Right wing domestic terrorism

I bet they support obama.

D'Oh! When given a choice of Obama or a Right Wing Ideologue .. hello? :laugh2:

Give them a choice of an extreme environmentalist candidate or even a Dennis Kucinich and Obama and who do you think they'd go with?

How can an American of your age be so lost where critical thinking skills are needed? Where you home schooled? Did your public schools have conservatives fighting to keep you ignorant because of costs?

There is no critical thinking on your part since you support obama. So shut the fuck up.

Dante did not support Obama in 2008. Dante supported Obama in 2012. Dante does not support Obama in the way you think

thanks for proving yet again that you are a moron in a class of your very own
first a reality check for you:

McVeigh targeted men women and children in a day care, hoping all would die.

Who did Ayers target for death?
Really? So you don't even know who Ayers was after in his bombings. Yet you think this lack of knowledge somehow exonerates him for blowing people up because in your view maybe the were the right kind to blow up.

In other words you have a sliding scale of bombers based upon who they target. Target the right people and you're OK with that. Others not so much.

Whatever koolaid you are drinking I'd recommend you stop and get to the nearest poison center as quickly as possible .. after reading this post.

Who did Ayers kill? Dante knew who Ayers was back in the day. Dante did not approve of Ayers and the WU tactics then or now. Ayers bombed property and gave out warnings first

you really need to get to that emergency room NOW

You're talking about yourself in third person? F*cking seriously? Dante must thing Dante is an idiot.

Ayers killed policemen, tried to kill many more but kinda sucked at the bomber from a safe distance as to not hurt yourself game. He killed more of his own followers than the Boston Bombers when they f*cked up and blew themselves up. Of course he was too much of a p*ssy to actually be at any of these events. I like to consider the Ayers types as wanna be c*nts. Wanting to kill people for the glory but not willing to actually be involved, as long as you have useful idiots why not use them?
We all know about all the studies from various places telling us how dangerous patriot groups are and how right wing violence has escalated since Obama was elected. It seems that the FBI didn't get the memo, their list of most wanted terrorists has 31 people on it, 30 of which are Muslims.

Not to worry though, there is one domestic terrorist on their list, Daniel Andreas San Diego, a left wing animal rights and environmentalist.

Technically Speaking, a Muslim Jihadist would be on the RIGHT side of the polical spectrum, as they stem from Authoritarian-less freedoms, theocracy, etc.


Technically speaking we are talking about right wing domestic terrorism. I bolded the word that you should focus on, since you tend to ignore anything with more than two syllables.
blackhawk may need to get out more often

seems lots of the right wing world people here need to get out more often


Dante may need to let some air out of his ego and get some fresh air he is nowhere near as smart as he believes himself to be. As for the New Black Panthers the fact you can't even bring your self to admit they are extreme left wing says all that needs to be said about your views on right and left wing extremism.

Now Dante I'm fully aware of the little games you like to play here taking childish cheap shots at people and posting outlandish B.S. to push people's buttons and rile them up sometimes I even play the game because it's amusing but it also get's old and boring after awhile so I won't be playing anymore today you feel free to continue your silliness I'm sure someone else will play with you.

Do you consider either the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights or a combination of them to be leftist?

Play with my...

never mind

They're all leftist, especially the SPLC.
D'Oh! When given a choice of Obama or a Right Wing Ideologue .. hello? :laugh2:

Give them a choice of an extreme environmentalist candidate or even a Dennis Kucinich and Obama and who do you think they'd go with?

How can an American of your age be so lost where critical thinking skills are needed? Where you home schooled? Did your public schools have conservatives fighting to keep you ignorant because of costs?

There is no critical thinking on your part since you support obama. So shut the fuck up.

Dante did not support Obama in 2008. Dante supported Obama in 2012. Dante does not support Obama in the way you think

thanks for proving yet again that you are a moron in a class of your very own
Read this for those who communicate in third person
First- and Third-Person Perspectives in Psychotic Disorders and Mood Disorders with Psychotic Features
The FBI certainly keeps an eye on right wing domestic terrorists:

FBI ? Sovereign Citizens

And the latest rightwing terrorist arrested is a Republican candidate for office that sent ricin to Obama, a senator, and a judge.
The FBI certainly keeps an eye on right wing domestic terrorists:

FBI ? Sovereign Citizens

And the latest rightwing terrorist arrested is a Republican candidate for office that sent ricin to Obama, a senator, and a judge.

Right, lets fudge over the details. The senator was a Republican, and Obama was the Democrat. Logic would dictate that if he was purely a right wing domestic terrorist, he would only target left wing victims. But oh hey, that's the best you have since you can't label the Boston Bombers "right wing."

The sad part is that this is all political to you. But if you wish to play such a game, here's a left wing domestic terrorist, and a woman to boot. The media doesn't report things like this. But this woman was just added to the list, even though her crime took place more than 40 years ago.

FBI adds first woman to its Most Wanted Terrorists List - latimes.com

Members of the Black Liberation Army are left wing domestic terrorists.

Since 1980, 24% of terrorist acts committed on U.S. soil have been committed by extreme left wing groups; which by comparison dwarfs terrorist acts perpetrated by Muslim extremists (of whom were labeled as right wing by a previous poster), with the exception being that of 9/11 itself.


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The OP was playing politics and my response was to his partisan hackery. I notice you did not call him on it.
We all know about all the studies from various places telling us how dangerous patriot groups are and how right wing violence has escalated since Obama was elected. It seems that the FBI didn't get the memo, their list of most wanted terrorists has 31 people on it, 30 of which are Muslims.

Not to worry though, there is one domestic terrorist on their list, Daniel Andreas San Diego, a left wing animal rights and environmentalist.

Technically Speaking, a Muslim Jihadist would be on the RIGHT side of the polical spectrum, as they stem from Authoritarian-less freedoms, theocracy, etc.


Technically speaking we are talking about right wing domestic terrorism. I bolded the word that you should focus on, since you tend to ignore anything with more than two syllables.

That charting is such bullshit.

Look at IKE, for example. He's rightest? Not by todays standards he isn't.

The highest income taxes in US history, massive spending on national infrastructure, maintained high protective tariffs. Oversaw massive aid to foreign countries, massive military build down, warned us about the secret cabal he called the military industrial complex...

By the standards of TODAYS self proclaiming conservatives?

Ike would be left of Bernie Sanders!~

You people really need to read your history.

Many of you are seriously and tragically misinformed
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