Rham Tries to Clue Democrats on Trump; LOL, It Wont Work


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Poor Rham, he understands politics and what Trump is doing but his party is so full of retards that he cant get them to listen!


Rahm Emanuel says Democrats' hard left turn could reelect Trump

The Democrats are in a leftward lurch that could ruin their chances of retaking the White House.

Rahm Emanuel, now stepping down after two terms as mayor of Chicago, knows something about winning elections. He was a key White House operative for Bill Clinton and chief of staff for Barack Obama.

It was Rahm, as chairman of the Democratic campaign committee, who engineered the party's takeover of the House in 2006 — and is known for his hardball brand of politics, with all the subtlety of his frequent F-bombs.

If Mayor Emanuel believes the Democrats are in danger of self-destructing, as he argues in a piece for the Atlantic, his party might want to pay attention.

I've been arguing that the Democrats, who regained control of the House in November mainly on the strength of more moderate candidates, are increasingly being defined by their most extreme members.

Just look at the last few weeks, and the stances embraced by some of its presidential contenders and younger members: Slavery reparations. Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college tuition. A 70 percent tax rate on income over $10 million. Break up Amazon, Facebook and Google.

Is that how they win back Trump Democrats in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin?

Add to that various self-inflicted wounds, such as delaying and then watering down a resolution to denounce Rep. Ilhan Omar after her latest anti-Semitic comments, and you've got a party with a problem. (President Trump went way overboard in saying the Democrats have become "an anti-Jewish party" and telling donors that "the Democrats hate Jewish people," given that perhaps three-quarters of Jews vote Democratic. But he was seizing on an opening.)

At the South by Southwest conference, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered the standard left-wing critique of capitalism by saying that "we're reckoning with the consequences of putting profit above everything else in society." But she added that "to me capitalism is irredeemable," the kind of sound bite that goes viral, given the enormous media attention she attracts.

And on "Morning Joe" the other day, 2020 contender John Hickenlooper, the former Colorado governor, repeatedly refused to call himself a capitalist. When did that become a dirty Democratic word?

In the Atlantic, Emanuel says Trump could win over swing voters by constantly branding the Democrats as socialists.​
Poor Rham, he understands politics and what Trump is doing but his party is so full of retards that he cant get them to listen!


Rahm Emanuel says Democrats' hard left turn could reelect Trump

The Democrats are in a leftward lurch that could ruin their chances of retaking the White House.

Rahm Emanuel, now stepping down after two terms as mayor of Chicago, knows something about winning elections. He was a key White House operative for Bill Clinton and chief of staff for Barack Obama.

It was Rahm, as chairman of the Democratic campaign committee, who engineered the party's takeover of the House in 2006 — and is known for his hardball brand of politics, with all the subtlety of his frequent F-bombs.

If Mayor Emanuel believes the Democrats are in danger of self-destructing, as he argues in a piece for the Atlantic, his party might want to pay attention.

I've been arguing that the Democrats, who regained control of the House in November mainly on the strength of more moderate candidates, are increasingly being defined by their most extreme members.

Just look at the last few weeks, and the stances embraced by some of its presidential contenders and younger members: Slavery reparations. Green New Deal. Medicare for All. Free college tuition. A 70 percent tax rate on income over $10 million. Break up Amazon, Facebook and Google.

Is that how they win back Trump Democrats in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin?

Add to that various self-inflicted wounds, such as delaying and then watering down a resolution to denounce Rep. Ilhan Omar after her latest anti-Semitic comments, and you've got a party with a problem. (President Trump went way overboard in saying the Democrats have become "an anti-Jewish party" and telling donors that "the Democrats hate Jewish people," given that perhaps three-quarters of Jews vote Democratic. But he was seizing on an opening.)

At the South by Southwest conference, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered the standard left-wing critique of capitalism by saying that "we're reckoning with the consequences of putting profit above everything else in society." But she added that "to me capitalism is irredeemable," the kind of sound bite that goes viral, given the enormous media attention she attracts.

And on "Morning Joe" the other day, 2020 contender John Hickenlooper, the former Colorado governor, repeatedly refused to call himself a capitalist. When did that become a dirty Democratic word?

In the Atlantic, Emanuel says Trump could win over swing voters by constantly branding the Democrats as socialists.​

He's totally wrong about Trump going Overboard. Trump said exactly the right thing at exactly the right time....it was... IMO.. a fatally effective word spear...exactly what he knows how to do.
He's totally wrong about Trump going Overboard. Trump said exactly the right thing at exactly the right time....it was... IMO.. a fatally effective word spear...exactly what he knows how to do.
Trump is very effective at manipulating the press. Thhe critics simply do not get it, that the bad press drives people to read up on the issue and Trumps real positions on them.

And that works well for Trump.

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