RFK Jr. is pro-Second Amendment, pro-First Amendment, anti-war and pro-border security

How refreshing. A honest Democrat that loves his country. Very far and few between in the now fascist party.

As for the Second Amendment, Kennedy wants people to know that he absolutely supports the right to bear arms. He recognizes that most mass shootings are not what they seem, and often seem to stem from the culprit’s use of dangerous psychiatric pharmaceuticals.

As for America’s porous southern border, Kennedy wants to seal it up while still offering humanitarian aid to legitimate foreigners in need of asylum. No longer will fighting-age men from rogue nations be allowed to pour through the border unabated while using women and children as their human shields.

“I’m actually going to the border tonight,” Kennedy revealed about his immediate plans regardless of what happens in 2024. “I’m crossing the border around 3am into Mexico. And I’ll be talking with people on both sides of the border and talking to the stakeholders.”
A traditional Democrat.
How will he do that without
(1) being impeached
(2) being assassinated
Unlike every useless Republican, AT LEAST HE’LL FUCKING TRY!!!!!

Republicans are like inner city black stilll doggedly loyal to the Party that spends every waking moment figuring out new ways to fuck over their base. We had more Freedoms as British Colonists
JR is a full blown nut case,
& we have just to many under educated & under experienced people,
voted in because of party instead of quality.

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