Rice likens Terrorists to KKK...


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2004
Philadelphia, Amazing huh...

Rice Likens Terrorists to Klansmen

Thu May 13, 6:15 PM ET Add White House - AP Cabinet & State to My Yahoo!

By JOHN GEROME, Associated Press Writer

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Condoleezza Rice (news - web sites) said Thursday that terrorists today are driven by the same hatred that inspired Klansmen to bomb a church in 1963 in her hometown of Birmingham, Ala.

AP Photo

President Bush (news - web sites)'s national security adviser spoke to about 10,000 people — including a small group of protesters — at Vanderbilt University's Senior Class Day.

The bombing at the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham killed four girls, including her friend, 11-year-old Denise McNair, and was meant to instill fear, Rice said.

"Those terrorists failed because of the poverty of their visions — a vision of hate, inequality. ... And they failed because of the courage and sacrifice of all who suffered and struggled for civil rights."

Today, many express doubts about prospects for freedom in the Middle East, much as they once did about Russia, Africa and the American South, Rice said.

She urged students to avoid the mistake of thinking some people do not "share your desire to live freely."

Some Vanderbilt students and faculty had signed a petition to protest Rice's selection for an award. The petition said the award amounted to a university endorsement of Rice's role in the war in Iraq (news - web sites) and described her as a "person who repeatedly misrepresented the truth to tragic effect."

Constance Gee, a professor and wife of Chancellor Gordon Gee, was among 200 people who signed the petition against Rice receiving the Chancellor's Medal.

Before Rice's speech, about 40 protesters gathered in the drizzle, some holding signs such as "Vandy Does Not Support Liars."

I agree with her assessment that terror is terror no matter who inflicts it.

On the side note, why are people still calling her a liar? These Vandy students and professors have no idea what the hell they are talking about when they say she is a "person who repeatedly misrepresented the truth to tragic effect." Thankfully it was merely 200 out of a school of thousands.
Well yeah he's got strong beliefs about christianity but last I heard he hadn't lynched anybody or firebombed any buildings or burned some crosses. Comparing a christian to the KKK is a little bit of a stretch.
Originally posted by dilloduck
newguy cant admit to his bigotry-----he's THE TRUE CHRISTIAN and knows it all

Would you say Einstien knew more about the theory of relativity than you?

-Or would you say he "knows it all"?

Does that make him a bigot because he calls the other theories that contradict invalid?

What would your perspective be if I could stand on a soapbox and propigate my perspectives to a stadium full of listeners?
I guess I can see the correlation between the terrorism and the KKK, but the issue is far deeper.

When a set of beliefs mandates a particular behavior, and the beliefs shape your entire world view and understanding of salvation, it is a little stronger of a force than a standard worldly belief.

With the KKK, you are talking about a superficial belief that deals with worldly perspective of humans relating to one another and goes outward from there.

With the religious beliefs, you have a core of how to survive death, and then secondarilly go to the superficial level and go outward.

It makes the religions instill a core of comittment and a drive that cannot be reproduced. -This is why I harp on how important it is to know the religion of the people doing these acts. If they are all claiming islam, how stupid are we for not reading the koran to "know thine enemy"?
I knew you would hang yourself on this onw newguy. Bigotry is not only a black issue. Your hated of muslims betrays you. If I were Muslim and you were the only American I knew I expect that I would question the motives of ALL Americans. Your fundamentalism undermines the countries credibilty.
Originally posted by dilloduck
I knew you would hang yourself on this onw newguy. Bigotry is not only a black issue. Your hated of muslims betrays you. If I were Muslim and you were the only American I knew I expect that I would question the motives of ALL Americans. Your fundamentalism undermines the countries credibilty.


The Ku Klux Klan perpetrates terror and justifies it's actions by perverting the tenets of Christianity.

Dr. Rice's comparison of the KKK to Islamic terrorists is quite apt in my opinion.
I posted the following in another thread "What's wrong with the Arab mind?" But I think it applies to where this discussion has gone also....

Originally posted by freeandfun1
According to Fareed Zakaria, in his book, "The Future of Freedom", the problem is that

"the Arab world is a political desert with no real political parties, no free press, and few pathways for dissent. As a result, the mosque became the place to discuss politics. As the only place that cannot be banned in Muslim societies, it is where all the hate and opposition toward regimes collected and grew. The language of opposition became, in these lands, the language of religion. This combination of religion and politics has proven to be combustible. Religion, at least the religion of the Abrahamic traditions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), stresses moral absolutes. But politcs is all about compromise. The result has been a ruthless, winner-take-all attitude toward political life."

That pretty much sums it up as far as I am concerned.

You should read the book. It has a lot of great insight and is an excellent read!
Originally posted by dilloduck
and new guy just pervert the tenets of christianity---Do you love your Muslim neighbors newguy?


When the actions prove to be wrong, then those are to be illustrated as Biblically mandated.

The religion its self is to be condemned with all necessary effort.

IF you are the authority of Biblical behavior, how about pulling your head out long enough to prove what Biblically appropriate behavior is since you now have the chance.
Originally posted by Zhukov
The Ku Klux Klan perpetrates terror and justifies it's actions by perverting the tenets of Christianity.

Again, surface beliefs using a religion as an excuse, not a religion causing core beliefs that are secondarilly surface beliefs.

2 totally different things with regard to commitment and ferocity.
NewGuy, they might be trying to give ya hell, but frankly, I have to pretty much agree with ya.

I have done a lot of research on this matter. I also have had frank and open discussions with Muslim friends of mine (I travel a lot and do a LOT of business in Malaysia and I have a lot of Muslim business associates/friends that are open to having discussions on their religion and their beliefs with me) and they pretty much will tell ya that their religion is merciless and that one must follow the tenants of Mohammed or they are not right with Allah (God). If one is not right with Allah, he is not considered human.

The Malay Muslims are not as ruthless as the Arab Muslims. A matter-of-fact, a lot of the Malay Muslims will tell you that Arab Muslims are animalistic, dirty and darn right ignorant.

The problem is that in Malaysia, they have been raised in fairly liberal societies (the true meaning of liberal not the new-age meaning of liberal) whereas the Arabs are generally trust-fund societies that have no outlet for their displeasure with their governments, etc.

I really suggest one read the book "The Future of Freedom" by Fareed Zakaria. The book mainly discusses liberalism (in its true form) and how it is better and more beneficial to society than true democracies. However, he also covers a lot of what has gone wrong in the Middle East (as the ME is a good example of what can go wrong in either a truly democratic society or a totalitarian one). If the ME were truly democratic, we would be hating life right now.

Read the book.... you'll be glad you did (if you like intellectual debate based on learned facts)
Originally posted by NewGuy
Again, surface beliefs using a religion as an excuse, not a religion causing core beliefs that are secondarilly surface beliefs.

2 totally different things with regard to commitment and ferocity.

I've never read the Quran so I can't argue.

Does the Quran specifically tell Moslems to do what the terrorists are doing? In context, no question about it?
Originally posted by Zhukov
I've never read the Quran so I can't argue.

Does the Quran specifically tell Moslems to do what the terrorists are doing? In context, no question about it?

Since my view is so easilly flamed upon by many, the credibility of another is better suited for answering.
Well, the idea that Islam is in and of itself evil is a pretty prevalent one on this board, but like I said I've never read their book so I'm reserving judgement. On the other hand, I've read some Quranic verses posted here by others that are just atrocious.

Perhaps I've put off reading it for too long.

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