

Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I've always been a sucker for post-Apocalyptic shows so this one had to be on my watch list. Anyone else?

Another show turning weird. A character – or two or three – embedded with particles from a world-wide virtual computer that gives them amazing powers. A bad guy going nuts and being tortured for his son. They writer's got me going for this one but another “to watch” show.
Don't care for it, a poor imitation of the first "Hunger Games", from which it was imaged for TV.
I've tried to get into this show a few times, as the premise seems like something I should like, but I think the writers are completely uninspired and the characters are flat. The only one who stands out is Giancarlo Esposito. I saw the first two episodes of season 2 when they aired, and haven't been remotely interested in picking it back up.

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