Richard Dawkins declares there are only two sexes as matter of science: 'That's all there is to it'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
He's a militant atheist, so he's a hero to the left in that respect, but what will they say now about him?

During a recent interview with British journalist Piers Morgan, famed atheist and biologist Richard Dawkins declared, "there are two sexes, and that’s all there is to it."
He added that LGBTQ activists looking to discredit the reality of two biological sexes are pushing "utter nonsense."

Dawkins further noted that those going after Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling for her commitment to the reality of two sexes are "bullies."

Dawkins may be a militant atheist, but he's also a rabid transphobe.

His reaction when he found out that Mrs. Garrison had a sex change operation shows where he is coming from.

Dawkins may be a militant atheist, but he's also a rabid transphobe.

His reaction when he found out that Mrs. Garrison had a sex change operation shows where he is coming from.

I bet the regressive even opposing mutilating the genitals of children.

Right wing sicko
Liberals are pretty stupid, there is a good chance a majority of them will become Christian just to show this anti-wokerster what's what.
And give up their cult?

The only way they become Christian is if Jesus joins their cult and embraces everything DNC, like abortion.
And give up their cult?

The only way they become Christian is if Jesus joins their cult and embraces everything DNC, like abortion.
They don't actually think things through, so proclaiming themselves as Christians just to spite this guy would be a 'feel good' moment, and they'd be back to their evil ways in no time.
He's a militant atheist, so he's a hero to the left in that respect, but what will they say now about him?

Did you hear that George Sillibunny, hero to the right, said that there are serveral different gender identities? Can you believe that? What will the Right do now?!
Dawkins may be a militant atheist, but he's also a rabid transphobe.

Nothing at all wrong with that.

All that it means to be a “rabid transphobe” is to give more credence to hard science than to the insane delusions of fucked-up mental cases.

There is something very, very wrong with anyone who is not a “transphobe.
Has anyone argued there are more than 2 sexes? I thought the argument was over how many genders, not how many sexes there are.
I believe they have, you might want to check on that. Either way, the notion of 'gender' beyond biological sex is purely a psychological mishmash of subjective nonsense that simply has no place in science.
I believe they have, you might want to check on that. Either way, the notion of 'gender' beyond biological sex is purely a psychological mishmash of subjective nonsense that simply has no place in science.

I do agree that gender has nothing to do with science.
To be fair, I am an atheist (non-militant), a militant conservative from the deep south, and I just plain do not like trannies. The only controversial thing going on here is recognizing non-biological assignments of gender. Sure, sometimes things get fucked up and some sick genetic mutation occurs. But that is the exception; a very, very small exception. There is MALE, and there is FEMALE. Period. A dude who cuts off his dick, takes hormone therapy to grow a couple floppy tits, and dresses like a chick does not make her a FEMALE. Maybe if we were born with detachable penises whereby we could unscrew it, give it to a chick to screw onto her pelvis (assuming she has the same connecting hardware) and both men and women have a similar non-anal aperture, then trannyism would be natural. But that is not how it works. Only a MALE is born with a cock, and only a FEMALE is born with a cooter.

Dudes pretending to be chicks are "transitioned women", not women. Chicks who pretend to be dudes are "transitioned men", not men. Calling them anything different, suggesting that are biological men or women, is factually incorrect. What science is going to endorse the use of factually incorrect terminology (that is not administered by Fauci, for example)? NONE!! This proves another point; i.e., this transgender thing now metastasizing in the western world is POLITICAL, not science (like climate change/global warming). Further, being that trannyism causes such division, it is unsurprising that it is being utilized by the leftist vermin (like other socially regressive ideas) to disrupt society and erode our morality. This is the M.O. of Marxists, and it has been that way for as long as there have been Marxist cockroaches scurrying about on this Earth. The communists used trannyism to destroy society in the Weimar Republic as well. Hitler put a stop to that shit. While I do not condone harming these trannies (they already hurt themselves far worse that anyone else could) and otherwise employing Nazi force, the underlying move to quell such socially and morally destructive behavior was correct. See e.g.,

Simply put, trannyism is detrimental to western civilization and it is being used as a weapon to hasten some sort of neo-Marxist revolution. The proponents of trannyism are tools of the cause, mindless zombies parroting an orthodoxy. But when, and if, the Marxist revolution comes and prevails, these weirdos will be some of the first to go. No, we do not want to create concentration camps and engage in mass extermination of these people. They are sick, via mental illness. They should be cared for, not euthanized. But, it is incumbent on us to protect our society. This means outlawing all actions to transition children and to propagandize the transgender ideology to children. No child should be sexualized for any reason. Tax money should not be used to promote the ideology. No "treatments" for this weirdness should be allowed until the person is at least 18 years of age and sui juris. This is necessary to protect our freedom and liberty from the creeping leftists scourge.

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