Right Wingers are a "fascinating" bunch

Stop letting the left and this nasty lowdown Democrat party LIE to you. More "legal" Latinos understood what is being said and they aren't against the GOP, you people who are Republican/Conservative and even the Democrats who agrees ILLEGAL immigration is now OUT OF CONTROL. VIDEO at the site
A Mexican immigrant explains why she supports Trump

  • Aug. 26, 2015, 9:44 AM
  • 50,060
This woman was born in Mexico and legally immigrated to the US. At a panel hosted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, she explained why she supports Donald Trump and his proposed wall.

video at the site

Produced by Adam Banicki

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/immigrant-explains-her-support-for-trump-2015-8#ixzz3kUe4UpD3
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:

Yeah, but they were not communists, you useless sack of left wing shit. You actually think you would classify yourself as a liberal as it was once defined? You fucking ignorant moron.

You, have no ability whatsoever to see how you are nothing but a fucking pawn for your democrats. Who, are full blown marxists. Saul Alinsky disciples.

You have no fucking clue and you are blind to the facts.

You fucking think your pathetic democrats do not use minorities for political gain. You think they actually care about the poor. You cannot and WILL not see how they use them for their votes and to hell with the country's security or sovereignty.

Stop trying to act smart with me, you deranged, pathetic left wing loser. Your intelligence is totally void. Keep on thinking how the democrats really care.

You fucking jack off.
Liberals today aren't Communists either. That's just a boogeyman for you to throw out when you are very scared. If you'd like to see what a Communist really is, may I suggest you actually look up the political definition? Here: http://www.freedictionarydefinition...m-definition&gclid=CO7gnv751ccCFYdrfgodSZsCdw
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:

Yeah, but they were not communists, you useless sack of left wing shit. You actually think you would classify yourself as a liberal as it was once defined? You fucking ignorant moron.

You, have no ability whatsoever to see how you are nothing but a fucking pawn for your democrats. Who, are full blown marxists. Saul Alinsky disciples.

You have no fucking clue and you are blind to the facts.

You fucking think your pathetic democrats do not use minorities for political gain. You think they actually care about the poor. You cannot and WILL not see how they use them for their votes and to hell with the country's security or sovereignty.

Stop trying to act smart with me, you deranged, pathetic left wing loser. Your intelligence is totally void. Keep on thinking how the democrats really care.

You fucking jack off.
Liberals today aren't Communists either. That's just a boogeyman for you to throw out when you are very scared. If you'd like to see what a Communist really is, may I suggest you actually look up the political definition? Here: http://www.freedictionarydefinition...m-definition&gclid=CO7gnv751ccCFYdrfgodSZsCdw

Fuck you. You know nothing you brainwashed hack.
Stop letting the left and this nasty lowdown Democrat party LIE to you. More "legal" Latinos understood what is being said and they aren't against the GOP, you people who are Republican/Conservative and even the Democrats who agrees ILLEGAL immigration is now OUT OF CONTROL. VIDEO at the site
A Mexican immigrant explains why she supports Trump

  • Aug. 26, 2015, 9:44 AM
  • 50,060
This woman was born in Mexico and legally immigrated to the US. At a panel hosted by Republican pollster Frank Luntz, she explained why she supports Donald Trump and his proposed wall.

video at the site

Produced by Adam Banicki

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/immigrant-explains-her-support-for-trump-2015-8#ixzz3kUe4UpD3
One. Impressive.
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:

Yeah, but they were not communists, you useless sack of left wing shit. You actually think you would classify yourself as a liberal as it was once defined? You fucking ignorant moron.

You, have no ability whatsoever to see how you are nothing but a fucking pawn for your democrats. Who, are full blown marxists. Saul Alinsky disciples.

You have no fucking clue and you are blind to the facts.

You fucking think your pathetic democrats do not use minorities for political gain. You think they actually care about the poor. You cannot and WILL not see how they use them for their votes and to hell with the country's security or sovereignty.

Stop trying to act smart with me, you deranged, pathetic left wing loser. Your intelligence is totally void. Keep on thinking how the democrats really care.

You fucking jack off.
Liberals today aren't Communists either. That's just a boogeyman for you to throw out when you are very scared. If you'd like to see what a Communist really is, may I suggest you actually look up the political definition? Here: http://www.freedictionarydefinition...m-definition&gclid=CO7gnv751ccCFYdrfgodSZsCdw

Fuck you. You know nothing you brainwashed hack.
Oh dear. And now I've upset you with facts and definitions.
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.

We are in real trouble, and I blame it all on the mindless arrogant ignorant sheep like the op who actually think democrats give a rat shit about the poor and minorities.

No matter how many times we present the facts, they display utter bullshit posts like this one.

Do not count on republicans, except for perhaps the very few that value our sovereignty and want to uphold our laws that make us a nation, and see right through the traitors who sacrifice everything we are along with our safety for political gain.

Those republicans are relegated by the media as mouth breathing flat earthers. The moronic sheep just lap it up.

There is no reason at all to treat any of these morons like the OP with respect. They are that lost. They are that stupid. The worst part is them thinking they are so smart by having such a gullible fucked up disposition.

The country is done folks.

Thanks for nothing.
What has Republicans done since Obama?

Lay on the floor and let Democrats walk all over them! GOP is code for floor MAT!

Tell us again, why vote for a Republican? They don't do anything, are they broken??o_O
Well, sometimes the term "fascinating" is a euphemism for "confused", and here's why:

1. For the last 20plus years I've heard republicans often state that the GOP must adopt a "bigger-tent" approach, to include the ever-growing non-white constituency of voters......

....and indeed the above would be a wise strategy....BUT what do they do instead?

....they alienate, Latinos, Hispanics, Blacks, the GLTB communities, pro-choice women, etc.

2. We have also heard after the last 2 presidential election cycles that right wingers' post-mortem analyses were that the GOP candidates (McCain and Romney) were just NOT conservative enough........So, what do they do?

.......they back up the most "left-leaning" candidate among the 17 or so GOP candidates ......our beloved Trump.

Go figure....I'm indeed "fascinated."

"....they alienate, Latinos, Hispanics, Blacks, the GLTB communities, pro-choice women, etc"

Funny! Look at the Republican Presidential candidate list and the Democratic list and tell us which one reflects the diversity of America. It isn't the one with two old, rich, white, career politician dudes with tired old ideas, Bernie and Hillary.
Dear God I fucking hate liberals. They lie about everything. they are hypocrites about everything.


on top of what you said, they hate America and what our founding fathers fought and died for to give US freedom and liberty from what present day liberscum want taken from US and destroyed, a good example is what their hate filled leaders are doing to US, one example is that libermoron muslime mulatto O'Husseinbama, every day he schemes another way to fuck US American citizens and give rights to the fucking illegal aliens. :up: .
Our Founding Fathers WERE Liberals. Oh, one more thing. When you rant and rave about half the country "hating America"...do you honestly think sane people are going to look at you and agree? :rofl:

Yeah, but they were not communists, you useless sack of left wing shit. You actually think you would classify yourself as a liberal as it was once defined? You fucking ignorant moron.

You, have no ability whatsoever to see how you are nothing but a fucking pawn for your democrats. Who, are full blown marxists. Saul Alinsky disciples.

You have no fucking clue and you are blind to the facts.

You fucking think your pathetic democrats do not use minorities for political gain. You think they actually care about the poor. You cannot and WILL not see how they use them for their votes and to hell with the country's security or sovereignty.

Stop trying to act smart with me, you deranged, pathetic left wing loser. Your intelligence is totally void. Keep on thinking how the democrats really care.

You fucking jack off.
Liberals today aren't Communists either. That's just a boogeyman for you to throw out when you are very scared. If you'd like to see what a Communist really is, may I suggest you actually look up the political definition? Here: http://www.freedictionarydefinition...m-definition&gclid=CO7gnv751ccCFYdrfgodSZsCdw

Are you really that blind that you can't see the similarities of those definitions?
That they have to done a little differently in order for them to still be ruled Constitutional?
You can't put two and two together?
It's a lightweight mixture of Socialism and Communism and it is choking us and has us in debt for over 18 Trillion dollars.
Speaking of confused Democrats love to talk about how inclusive the Democratic Party is yet what is running for President on their side five white people.

True......if we discount history....

Which party had the FIRST female vice presidential candidate?
Which party helped elect a half-black president.....twice?
Wow one of each in how many years?
So...you are suggesting that we FORCE women and minorities to run for President for some kind of quota?[/QUOTE
What has Republicans done since Obama?

Lay on the floor and let Democrats walk all over them! GOP is code for floor MAT!

Tell us again, why vote for a Republican? They don't do anything, are they broken??o_O

That is why the republican voters are supporting the 3 that are not part of the elite.
If they don't wake up and start playing like they are in charge, the Republicans will go bye, bye and another party will take their place.
Well, sometimes the term "fascinating" is a euphemism for "confused", and here's why:

1. For the last 20plus years I've heard republicans often state that the GOP must adopt a "bigger-tent" approach, to include the ever-growing non-white constituency of voters......

....and indeed the above would be a wise strategy....BUT what do they do instead?

....they alienate, Latinos, Hispanics, Blacks, the GLTB communities, pro-choice women, etc.

2. We have also heard after the last 2 presidential election cycles that right wingers' post-mortem analyses were that the GOP candidates (McCain and Romney) were just NOT conservative enough........So, what do they do?

.......they back up the most "left-leaning" candidate among the 17 or so GOP candidates ......our beloved Trump.

Go figure....I'm indeed "fascinated."

"....they alienate, Latinos, Hispanics, Blacks, the GLTB communities, pro-choice women, etc"

Funny! Look at the Republican Presidential candidate list and the Democratic list and tell us which one reflects the diversity of America. It isn't the one with two old, rich, white, career politician dudes with tired old ideas, Bernie and Hillary.

Yep, you have to laugh at these Democrat cult followers. they still think everyone is in LOVE love love with them and their la la land views, even after the people VOTED their party out of control of congress BECAUSE of that Democrat thug they put in as President and because of how nasty they are. they just refuse to accept. the majority of people can't stand them or their party.
Don't you just love it when
Left wing nut jobs like the OP try to tell us how to win elections? Stupid shits.
Hey, reality is a bitch. By 2050, whites won't be a majority, your older voter base Is dieing off, the GOP has fucking trump leading..
What has Republicans done since Obama?

Lay on the floor and let Democrats walk all over them! GOP is code for floor MAT!

Tell us again, why vote for a Republican? They don't do anything, are they broken??o_O
Now now. Stephanie will tell you that they won the election of 2014....but what does the GOP have to show for it? That.....I can't get an answer for.
Don't you just love it when
Left wing nut jobs like the OP try to tell us how to win elections? Stupid shits.
Hey, reality is a bitch. By 2050, whites won't be a majority, your older voter base Is dieing off, the GOP has fucking trump leading..

the real fucking idiot is the moron that assumes non-whites will always be in the camp of one political Party

nice job idiot; love a left-winger trying to lecture others while wallowing in ignorance himself
Don't you just love it when
Left wing nut jobs like the OP try to tell us how to win elections? Stupid shits.
Hey, reality is a bitch. By 2050, whites won't be a majority, your older voter base Is dieing off, the GOP has fucking trump leading..

the real fucking idiot is the moron that assumes non-whites will always be in the camp of one political Party

nice job idiot; love a left-winger trying to lecture others while wallowing in ignorance himself
Who assumes that? Statistics are not there to "assume" that all of one demographic is this or all of one demographic is that. Why would a thinking adult believe that to be the case?

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