Revolt of the masses: The left overplayed their hand

Sorry, but history shows the Left of this nation is more about autocratic power of elite leaders, compelling lockstep conformity and constraining free speech.
Then why are you guys so into Viktor Orban now?
The right loves violence. That's why they're so obsessed with strong-men.
The Left even more so. That's why we had the "Summer of Luv" in 2020 with several cities subject to versions of CHAZ, CHAOS, etc. with rioting, looting, arson, vandalism, assaults, and murders, etc. Also why the Left has heroes like Lenin, Marx, Stalin, Che, Castro, etc.
I cannot disagree. He got you on that one, Mac.

Even the words below your avatar "Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism" are completely contradictory to your positions on a whole host of topics you discuss here.

Trump and his supporters are the authoritarians.
Trump and his supporters are the authoritarians.
I can walk in and out of public and private places quite easily where I live. It is not so authoritarian to me. Progs destroyed their own areas. Now people with businesses are moving to lower tax areas where the costs are also cheaper. This will help to keep inflation down a bit also.
Intimidation is why Babbitt was murdered and people were held in solitary for trespassing.
In a way, yes. The violent Trump mob attempted to use intimidation to achieve their political goal.

They picked the wrong people to try to intimidate.

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