American people or living by our constitution means nothing to these people unless it will help them get reelected.
Because, it matters to the Republicans for electoral purposes since they are not only right wingers who don't care about the truth or natural rights outside of abortion threads.
The post office stamp cost in 1960 was 4 cents. Today it is 55 cents. The inflation number of that 4 cent stamp would be 35 cents today. We pay 20 cents more then we should. And this is with massive numbers of bulk mail to keep the 55 cent price that low. So the 4 cent stamp in 1960 should cost 35 cents today. Costs for everything is rising above the inflation rate because of corrupted social programs and huge government. At what point does it lose control?

"Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to have ridiculous Post Office hearings on Saturday & Monday, just before and during our Convention," Trump wrote, incorrectly identifying the date of the Senate hearing. "Let them hold them NOW (during their Convention) or after our Convention is over. "Always playing right into their hands!" he added, tagging McConnell's Twitter handle, @senatemajldr."

Why is Mitch McConnell being controlled by the Democrats?? Where is his backbone? What do they have on him? Mitch McConnell has basically given the Democrats anything they have wanted since he has been Senate Majority Leader.

It's beyond time that he be replaced with a QAnon candidate who will hold real Senate hearings that exposes the communist plot by George Soros and Maxine Waters -- where they are installing underground child sex dungeons in every Chuck E. Cheese west of the Mississippi....

I have LONG maintained that Washington DC is not a place where you will find defenders of "We The People"
Trump may (or may not) be different. I have theories on that.

Don't you also ever wonder WHY THE FUCK the exact same people remain in power decade after decade?
The same players (Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell) etc etc etc seem to be permanent fixtures.
The exact same people remain in power because many of the base voters have a tendency to worship power -- so as long as Mitch has the power, base voters will fall in line.....

Same goes with Biden, Pelosi, Trump, etc -- as long as these people are seen as those who hold the power, base voters will fall in line with help from the media....

Anyone who challenges that power (AOC) -- that person will be demonized
"Betrays his master"? Democrats have been reading too many junk novels. It's business as usual in Foggy Bottom.
How is that possible when Trump drained the swamp already?

I find it very disrespectful that you downgrade Trump's brilliance and power that way

"Why are Republicans allowing the Democrats to have ridiculous Post Office hearings on Saturday & Monday, just before and during our Convention," Trump wrote, incorrectly identifying the date of the Senate hearing. "Let them hold them NOW (during their Convention) or after our Convention is over. "Always playing right into their hands!" he added, tagging McConnell's Twitter handle, @senatemajldr."

Why is Mitch McConnell being controlled by the Democrats?? Where is his backbone? What do they have on him? Mitch McConnell has basically given the Democrats anything they have wanted since he has been Senate Majority Leader.

It's beyond time that he be replaced with a QAnon candidate who will hold real Senate hearings that exposes the communist plot by George Soros and Maxine Waters -- where they are installing underground child sex dungeons in every Chuck E. Cheese west of the Mississippi....

Maybe it is because the Postal Service has a 91% approval rating to Trump's low to mid 40s approvals. Get a QAnon candidate and see how fast Senate Democrats get to 60 senators.

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