Rev. Wright revisited? Bring it on

Super PAC shelves Obama-Wright ads after outcry Romney, 'super PAC' reject proposed Rev. Wright ad campaign -

The billionaire said to be weighing a proposal to resurrect incendiary comments by President Barack Obama's former pastor shelved the idea Thursday after Obama and Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney denounced the tactic.

Incredibly wise. Romney distances himself from the far right reactionaries.


Romney brought up Rev. Wright in Feburary on Hannity's radio show.

Chris Matthews Slimes Romney: Bringing Up Rev. Wright Is Mocking 'Black History Month' |

It was Romney that was trying this on for size. And now? He's "denouncing" that tactic.


Fine fellow you guys got here.

Gosh almost sounds like Mitt Romney is a bit of a flip flopper.

I wonder...can all the Romney Zombies name a single issue that Romeny hasn't changed his position on? Just one?
Well I know quite a few Mormons and I have one good friend who is and the ones who live around here are not creepy nor backstabbers.
You say bully others say prankster, you say torturing his dog, others say the dog had diarrhea. I sure would not want a dog inside the car with diarrhea.
Bain is a company who tries to rescue companies that have been mismanaged from the start. Bain takes over and some companies turn around and others refuse to change the way they run things. I don't call that putting folks out of jobs, I call that trying to rescue a company that is not properly run from the start and trying to keep peoples jobs.

Just an "FYI"...having your friends hold a kid down while you cut off his hair isn't a "prank", it's assault.

The dog didn't have diarrhea when they placed him on top of the car. Reversible Mittens rigged his carrier that way on purpose and it wasn't because the dog had the shits.

Bain was not in the business to create jobs so they didn't. They made money and they did it by destroying companies and moving jobs overseas.

There isn't two sides to every story. There is the truth and then there is Willard "Mitt" Romney.

Where did I say Bain created jobs?
According to Mrs. Romney she said the dog ate the turkey left overs the night before and had diarrhea.
Rigged really? That is a rather harsh word. Do you even know whether the carrier was facing toward the front of the car in the wind or towards the back?
Your truth is very biased based on political rhetoric not facts.
Especially on Bain Capital.
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You're making excuses again.

Why is it some countries are doing better than others?

Outside forces have an effect on an economy but anyone who studied economics knows that all economies are local. One part of the country may have a better economy than the other.

The goal of any President is to minimize the effect that a world wide recession has on our economy, but this guy seems to welcome it and does everything in his power to worsen it. But then again he lies to us through the media, telling us how great things are going. If you look into his background, his communist upbringing, his desire for a revolution, you'd understand why he wants to worsen the economy so he can "fix" it. Problem is, he's never done anything that turned out exactly the way he planned.

Okay, I'm that's what Rush told you between hits of OxyCotin.. .

Some day, little Billy, you might think for yourself, but I'm not holding my breath.

So, frankly, I have to ask what kind of "Communist" bails out the Banks and the Auto Industry, and maintains Bush's tax cuts on the rich.

None of what I said comes from Rush.

It comes from moving around the world and experiencing it as well as attending classes on the subject in college.

I won't go into detail because I'm opn a Blackberry.
Well I know quite a few Mormons and I have one good friend who is and the ones who live around here are not creepy nor backstabbers.
You say bully others say prankster, you say torturing his dog, others say the dog had diarrhea. I sure would not want a dog inside the car with diarrhea.
Bain is a company who tries to rescue companies that have been mismanaged from the start. Bain takes over and some companies turn around and others refuse to change the way they run things. I don't call that putting folks out of jobs, I call that trying to rescue a company that is not properly run from the start and trying to keep peoples jobs.

Just an "FYI"...having your friends hold a kid down while you cut off his hair isn't a "prank", it's assault.

The dog didn't have diarrhea when they placed him on top of the car. Reversible Mittens rigged his carrier that way on purpose and it wasn't because the dog had the shits.

Bain was not in the business to create jobs so they didn't. They made money and they did it by destroying companies and moving jobs overseas.

There isn't two sides to every story. There is the truth and then there is Willard "Mitt" Romney.

Where did I say Bain created jobs?
According to Mrs. Romney she said the dog ate the turkey left overs the night before and had diarrhea.
Rigged really? That is a rather harsh word. Do you even know whether the carrier was facing toward the front of the car in the wind or towards the back?
Your truth is very biased based on political rhetoric not facts.
Especially on Bain Capital.

You are now arguing with your flip floppy candidate. Reversible Mittens claims that the dog "loved it up there". Mittens is the one that talks about rigging up a special windscreen for the carrier. His dog on roof plan was not a result of the dog having diarrhea. It was his plan all along. The dog just ended up having diarrhea, it was not the reason he put him on top of the car.

So, why don't you tell us the "facts" of Bain? It isn't a FACT that Bain is a venture capitalist firm? Do you know what they do? Do you know why they are called VULTURE capitalists? It isn't a FACT that Bain shipped thousands of jobs to China and India? Counter those facts with the super secret facts you claim to have.

I am glad we can, seemingly, agree that Romeny assaulted a boy in High School.
Just an "FYI"...having your friends hold a kid down while you cut off his hair isn't a "prank", it's assault.

The dog didn't have diarrhea when they placed him on top of the car. Reversible Mittens rigged his carrier that way on purpose and it wasn't because the dog had the shits.

Bain was not in the business to create jobs so they didn't. They made money and they did it by destroying companies and moving jobs overseas.

There isn't two sides to every story. There is the truth and then there is Willard "Mitt" Romney.

Where did I say Bain created jobs?
According to Mrs. Romney she said the dog ate the turkey left overs the night before and had diarrhea.
Rigged really? That is a rather harsh word. Do you even know whether the carrier was facing toward the front of the car in the wind or towards the back?
Your truth is very biased based on political rhetoric not facts.
Especially on Bain Capital.

You are now arguing with your flip floppy candidate. Reversible Mittens claims that the dog "loved it up there". Mittens is the one that talks about rigging up a special windscreen for the carrier. His dog on roof plan was not a result of the dog having diarrhea. It was his plan all along. The dog just ended up having diarrhea, it was not the reason he put him on top of the car.

So, why don't you tell us the "facts" of Bain? It isn't a FACT that Bain is a venture capitalist firm? Do you know what they do? Do you know why they are called VULTURE capitalists? It isn't a FACT that Bain shipped thousands of jobs to China and India? Counter those facts with the super secret facts you claim to have.

I am glad we can, seemingly, agree that Romney assaulted a boy in High School.

I never agreed that Romney assaulted the guy. I said some say prank others say assault.
So it seems Romney cared enough about the dog, to put up a wind screen for him.
What super secret facts?
Why do you add things that are never said?
How about reading up on Bain Capital yourself ?
Bain Capital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's interesting that you think Evangelicals are angry, that call Mormonism a cult. It's based on the Book of Mormons and using something other than the bible, there is no anger about it.
The majority of Evangelicals don't think it's a cult.
Mormons believe in Christ, so regardless of their other book they sill are Christians.

I also find it interesting that those who are for gays getting married say it's because you don't know gay people.
Yet don't apply the same principle about Mormons. If you know Mormons they are not strange, nor a cult.
They are nice people who love Christ and his teachings just like any other Christian.

I have met Mormons. I have never met creepier, more backstabbing people in my life. This is why I won't vote for Romney. I really think they are evil cultists and I don't trust them. And frankly, the more I find out about Romney personally, it just confirms what I already knew. From bullying the gay kids to torturing his dog to putting working folks out of jobs and benefits. The man is a real evil creep.

But, yeah, at Liberty University, they offer a course that calls Mormonism a cult, and how to avoid it. And Romney went their and spoke and no one really made a stink about it. Except maybe a few Funditard students who were a little confused at the contradiction.

Maybe they'll start thinking for themselves and stop believing in Sky Pixies.

Blanket statements are often unrealistic.
We're talking about bullying and and animal-cruelty while Obama is allowing our DOD to die on the vine. I'm presently in a meeting discussing our options.

We're getting cut-backs without any guidance. These are very uncertain times. I'm not exactly in the mood to discuss BS personal attacks while the realities are hitting me in the face at this writing.
We're talking about bullying and and animal-cruelty while Obama is allowing our DOD to die on the vine. I'm presently in a meeting discussing our options.

We're getting cut-backs without any guidance. These are very uncertain times. I'm not exactly in the mood to discuss BS personal attacks while the realities are hitting me in the face at this writing.

Yep, quite a few are having to do that, in order to try surviving in this hostile environment.
This administration is very anti business and seems intent on destroying our companies,restaurants, and anyone wanting to start a business or expand a company of any kind.
President Obama is strangling this country.
We're talking about bullying and and animal-cruelty while Obama is allowing our DOD to die on the vine. I'm presently in a meeting discussing our options.

We're getting cut-backs without any guidance. These are very uncertain times. I'm not exactly in the mood to discuss BS personal attacks while the realities are hitting me in the face at this writing.

Yep, quite a few are having to do that, in order to try surviving in this hostile environment.
This administration is very anti business and seems intent on destroying our companies,restaurants, and anyone wanting to start a business or expand a company of any kind.
President Obama is strangling this country.

Yup, but I was speaking of the Department of Defense (DOD).
We're talking about bullying and and animal-cruelty while Obama is allowing our DOD to die on the vine. I'm presently in a meeting discussing our options.

We're getting cut-backs without any guidance. These are very uncertain times. I'm not exactly in the mood to discuss BS personal attacks while the realities are hitting me in the face at this writing.

Yep, quite a few are having to do that, in order to try surviving in this hostile environment.
This administration is very anti business and seems intent on destroying our companies,restaurants, and anyone wanting to start a business or expand a company of any kind.
President Obama is strangling this country.

Yup, but I was speaking of the Department of Defense (DOD).

That is also anti, cutting from our defense is what our Constitution says is the number one thing that our government should be doing. Dem's have always cut back in our military rather than cutting back on unfunded entitlements.
Super PAC shelves Obama-Wright ads after outcry Romney, 'super PAC' reject proposed Rev. Wright ad campaign -

The billionaire said to be weighing a proposal to resurrect incendiary comments by President Barack Obama's former pastor shelved the idea Thursday after Obama and Republican presidential challenger Mitt Romney denounced the tactic.

Incredibly wise. Romney distances himself from the far right reactionaries.


Romney brought up Rev. Wright in Feburary on Hannity's radio show.

Chris Matthews Slimes Romney: Bringing Up Rev. Wright Is Mocking 'Black History Month' |

It was Romney that was trying this on for size. And now? He's "denouncing" that tactic.


Fine fellow you guys got here.

I am trying to decide if Romney knew about the latest plot to discredit Obama by using Rev. Wright. At first I thought he didn't, but I am starting to change my mind.
Sallow and Rinata are in denial.

Romney won't play the Wright game, and he certainly will knock yours down.
Romney made a statement today saying he doesn't want to bring up Wright. After all, everyone knows and some understand what it means when one can listen to him for years and others have opted to chug a little more koolaid and dismiss it.

Romney wants to focus on the economy and unemployment. I bet a few months down the road, Obama will wish that Romney focused on Wright instead because it's the state of the economy that may be his downfall.

Your whole concept that people will turn on Obama on the economy means you must think that people are stupid and have no memory.

It's a world-wide recession, and it was a lot worse when he got there. As a rule, Americans do not throw out a party after one term. The last time it happened was 1980. The last time it happened before that was 1892.

Eventually, Romney's campaign has to talk about what Romney will do as president.

He can't be in the "Mittness Protection Program" forever.

romney not wanting to them to use wright had nothing to do with race..but again, here we are..criticizing any black person associated to obama the race card is going to be slung..i think that is also a reason the people are going to vote obama out, they are sick to death of it...but hey, you all keep up in the help of his losing..

View attachment 18994

you really are obsessed..what a life

Don't try to use psychology on me, Steph. Like everything else you do, you won't do it well. :)
Yep, quite a few are having to do that, in order to try surviving in this hostile environment.
This administration is very anti business and seems intent on destroying our companies,restaurants, and anyone wanting to start a business or expand a company of any kind.
President Obama is strangling this country.

Yup, but I was speaking of the Department of Defense (DOD).

That is also anti, cutting from our defense is what our Constitution says is the number one thing that our government should be doing. Dem's have always cut back in our military rather than cutting back on unfunded entitlements.

Prove it.

The Constitution says nothing about providing a military capable of establishing an empire. Quite the contrary. The two valid reasons for war are invasion and to quell insurrection. The Constitution also provides that the United States stays in keeping with International Laws and defends against acts of piracy on the high seas. But in terms of enumerated powers..the NUMBER ONE priority of the to "To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises".

So you've completely failed here.
"White folk done took this country," Wright said. "You're in their home, and they're gonna let you know it."

"You are not now, nor have you ever been, nor will you ever be a brother to white folk," he said. "And if you do not realize that, you are in serious trouble."

Wright referred to Italians as "Mamma Luigi" and "pizzeria." He said the educational system in America is designed by whites to miseducate blacks "not by benign neglect but by malignant intent."

He said Ethiopian Jews are despised by white Jews:

The civil-rights movement, Wright said, was never about racial equality: "It was always about becoming white . . . to master what [they] do." Martin Luther King, he said, was misguided for advocating nonviolence among his people, "born in the oven of America."

Read more:
Yup, but I was speaking of the Department of Defense (DOD).

That is also anti, cutting from our defense is what our Constitution says is the number one thing that our government should be doing. Dem's have always cut back in our military rather than cutting back on unfunded entitlements.

Prove it.

The Constitution says nothing about providing a military capable of establishing an empire. Quite the contrary. The two valid reasons for war are invasion and to quell insurrection. The Constitution also provides that the United States stays in keeping with International Laws and defends against acts of piracy on the high seas. But in terms of enumerated powers..the NUMBER ONE priority of the to "To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises".

So you've completely failed here.

I don't think that we are establishing an empire. I think that the troops that are stationed around the world is to help in defending us. But that's a matter of opinion.

Article Sec, I
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two years;
(although the 2nd part has been ignored for a very long time)
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and navel Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasion.
To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States.

Right after the Revolutionary War congress set up a retirement pension fund for our veterans.

This is part of the list of what our government is suppose to be doing.
To provide and maintain for our troops.

Not Social Entitlements and welfare.

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