Rev. Sharption support illegal aliens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Of all people Rev. Sharpton a representative of GOD should know the importance of obeying GOD’s laws and the laws of our representatives. We have immigration laws and they are in place for a reason and they are fair. Our immigration laws control immigration and if they were ignored this country would be over populated with people from third world countries and we simply cannot afford to take of all the world poor and our own.

Rev. Sharpton want to excuse 20 million illegal aliens who broke every one of our immigration laws. Poverty is no excuse to commit crimes and steal and our prisons and jails are full of those who do.

We send jobs to Mexico and billions in aid and Mexico’s unemployment is at a record high of 4.5% and no one is starving in Mexico. Economically we cannot afford illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens.

Religious leaders should not be encouraging criminal behavior but encourage and aid illegal aliens to do the right thing and go home, get in the line and enter legally. That is what the Christ I know would do.
What does Americans do when the going gets rough? They don’t catch a flight, they stay and fight. “The brave only die once but the coward die many times.” Mexicans don’t stay and fight for their country, they run away and hide in the shadows for years living in fear of deportation and instil that fear in their children who live day by day with the fear that their parents will one day not come home. What kind of parent would put their child through that kind of horror day after day? You see that fear in their little faces. Mexico do not want them back and who would want someone like that for a neighbor?

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