Richard Dawkins Finally Gets One Right! Whats Next, He Starts to Believe in God? Heaven Forbid!

No, science does not work on consensus because consensus is reliably WRONG, idiot. There was once a consensus that the Bohr atom was the correct and best version of a model for the atom and that was false.
Yes it does. A scientific theory does not become such until accepted by consensus as the best current explanation. That you don't understand this is of a piece with your idea that assertions are evidence.
A guy told me he existed. You insist Greek philosophers say the guy is right.

Aristotle was not just a guy, you fucking moron.

People have given their lives in the name of Buddha. Buddhism must be the one true philosophy.

Wow, and Buddhism does have truths in it as do all the major religions. That doesn't mean that they are 'the one TRUE' religion, ass hat.
Yes it does. A scientific theory does not become such until accepted by consensus as the best current explanation. That you don't understand this is of a piece with your idea that assertions are evidence.
Lol, you are a total fucking moron. That is not how real science works, jack ass.
Lol, you are a total fucking moron. That is not how real science works, jack ass.
As I say, your understanding of science is of a piece with your understanding of evidence.

Yes, and it light years beyond your pathetic erroneous bullshit, moron.

Tell me, where in the Scientific Method does 'consensus' come in, you fucking maggot?

I follow Dawkins on twitter, and I have read 'the God delusion' . (but I am not an atheist) I am glad to see he has the courage to stick it to Muslims, considering we know how dangerous they are. I criticise the Quran but only under the name Dajjal not under my own name.
Do you know that Dajjal means devil in certain languages?
Reason is evidence, jack off.
No, the data on which reason is based is evidence. Of which you have none.

PS no need to sign your posts, we know it is you.

Data is not the only kind of evidence, moron.

How many things can you get absolutely wrong in one night, jack ass?

And where in the scientific method is 'consensus' freak?

cnm still has not shown to me where the consensus step is in the scientific method.

I said I could prove the existence of God

Waiting on the proof..........

Blind Boo, I said that I had such proof, but not that I was in any mood or inclination to share it here.

This is a long and intricate subject, and the relatively simple case of explaining the relevance of the Greek Platonic school of thought was rather lengthy, and I have things to do in REAL LIFE (oh noes, what ever is that thing?)

But I will toss you a bone to chew on, if you care to.

We know that the infinite regression of time is impossible, mathematically impossible. The flow of time had to be started by something that is eternal, that exists outside the flow of time. That is one of the first and most basic proofs of the existence of a Creator. The Creator at this point is rather simple; an eternal Thing, undefined otherwise, but that does not prevent us from observing that there most be something eternal.

But it would be more beneficial for you to study/read about why the famous atheist Sir Anthony Flew came to believe in God, though he still stubbornly rejects the Christian concept of God, lol. Or even better study why Aristotle's school was viewed as a precursor to Christian Theology. Those would be of more benefit if you really are open minded on the topic.
At the end of the day the existence of a God cannot be denied. It all had to originate from something. We don't know it's nature, but that it exists is undeniable. The rest of it, such as spirituality, life after death, heaven and hell is pointless because it cannot be proven or disproven either way.

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