Rice admits she (they) were wrong (lied) yet we're supposed to not care

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies
I hope so too. The biggest lie in the whole cabal though was bamie saying he "learned about it the day AFTER the election." :mad: what an asswarp!
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies

People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!
Wrong that there was a demonstration. Period.

Things dupes haven't heard:

1. Help arrived at the semi-consulate within 25 minutes.
2. 20+ other embassies were attacked before Bengazi the same day because of that video.
3.AND- The biggest RW/Islamist talk show host in Cairo (ie Arab world) was demagogging the video and telling people to protest at US embassies.
4. EVERYONE followed CIA info as it came out. No lies, no conspiracy...
Being wrong and INTENTIONALLY misleading people for political purposes are two different things.

Isn't that what you're doing, intentionally misleading people for political reasons? Being wrong doesn't mean lying, despite what the title of the thread suggests. Lying is lying and being wrong is being wrong. Being wrong isn't lying unless it's intentional and you nor anyone else has bothered to prove that.
She's a liar or an idiot depending on what story comes out of the White House each day.
Wrong that there was a demonstration. Period.

Things dupes haven't heard:

1. Help arrived at the semi-consulate within 25 minutes.
In violation of orders to stand down.
2. 20+ other embassies were attacked before Bengazi the same day because of that video.
Attacked or protested? With RPG's, mortars and automatic weapons or signs and slogans?
3.AND- The biggest RW/Islamist talk show host in Cairo (ie Arab world) was demagogging the video and telling people to protest at US embassies.
So it was protests and not attacks then?
4. EVERYONE followed CIA info as it came out. No lies, no conspiracy...
With the WH watching in REAL TIME they knew what the deal was BEFORE the CIA talking points came out, not AFTER.

Only idiots who don't pay attention can believe your drivel, Frenchie...
Being wrong and INTENTIONALLY misleading people for political purposes are two different things.

Isn't that what you're doing, intentionally misleading people for political reasons? Being wrong doesn't mean lying, despite what the title of the thread suggests. Lying is lying and being wrong is being wrong. Being wrong isn't lying unless it's intentional and you nor anyone else has bothered to prove that.

There was NO PROTEST at Benghazi, the WH knew this AT THAT TIME.

The WH watched the attacks IN REAL TIME via surveillance drone.
Liberal scum parrot the same lies over and over hoping you will believe it and hoping they will believe it too.
Liberal scum parrot the same lies over and over hoping you will believe it and hoping they will believe it too.

You've never proven any lies have been told. You're just parroting the great RW talk machine that gives you your daily marching orders. At least liberals don't need to turn on the radio or FOX to make up their minds. Don't tell us about MSNBC, CNN or the MSM either. As we've been told repeatedly, no one watches them anyway.
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies

People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!

She wasn't wrong, she knew that the intelligence indicated that it was a preplanned attack, and that there was no demonstration. She chose to go on the air and deny both of those things, and claim something else entirely.
Dumbfuck...the lies are falling apart in the open.

The video claim has been proven to be a lie, then Obamination had his DNI lie to Congress about not knowing who changed the CIA report only later claiming he did it.

You scumbags are lucky the Congress is too busy with the budget mess and the holidays, but the hearings are going to heat up again in January in order to get Obamination thrown in jail.

Clapper, Rice, Clinton and Petreaus are all going to get Obamination thrown in jail for high crimes against this nation and for murder of 4 Americans in Libya.

Liberal scum parrot the same lies over and over hoping you will believe it and hoping they will believe it too.

You've never proven any lies have been told. You're just parroting the great RW talk machine that gives you your daily marching orders. At least liberals don't need to turn on the radio or FOX to make up their minds. Don't tell us about MSNBC, CNN or the MSM either. As we've been told repeatedly, no one watches them anyway.
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies

People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!

She wasn't wrong, she knew that the intelligence indicated that it was a preplanned attack, and that there was no demonstration. She chose to go on the air and deny both of those things, and claim something else entirely.

You know this? How?
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies

People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!

sure but, what if your own intel briefing, the one you get independent of the one she was given to speak to/about on the sunday shows, told you that it was an AQ aff. terrorist attack and yet you went out there and said different and that is was a spontaneous protest to boot?

Thats not 'being wrong'....:eusa_eh:
Pub dupes are totally FOS, like their lying heroes. DUH.

According to official accounts, the assault on the large U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi started around 9:40 p.m. on the night of Sept. 11. The assailants barged through the facility’s pedestrian gate, torched some security barracks with diesel fuel and then turned their attention to the compound’s main building, according to Lamb’s testimony before Congress.

Just who was doing all that storming; what they were doing before the attack; whether there were protesters in their midst — all of that is a matter of intense dispute with political implications. Administration official said after the attacks that they may have been associated with protests over an anti-Muslim video; critics responded that no, this was strictly a terrorist attack.

There was never any real-time video of this early portion of the Benghazi hostilities. No one in Washington — State Department, White House, whatever — was watching live feeds of the gate-crashing.

An administration official explains: “The Benghazi compound had a CCTV [closed-circuit television] system. Meaning, a system of cameras on the compound. Those cameras could be monitored from the [Tactical Operations Center, TOC], which is one of the structures on the compound.. . . Those images could not be seen anywhere outside the TOC, let alone outside Benghazi. The footage from those cameras is recorded and stored for a period. The footage from the attack was not in USG [U.S. government] hands until later in September.”

Other officials confirmed this account, and Lamb’s testimony before Congress indicated that she was getting updates ”almost in real time.” By telephone, not video. According to an administration official, a security agent stationed in the operations center was providing Lamb phone updates on the hostilities. “She was on the phone with one of the agents for much of the attack,” notes the administration official via e-mail. “That agent was literally juggling 3 phones, a radio, and his weapon. So she had an ‘open line’ to him and could hear what he said.”

So: No real-time video was available at the time of the initial attack on the compound. Technical capabilities, however, changed later in the night — just after 11:00 p.m. — when a Predator drone took position over the area, minutes before U.S. personnel vacated the compound for a CIA annex about a mile away.

That drone had video-sending capacity, though the footage was of limited use to folks back in Washington. It “didn’t provide resolute clarity on what was happening on the ground — no,” says a Defense Department official. “It later provided us with analysis on the timing of the attacks and the facilities that were impacted, but was not providing real-time information to senior department leaders.”

Drone assets were in the sky through the second major clash of the Benghazi episode, when two security officials protecting the CIA annex were killed engaging with the enemy. That happened over 11 minutes, starting at 5:15 a.m.

Precision on the real-time video question matters. Loose talk about how government officials were sitting around watching Benghazi TV carries the implication that they knew everything about the attack in real time and did nothing to assist in thwarting it. Benghazi furnishes plenty of Obama administration missteps/scandals — including why security problems didn’t get more attention and why officials made repeated references to a YouTube video in the aftermath of the attacks. Use of real-time video, though, doesn’t appear to be one of them.

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