Rightwingers: How does it feel to have ideological defeat looming...and be powerless?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I don't mean this to be a bashing thread, but a serious question on what is the mindset of the modern right winger, with the current social situations in America?

- Gay marriage is a certainty. Just a matter of when, or how long. Not if.
- Legal weed is a guarantee. In 100 years, they'll laugh that we had a 2nd era of prohibition, and wonder why we didn't learn our lesson with alcohol bans.
- The border is weak, and its gonna be that way....pretty much forever. Just accept it right wingers. You know its true. We all do. Within 200 years, we'll be a mostly Hispanic nation. This hemisphere is not the origin of white or black humans. Hispanics are. Its not a bad thing. We're all people, I just know you guys, well, don't like it.
- Extreme wealth is being tolerated less and less. Society as a whole is slowly craving more restrictions on individuals accumulating mass wealth while others starve.

I wont list it all. But its just true....the American right wing ideals are so outnumbered in the Western Hemisphere, it is just inevitable that they'll fade away over time.

How does that inevitable defeat sit in the mind?

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