Revealed: White House Staff Were Too Afraid to Tell Biden the Truth About Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
President Joe Biden's aides were "too scared" to question him on key decisions made in the run-up to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources close to the administration have told The Telegraph.
Mr Biden, who is facing the greatest crisis of his presidency, is said to have insisted on recalling troops ahead of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and ignored warnings that it would not leave the military with enough time to get US citizens and allies out.

So key decisions were made entirely on the basis of optics, and being able to say "We're out of Afghanistan" in the 9/11 address.



President Joe Biden's aides were "too scared" to question him on key decisions made in the run-up to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources close to the administration have told The Telegraph.
Mr Biden, who is facing the greatest crisis of his presidency, is said to have insisted on recalling troops ahead of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and ignored warnings that it would not leave the military with enough time to get US citizens and allies out.

So key decisions were made entirely on the basis of optics, and being able to say "We're out of Afghanistan" in the 9/11 address.



Everything Demleftists do is based on optics and re election. Everything.
“Speaking to people close to the administration, The Telegraph has managed to build a picture of a stubborn-headed and defensive president continuing to tout his foreign policy nous, and a staff too afraid to question him.”

More evidence proving that Bai Dung is not only incompetent but mentally impaired.
Oops , I left out psychotic.
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When the filthy Democrats took over the White House they put sorry ass affirmative action dickheads in key positions.

The Democrat Party may be able to steal elections but they are incompetent in doing the job of government.
President Joe Biden's aides were "too scared" to question him on key decisions made in the run-up to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources close to the administration have told The Telegraph.
Mr Biden, who is facing the greatest crisis of his presidency, is said to have insisted on recalling troops ahead of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and ignored warnings that it would not leave the military with enough time to get US citizens and allies out.

So key decisions were made entirely on the basis of optics, and being able to say "We're out of Afghanistan" in the 9/11 address.



I don't think I've ever been more proud of a President, or at all, than when Biden finally ended that pointless forever war, refusing to send any more of our soldiers to die for nothing. It's incredibly rare to see a President choose to do what's right over caring about optics, as you stupidly think is not the case.

"Optics" does not appear even a single time anywhere in your link.
I don't think I've ever been more proud of a President, or at all, than when Biden finally ended that pointless forever war, refusing to send any more of our soldiers to die for nothing. It's incredibly rare to see a President choose to do what's right over caring about optics, as you stupidly think is not the case.

"Optics" does not appear even a single time anywhere in your link.
You've suddenly become a minority. Americans, Europe, England and of course our adversaries all believe the opposite.
Abandoning our principles by withdrawing from Afghanistan and now our citizens left there is unconscionable, dishonoring America, the Americans that died to secure liberty in Afghanistan and above all the dishonoring of our word to those we have freed from the tyranny of the Taliban..
President Joe Biden's aides were "too scared" to question him on key decisions made in the run-up to the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, sources close to the administration have told The Telegraph.
Mr Biden, who is facing the greatest crisis of his presidency, is said to have insisted on recalling troops ahead of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks and ignored warnings that it would not leave the military with enough time to get US citizens and allies out.

So key decisions were made entirely on the basis of optics, and being able to say "We're out of Afghanistan" in the 9/11 address.



I smell bullshit...too afraid to tell dementia-boy?! He wouldn't remember the next day....
You've suddenly become a minority. Americans, Europe, England and of course our adversaries all believe the opposite.
Abandoning our principles by withdrawing from Afghanistan and now our citizens left there is unconscionable, dishonoring America, the Americans that died to secure liberty in Afghanistan and above all the dishonoring of our word to those we have freed from the tyranny of the Taliban..
So sending more people to die for nothing is your solution. You'll only be happy if American blood is spent propping up a pretend Afghan government and a pretend Afghan army. 20 years of "Americans that died to secure liberty in Afghanistan," and all they could build was something that could collapse in just days. Thank God people like you aren't in charge anymore, sending our youth to die for nothing in a wasteland far from home.
So sending more people to die for nothing is your solution. You'll only be happy if American blood is spent propping up a pretend Afghan government and a pretend Afghan army. 20 years of "Americans that died to secure liberty in Afghanistan," and all they could build was something that could collapse in just days. Thank God people like you aren't in charge anymore, sending our youth to die for nothing in a wasteland far from home.

No you speak of Joey Xi Bai Dung who has greatest this historical debacle that will be a stain on America for centuries to come. for more than a year not one NATO soldier was killed in Afghanistan and our residual force of 2,500 Americans located in Bagram and several other areas maintained stability within Afghanistan.
If Bai dug was so interested is reducing our forces, simply he could have reduced our numbers in South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Germany, Italy, the UK, Africa and Greenland

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Names or it didn't happen. Right?
I don't think I've ever been more proud of a President, or at all, than when Biden finally ended that pointless forever war, refusing to send any more of our soldiers to die for nothing. It's incredibly rare to see a President choose to do what's right over caring about optics, as you stupidly think is not the case.

"Optics" does not appear even a single time anywhere in your link.
Instead, Clusterfuck Joe is gonna leave thousands of American civilians behind to be tortured.

But at least you are proud of it.
You've suddenly become a minority. Americans, Europe, England and of course our adversaries all believe the opposite.
Abandoning our principles by withdrawing from Afghanistan and now our citizens left there is unconscionable, dishonoring America, the Americans that died to secure liberty in Afghanistan and above all the dishonoring of our word to those we have freed from the tyranny of the Taliban..
Pelosi is a blithering idiot. :eusa_hand:

Names or it didn't happen. Right?
You have the names of the Russian prostitutes you claim Trump wanted to pee on a bed in Moscow?


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