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The Crazy Climate Change Cultists are going to starve millions of people to death
Is this the way to feed or starve the world

I've been asking God for a worldwide EMP blast for years. Of course, I'd have to trade in my PC for a tin can with string in order to communicate with you all . . .
The Crazy Climate Change Cultists are going to starve millions of people to death
View attachment 648271
Cults depend on the 'hive' mentality' for the cults survival. The hive mentality works great for those vicious bald faced hornets but the hive mentality = death for humanity. The ONLY instance I can think of where the hive mentality works for humanity is in the military, especially when engaged in combat. You notice I said COMBAT which the aggressive/vicious left always seems to be engaged in. Cult + Hive Mentality = a combative situation every time(BLM/Antifa, Seattle, Portland etc). Good call on your part Trog, as usual!
Is this the way to feed or starve the world
Nothing wrong with a buckboard & a quality Morgan or mule(or two) for the horsepower. People still use them, notably the Amish folks back east. Below are six folks riding comfortably to their destination. If one has the acreage, hay(timothy is best) & livestock barn then why not? The ride into town would be slow but enjoyable(in good weather) & it's not costing five/six dollars per gallon for gasoline. I have no experience as a driver but one of my my neighbors does(competition/show) & I have to admit that her fancy buckboard is a NICE ride like even has springs under the seat not just on the axles!!! The only drawback to using one for occasional transportation on secondary public roads is that many of the folks driving motor vehicles do not know to slow down when passing a horse powered buckboard.

Nothing wrong with a buckboard & a quality Morgan or mule(or two) for the horsepower. People still use them, notably the Amish folks back east. Below are six folks riding comfortably to their destination. If one has the acreage, hay(timothy is best) & livestock barn then why not? The ride into town would be slow but enjoyable(in good weather) & it's not costing five/six dollars per gallon for gasoline. I have no experience as a driver but one of my my neighbors does(competition/show) & I have to admit that her fancy buckboard is a NICE ride like even has springs under the seat not just on the axles!!! The only drawback to using one for occasional transportation on secondary public roads is that many of the folks driving motor vehicles do not know to slow down when passing a horse powered buckboard.

Under the right circumstances I'm sure its a pleasant ride. But what about: Getting caught in the rain. Cold weather. Hot weather. Time-sensitive emergencies (ex: medical, fire).

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